Pedophilic "jokes" by Jr

Why would Trump Jr make, not only one, but three pedophile jokes in a row? By now we have learned that what these public figures are saying isn't merely provocative jokes, but really admitting to their crimes. And we also know talking about pziza isn't just about pizza.

>What did Trump Jr mean by this?

Attached: adSSDASADSAD.png (1428x760, 1.23M)

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you do realize a threesome is what you call 3 people playing golf, right?
> t. Caddy for 3 summers

that's literally golf terminology, you uncultured piece of shit.

the live of a few children is nothing for the asset that jr might be. for me, it all will be forgiven if they "1st amendmented" the internet.

>not understanding golf terminology
It must suck being poor

Hahaha good one m8

Leftist scum doesn't know about my golf lingo

Who wants to complete this THREESOME (Not trio?)
How many STROKES is Kai going to give tigerwoods & DTJ

No... nothing going on here ... Lets forget about this and start railing about people using pizza emojis and talking about hankerchiefs with maps. DIDF is very active

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Retard in America it's called threesome and foursome. Strokes are what's scored in golf. He's standing with fucking tiger woods hes just talking about golf.

It's also called "sexual innuendos" you fucking autist.
>A hot woman is petting her cat
>Guy says: "I want to touch her pussycat"
>user with autism thinks he means stroking the pet cat

Read between the lines, ofcourse you would make excuses if anyone in the trump family was a pedophile