Political Polarization Ruining Friendships

Enlighten me pol (my only real friends). I just had an argument with my friend of many years. He literally is a meme and says that Stalinism/Maoism is not real communism. I'm as Natsoc as pol but no one knows; everyone thinks I'm just a free market guy. I told him Sweden is 3rd highest in rapes, he said its complete bullshit and was scared to even google it so I had to GOOGLE IT FOR HIM to show him. Afterwards he said it's just discrimination against Muslim immigrants.
It was pretty heated (especially since we're friends) and it got nowhere since we were arguing semantics and he was trying to make me look bad by putting words in my mouth.

This would've never happened if his single mother and the Jew media didn't indoctrinate him. Finally I got up and left because I told him "I can't relate with you if you actually believe 100 million dead is not real communism". He proceeded to call be childish so I left.

I hate that everything is so polarised; multitudes of families split over a meme election in 2016 and people becoming greater ideologues instead of bridging gaps. How do we fix this mess pol? What do we do?

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>Friend demonstrates a lack of reasoning and is completely insular to his mates opinions and arguments.

Those friendships only ever go poorly, a political disagreement is probably the best way to end it.

at the end of the day it's just a political tv show. Forget politics, and live according to your personal principles (hopefully good ones which align with the laws of nature)

As for how to fix it. Fuck if I or anyone actually knows.

You're wrong. Capitalism gives us too much choice, for instance, deodorant. It's not good when you are walking down the grocery aisle and there are 100's of different deodorants to choose from. How can you possibly know what is going to be the best? All that time and effort going into such a meaningless choice, wouldn't we all be better off with one scientifically standardized product?

It's 2018 for goodness sake! Experts have the data and science to create the one deodorant that would maximize happiness for the most number of people! Think about the waste that goes on by all these different companies trying to create competing deodorants. If the new deodorant doesn't sell than it is a needless waste of resources. And if customers prefer it, then it just hurts the existing deodorant companies. And let's not forget the envy of those who aren't able to get the new deodorant and are stuck with the old brand. Either way competition is bad for everyone.

And that's only one product line, think of how much we could advance as a society if we took away all choices. Communism isn't even the right word for it! It's science! It's utopia! We will have to reeducate the people who want "freedom". Everything take's time to get used too after all. You would never have to live with the regret of making the wrong choice! That's true freedom.

Start saving for a helicopter. The best thing you can do for your friend now is a quick and painless death.

Funny thing is I've always beaten him in school academics (friends since beginning of high school). I've always done pretty well and he's not dumb just lacked compared to me. Since this whole time he's dick sucked me telling me how I'm much more intelligent than everyone else in the grade, and obviously gossips with me about other people who are retards in his eyes. Obviously he gossips behind my back but I decided to let it go. And I'm pretty sure he's damn envious of my success and his scraping by in life.

Moral is don't be friends with a sycophant.

it's ok brother :) you have real friends here.. you know we'd come through for you if you ever need anything

Yeah sounds like poor friendship, they never get out of the attitude and eventually the friendship becomes all about how you can convenience them over any actual camaraderie.

the most important advice is kys faggot.

Cunts like that are not worth keeping around. At the end of the day they will, no matter how small or insignificant, come to present a problem and the friendship will end anyway.

Which is why you were right to take the initiative and end it before he could get you in his crosshairs.

>I told him Sweden is 3rd highest in rapes, he said its complete bullshit and was scared to even google it so I had to GOOGLE IT FOR HIM to show him. Afterwards he said it's just discrimination against Muslim immigrants.

To be honest though, just as the Swedish authorities pretend there is no immigrant rape problem in Sweden, Jow Forums has blown it way out of proportion. The truth is somewhere in the middle, where Sweden is worse than most other countries in Europe due to the high levels of immigration, but the relative risk of rape in Sweden isn't an order of magnitude higher as people here seem to believe. This idea that Sweden is even remotely comparable to countries such as south Africa in rape prevalence is completely bonkers.

Of course, nobody wants to say this, because if you admit there's a rape problem due to immigration in Sweden you're a nazi, and if you claim every woman in Sweden isn't raped by 15 black men per day on Jow Forums you're a cuck.

I've recently been having the same problem, except it's a three way argument. I've started to slowly drop facts on the less cucked friend every now and then, it is hard as he is "trying to stay away from politics as it makes me angry" (literally taking the blue pill).
I would say the best way to deal with this is not make him come to your side, but try and get him in the centre first, start with things you agree with

heres a radical thought. your shitty ideology can affect you as a person and can skew your morals and view of the world. you are not entitled to friendships faggot

humor and synical jokes and non political correct slap stick jokes are our last and only hope.

if you're stupid enough you laugh at it and sees it as a couple of minutes that highlights your day.

if you're smart enough to really see the world for what it is, it's a couple of seconds of blissful ignorance behind the veil of truth. before the eventual return to reality.

admit it, you came here for the happenings. you stuck around for the funny non political correct jokes. now we can never leave. the ride never ends.

The scariest thing is he ended up being an NPC spouting nonsense he's heard from everyday commie speech. "Stalinism was just a fascist system and not real Marxism." "Even in capitalism not everyone is productive, but in communism everyone will want to work. "Have you even read the manifesto!1!!1" "How dare you say that women were happier when they were housewives, and statistics are all bullshit anyway so I don't believe you whatever statistics you tell me. "

I was worried about that happening to me. Then I realized that friends suck and are lame. Fuck them all. Now I just don't give a Fuck about anyone.

I actually came for the nigger hate threads.

How is he entitled? He had a friend who thinks the death of 100 million isn't communism, and tried to change his mind. OP said nothing that indicates that everyone should be his friend, in fact he said the opposite, he wants to make friends and build bridges.
If wanting to make friends is being entitled, then everyone who has a friend must be entitled.

Some friendships are great, I'm happy to say I'm extremely happy with enough of mine.

Ive had this happen to me a few times.

Some people are lost to brainwashing and cant be saved. If you really value his friendship, hug it out and avoid bringing it up. Not all of my friends agree with what i believe in but doesnt mean we cant still be buds. Good friends are hard to find.

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Build bridges, not walls

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You must demand of yourself what you demand of your friends.

Always choose truth, never choose a lie. Always choose forgiveness, never choose hate. And always act in love, never in anger. Do these three things and the right words and actions will come to you.

You can still be your perfect self.

That's some Sun Tzu advice right there user, good job
Also, checked

1. he believes that his friend has to believe the same shit as he does
2. youre entitled to ride on this cock

OP doesn't want his friend to believe the same shit he does (as his friend thinks he is a free market guy), OP just doesn't want him to be a commie.
OP is trying to bring opposing sides together while you're going "EnTitLeD" you aren't helping anyone here and I have a sneaky suspicion that you're projecting

>falling for the friend jew

Fix it? There is no fixing it you fuck!

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>Sweden is 3rd highest in rapes, he said its complete bullshit and was scared to even google it so I had to GOOGLE IT FOR HIM to show him. Afterwards he said it's just discrimination against Muslim immigrants.
So exactly what Yuri BeMenov said would happen.

Apparently the fix happens when commissar Jamal and Cleatus knock down the door and smack him in the head with a rifle but.

You have to be 18 to post here faggot, no one cares about your high school drama

Redpill your friends slowly and with jokes. I have a friend who didn't know much about politics and thought "communism seems pretty good". Now he hates it.

do this, and always play dumb and ask them innocent sounding questions. Phrase things ambiguously so any conclusions or assumptions they make are their own

Well, if you want to keep that friend then just avoid politics desu. All my friends are liberals/centrists at best yet I am most likely what would they call a fascist but, white supremacist and nationalist but they don't really care since I avoid talking about politics and when I do it's mostly just jokes desu

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OP man, some people involve politics too much in their lives. You need to distance yourself a bit I think.


Be tolerant and ask for tolerance, that's pretty much it
When a leftist becomes intolerant just point it to him, he will probably back up
>I tolerate your opinion so please tolerate mine
If he doesn't, act all upset about the supposed left "tolerance"

Your income, sex life, health doesn't depend on your political views however if you come to this site just to run away from the world your retarded friend will still have it better than you in the end irrespective of how full of shit he is right now with his virtue signalling.