Oh America

Oh America.

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Or maybe the expiry dates are not very long on them.

Would rather die hungry than eat poison.

To be fair, vegan food is pretty fucking awful.

Attached: wheeze.jpg (377x264, 22K)

>implying vegan garbage isnt hated across the globe

>>vegan """""""""""""""""food"""""""""""""""""
I'd rather starve tbqh

Fruits, vegetables, beans and grains are awful?

>doesn't taste good
>mostly GMO onions

The GMO fed meat isn't any better, but the point stands.

its cuz vegan food makes you gay

None of those things on the shelf are Fruits, vegetables, beans or grains soiboi

They're full of carbs, and carbs aren't keto.

Lol veggies BTFO

do they really taste that bad?

Attached: pepe (11).jpg (640x560, 49K)

Separately ? No. But when stewed together into a meat shape and then sold as a meat replacement for twice the price of the original product yes.

Vegans are so desperate to eat meat all their own food is copying meat.

A lot of vegan foods are basedfree. It's actually really easy to avoid.

I guess it's more expensive as well

i've never tried that stuff.
i think it's because it's 3x as expensive as everything else, so i don't really have much reason to even try it.

i've had a veggie burger that was good, but if it's going to cost me more i'll just eat a real burger

isnt that basically just onions mixed with different flavour chemicals?

keto is a meme for retards

I usuallly would laugh at fat mutts. But vegan food is shit and vegans are stupid snobbish pussies.


No u

> Industrial food

It all S0i based. It makes you a fag