Are you guys fucking READY for the EVERYTHING BUBBLE???

Are you guys fucking READY for the EVERYTHING BUBBLE???

Buckle up, Jow Forums!

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Other urls found in this thread:

next expected date is 2019-2020

>m-m-muh bubble

The market is always upward trending regardless. Outside of a complete societal collapse (unlikely) or you retiring right when the market crashes this bubble is nothing to be scared of. In fact it's a great time for people to invest since most of the other brainlets will be selling thinking it'll never recover, but in reality it always recovers and does better.

Finally, being a poorfag is going to pay off for me!

can't lose money if you have none

a literal kike

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Got crypto, my Bible and a bunch of guns.

the first one will not survive

>The market is always upward trending regardless
So is the martingale strategy in roulette. But it will end in unrecoverable losses sooner or later.

someone read his Taleb

>implying the space force program isn't going to send us to the year 3003

hey guido t. pastafag
the bubble MAY burst, but you know what because of population growth
china stripping africa of resources
china and india getting a strong middle class in 20 years
the stock market will NEVER completely crash and will continue to trend upwards FOREVER
the world economy will also trend upwards FOREVER
the only thing that will cause the stock market to crash is the complete destruction of all systems
>nukes hitting multiple countries
>a full scale alien invasion
>a full scale ai robot invasion

thats it

it's called
... they do increase you know
commie brainlets are pushing this meme
the bubble is just variance, it can be mitigated
it only has to drop back a year's gains slowly and rebuild back up and it'll be in line with baseline growth, but in this case ,much of it is hype and the fundamentals are way too fucking strong, they cannot break this one
if we can lean in hard on markets and stave off inflation then we'll undo all that kikery

This new crisis is coming during the revival of fascism
People will not just swallow it again

Prepare the popcorn

sell it and buy more guns.

Thats not possible without a majority white nation, and if you believe the census then I ask of you to just take note of the people around you the next time you go to a grocery store or some quick stop.

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Buy amazon now!!! DONT ARGUE WITH ME JUST BUY!!! it will soon hit 10k$$$$$

Why do people let a computer rule their world

We should just make the stock market be stable and force the chart to be economically good and do it in secret so that that traders don't know

It's just like a day at the races for them

Ahh my stocks won or lost

How will they know?


How everything can a bubble? Bubble happens because of a overhype (like housing, dot com etc)?

Overhype you mean overvalue

Well, we're boned

Globalists sent our industries to Asia...
So who's buying all the stuff Asia makes? Amerigoys, of course.

OK, so how can China encourage the American consumer to buy its output and keep its insects employed? Well, it can keep the yuan cheap versus the dollar, so Chinese goods remain cheap, and it can keep U.S. interest rates low so Americans can borrow money to keep buying more useless shit that Americans once made. How does China do this? By buying American Treasury bonds. Like everything else, currencies and bonds are ruled by supply and demand: lots of supply and no demand, the price drops. So if China started selling dollars, the dollar would drop, and if they didn't keep buying bonds, the interest rate would rise until enough buyers were tempted to invest in U.S. Treasury debt.

To keep propping up U.S. consumer spending, China and other exporters (of goods or oil) have been pouring their savings into U.S. bonds. To quote from the article: "Reserve accumulation by the (exporting nations) went from $116 billion in 2001 to $517 billion in 2004 and $600 billion in 2005, while the U.S. 2005-account (trade) deficit went from $390 billion to $800 billion."

In other words, as the U.S. trade deficit grows to unprecedented levels, the exporting nations are "in for a nickel, in for a dime"--they keep funneling hundreds of billions of dollars into U.S. bonds to keep U.S. interest rates cheap, enabling U.S. consumers to buy more of the goods we once made, that they now make

But the entire edifice is a house of cards

where has all this unprecedented flow of foreign money into the U.S. ended up? In real estate, which has experienced an unprecedented bubble valuation. All the savings of Asia and oil-exporting nations have flowed into what is the ultimate non-productive asset: U.S. housing

The US goy MUST spend money he does not have or all else is DEATH

The west started to decline exactly at the point when we transferred our industry and technology to mongoloids and poos

In the 50s, 60s, 70s, Whites transferred their industry and technology to Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and other Asian shitholes.

As a direct result of shifting White industries to Mongoloids, the US experienced the ‘Long Downturn’ deindustrialization era, which turned the West into the Rust Belt. After, 1973 the growth of output, investment, productivity and wages was 1/3 lower than during the previous quarter century, while unemployment levels were several times higher. The mongoloids who stole White technology were responsible for the decline of White civilization. Economically, the Mongoloids achieved overcapacity and overproduction in the international manufacturing sector, which led, by way of incessant downward pressure on prices, to reduced profitability – and the failure of successive attempts made by traitorous (((corporations))) and White governments successfully to respond to this.

To reiterate, the problem originated in the 60s as a consequence of transferring White industry to Yellows, which led to the intensification of international competition, which itself resulted from the stepped-up entry into the world market of lower-cost producers based in Asia.

Only ever greater doses of Keynesian deficit spending, thru debt-based bubbles inflating assets, prevented the onset of severe depression and societal collapse, but at the cost of runaway inflation, unemployment, immigration, demographic replacement, and declining standard of living.

I think this is an important question. Generally the answer for a bubble is that there is a fraudulent market. For everything to be in a bubble the entire market would be overstating its value in every sector.

It's just a low IQ conflation where trend=bubble. In reality, there's only a few bubbles to speak of in the west and those are characteristically difficult to burst.

The fundamental source of crisis is the diminishing vitality of White economies spanning the last 40 year business cycle, a result of sending White industries to Yellows/Browns

As a result of offshoring White industries, the West experienced Rust Belt, stagnation, and was thrust into a depressionary period known as the "Long downturn". The long-term weakness of capital accumulation and of aggregate demand was rooted in the declining profitability of capital, stemming from an oversupply in global manufacturing-- a direct result of transferring White industries to Asia and Latinos. White industries that were once solely based in the West, were transferred to agrarian, primitive races, who never reached industrialization on their own. White industries were copied throughout the 3rd world which resulted in severe excess in production, due to uncontrolled, exponential population growth of the primitive 3rd world

The offshoring of White industry to Asia coordinated with the severing of the post-war Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971 signalled the profitability crisis of industrial capitalism’s Fordist ruling contract was coming under acute stress. Neoliberal geopolitical shifts to Asia, unfettered by race realism and buoyed by military-industrial expansion, White capital, from your private bank accounts, began to colonise Asia

The 1980s ushered in more globalism by White nations to combat the ongoing turmoil of stagflation, resulting from offshoring White industries. Governments pushed deindustrialisation, higher unemployment, White population reduction, suicides, homosexuality, mass migration, demographic replacement, and austerity measures, as they sought to alleviate the globalist crisis by resorting to greater borrowing and subsidising demand of offshored products. However, stagnation intensified and debt escalated, and a wave of devastating socio-economic crises rocked White nations throughout the following 3 decades

Previous thread for those who want to read more:

>In fact it's a great time for people to invest

Sure, Shlomo, a recession is a GREAT time to invest. Nice meme flag too.

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If a foreign power wanted to destroy the economic foundations of our nation, the enemy would set up an economic conflagration of unequalled size and ferocity by taking all our industries and having the US govt borrow from foreign governments and investors whose interests may diverge from America's--for instance, China and most oil-producing nations.

In order to freely trade with Asia, the yids and insects demanded that Whites make concessions:

1) Open our borders
2) Transfer our industry to shitskins
3) Denounce the White race and Elevate shitskins
4) Promote increased migration of shitskins and replace Whites with shitskins
5) Allow shitskins to acquire our housing, businesses, jobs, and assets
6) Reduce the population of Whites

>Since the Kissenger-Mao sex act, US transferred atleast 90 million of our jobs overseas
>Bush has borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the previous 42 presidents combined

The problem is the moving of manufacturing overseas and the US economy being nothing but non-productive finance, insurance, and real estate. An economy that can only exist due to the USD being the currency that oil is traded in, which is only possible due to US military supremacy. Once, the bubble pops, the Fed-backed Hedge fund cronies repossess the goyim's houses and assets

(((Greenspan))) and (((Bernanke))) started the neofeudal era. now serfs are living under wall street bankster mega-landlords-- the ones who started the ponzi scheme and then came in to steal the assets from the goyim.

Ever since 2011, banksters, thru their private-equity hedge fund firms, are buying up all houses and monopolizing the housing resources.

This big business of buying massive numbers of single-family homes and financializing dwellings got started in late 2011, initiated and supported by the Federal Reserve as part of its efforts to monopolize the housing market. Bernanke pitched this scheme inorder to monopolize housing resources.

The Federal Reserve directed private equity firms (controlled by banksters) to steal millions of homes for cents on the dollar.

tl;dr (((they))) created a collapse to enslave goyim and usher in feudalism ruled by the Master Yid

Its a bank scam......the Fed creates a bubble crash which their cronies rush in to steal the houses from the goyim

once they foreclose on all those taxpayer backed homes, they sell them to rich investors (cronies such as REITs, Private Equity firms, Institutional investors), who in turn open huge rental businesses that charge exorbitant rent......

And if you dont think its a scam, then splain why mortgages charge most of the interest up front on the loan.....

People don`t realize in a fiat money system, their taxes and costs of living keep rising, while their incomes go down do to the intentional depreciation of their currency........scam

Wall Street vulture firms used their free FedBux gambling money to buy up the distressed assets of the proles following the 2008 Crash, then turned around and rented them out at jacked-up rates. Of course, being grifters, they were also sh*tty landlords with a business model of screwing over their tenants, so not surprisingly they’re getting sued and tenants are damaging properties at an alarming rate

>Once, the bubble pops, the Fed-backed Hedge fund cronies repossess the goyim's houses and assets

and the US erupts into civil war

Simultaneously destroying USD position as reserve currency and US military supremacy (can't fight a war abroad when there's a war at home)

Globalism is really just economic warfare by arabs/chinks/poos against whites.

If everyone expects a bubble to pop, it's not a bubble anymore. An actual popping bubble would take place when it's least expected and it will pave way to mass suicides, "reactionary" movements and such.

The international global ((capitalists))) sold out the future to communist china, that is, you must enslave yourself as much as the Chinese in order to earn property. They've socially engineered your lives through economics and pop culture to rob this generation so most of you will never reach the amount of economic gain previous generations did, they're robbing you, and then blaming it on you, you guys should really actually be pissed, essentially signing away your future to China, and then telling you it's your fault

Many of the indicators may be the same, but the character of the crisis is very different now from what it was in 2008.

real estate prices now exceed their early 2008 levels. 10,000,000 people have already lost their homes. That’s what economists call housing moving from weak hands into strong, and they applaud that because instead of families buying homes that are way beyond their ability to pay the mortgage on, these houses have already been lost or foreclosed and Blackstone bought them, and other hedge funds bought them. They bought them with crash-cash scheme eniterley designed and subsidised by the Fed.

about 10,000,000 families lost their homes in the 2007-2008 crash, and most of these homes were bought by Fed cronies like Wall Street hedge funds such as the ones organized by Blackstone. The hedge funds didn’t resell the housing that they stole for nothing, but hung onto them and rented them instead.

These Wall Street landlords have an achilles heel. They are vulnerable to property damage by the enslaved goyim. The future will see a revolt of tenant serfs who extort the banksters by constantly damaging the property of the Wall Street landlords.

The housing assets of the Wall Street landlord is the exposed belly that will get disemboweled by the enslaved goyim tenant

>I would rather have bots for many of these jobs. Germany is inviting 1 million asians to care for the eldery in the next decades. Thats 25k people per year.

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Millions of good jobs have been shipped overseas shitholes for decades. Without good jobs, the American middle class cannot support chink plastic shit with the bizarre debt spiral that has kept the U.S. economy going for so long.

What is ultimately going to happen is that the financial authorities will flood the money supply with tons of cash in an effort to “print” our way out of the economic crisis. But all that will do is cause hyperinflation and will absolutely destroy the value of the dollar. All of the accumulated wealth of the American people will disintegrate before their eyes as their dollars quickly become worthless.

So, no, the future is not pretty.

And that is what we will be documenting on Jow Forums.

A global economic collapse is coming and it is going to rip the world apart

The financial elites at the top of our neofeudal economy have optimized protecting their skims and scams above all else; their focus is rigging the system in their favor and so productivity is of no concern to them.

If we look at the economy as a whole, we find it is dominated by monopolies and cartels, public and private. No wonder overall productivity is declining: there are no feedback loops or mechanisms to enforce transparency, accountability or pressures to improve efficiency and productivity gains on these neofeudal, extortionist structures

Globalists sent our industries overseas and imported millions of shitskins to take our jobs and prop up a debt-based ponzi scheme.

Once you move an economy from production to debt-based consumption, it shouldn’t be surprising that nothing is really done to rein in housing bubbles-- its the focal point of the immigration ponzi scheme

>there are no feedback loops or mechanisms to enforce transparency, accountability or pressures to improve efficiency and productivity gains on these neofeudal, extortionist structures

Are you fucking high? All the signs and information is out there and basically smacking people in the face. This is where the whole "NPC" meme comes in.. People get their beer, cigarettes, weed, instagram, porn, etc, you have all the ingredients to keep a human gear occupied and turning.

The (((Fed)))’s engineered boom-bust cycles every eight years or so have been the most efficacious means of transferring the wealth and assets of the increasingly pauperized middle and working classes to the Fed’s oligarch partners in crime. The (((Wall Street-Federal Reserve))) Looting Syndicate, aided and abetted by smuggling migrants, captured regulators, enforcers, and “public servants” (cough) have used these rigged and manipulated “markets” to set up another massive pump & dump; now that the last of the retail-investor muppets have been suckered in, it seems likely that (((Goldman Sachs))) will order its helmet-haired hobbit at the Fed to hike rates and implode the Ponzi, enabling the Great Goyim Slaughter to commence.

We will not have honest markets, sound money, or a future for our children as long as the (((Fed)) exists and is free to conduct its swindles and scams with impunity

after QE1, 2, 3 and the trillion plus in mortgage bonds that were purchased to drive down rates and reflate prices. Of course there are local factors dictating on how the various distortions manifested, but the unfortunate reality is that the Federal Reserve has DESTROYED asset price discovery and any concept of “markets” in general. Why? Well, any thinking person can surmise a guess at who the FED is interested in saving, protecting.

More than anything else that has raised housing is speculation founded on infinite migration, from cronies with ACCESS to money that 90% of Americans have NO access to. (((Banks))), (((hedge funds)), REITs, those 1%ers and the like drove housing to this level as if they were collecting free Fed bux.

Rinse and repeat, until the globalists ends up owning everything is measured in angstroms

ZIRP and QE around the world, enormous amounts of money is going to the asset class and corporations but not working people. Assets prices are skyrocketing, because of more free money

I don't see why you're trying to disagree with him when your statement agrees with him.

Then how do you figure trump fits into this with his plan to bring manufacturing back to the US?

Assuming Trump can last an entire 8 years, what would you see as the consequence from that?

The currencies have already collapsed in relationship to asset prices. That’s what asset price inflation mean

Central banks will let their currencies collapse long before they let assets collapse. Rich people don’t care because they own everything – they will be fine when central banks try to start all over again with new currencies (and why not, it seems to work for Argentina).

In the US corporations don’t need to “make” money any more. Many (most?) exist solely as a medium to bet on, kind of like race horses, and have little intrinsic value as business enterprises. I think this will go on until some black swan event that can’t be controlled occurs. Until then the money will be printed (digitally mostly as balances in computers) and absorbed by an increasingly wealthy small percentage of the population. It is financial nirvana.

The FED has found a way to “print” (digitally generate) enormous amounts of money without causing “general” inflation by restricting the distribution to a small percentage of the population. So the people getting the money can bid up these assets ad infinitum. And since the average American doesn’t seem that unhappy about getting poorer, I don’t see why this can’t go on for quite a while

There's been enormous inflation. Greenspan walks around saying there's no inflation, but that is based on the Consumer Price Index. They've taken all the assets out -- housing has gone through the roof, my steak has gone through the roof, oil has gone through the roof. In 1997, the price of oil was $10 per barrel -- now it's $57. If that's not inflation, I don't know what is.

corporations are being subsidized by their states–monetarily by their central banks with free money and fiscally by their governments with more and more tax cuts

I’m out of the stock market now

perhaps I should clarify, his 2nd statement isn't true because of his first statement. All the mechanisms, transparency, whatever.. We've already got it. The problem is our society as a whole actively chooses not to bother, and all of us on Jow Forums are too frustrated to act.. Or some shit, I don't know.

This is the big gripe people have with the whole BOOMERS meme.. For most of us here, our parents were boomers and spent their time worrying about their next annual vacation rather than bothering to check in with the state of the country.

>ZIRP and QE around the world, enormous amounts of money is going to the asset class and corporations but not working people. Assets prices are skyrocketing, because of more free money

If only the American people would stop buying cheap garbage, we could literally solve that problem tomorrow.

Stop buying Chinese made goods.

Except unlike in roulette where the pot doesn’t increase, the Jews are constantly printing money via their central banks causing asset prices to rise and goyim who earn wages in cash to get relatively poorer.

As someone who lived through both bubbles, I do see a lot of similarities and welcome a 'restart'.

>tfw peak stuff, peak consumerism, and peak debt

Return to sustainability when?

>Complete societal collapse

Heh, are you in the same place I am?

It won't be a restart, just more ripping off the public

Probably after the mass die-offs from exceeding local carrying capacities of various nations/states/provinces/regions

I dunno mate I don't think a Bible will fetch you enough money to buy a gun.

>>tfw peak stuff, peak consumerism, and peak debt
>Return to sustainability when?

Around 2150

I guess, knocks those who are (((overextended))) down a notch. The real winner is the bank.
>Get down deposit for a house
>Make up the rest of the amount thanks to DSCR
>Collect usury
>Get house if someone misses a payment
>Sell house

>be bank
>Get one million fresh off the press for free
>Leverage it up to 7-9 times
>Completely legal
>Actually charge interest on said 9 millions

How is this not a bubble in itself

I hope the world collapses and gets destroyed on a nuclear war

Trump is 1 person fighting against an army of globalist demons and he is losing. The US public is not physically revoluting against the globalist demons. There is no RWDS.

Trump is slowly becoming complacent with globalists such as neocohens. He makes concessions in order to fight the personal attacks against him.

do you think the West would experience collapse, stagflation, if we kept our White industries in England, US, and Germany?

The rise of Japan, China, Korea, Russia... was created by the transfer of White industry to the primitive Asiatics.
Had we kept our industries, we would have continued to prosper, instead of experiencing stagflation, depressions, and the collapse of Western civilization.
Without White industries, the primitive agrarian asiatics would have all starved to death along time ago, and would have never threatened our economy or our existence.

The living standard has gone down with an increase in internationalist politics not up. Compare the power of the dollar, real estate prices, community safety and debt to the 50s, 60s and you can see it become marginally worse. The only thing internationalism has done is given us the illusion of comforts with thousands upon thousands of cheap consumer goods

Wow, a business offloaded it's costs onto another country to save money... woah, dude... my almonds are fully activated, it's like i've never seen that before

We're fucked
Even Roubini can't hide it anymore
Nobel prize

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God damn, it's like a business is trying to make a profit, and is not concerned with the feelings of dipshits that think they're entitled to their earnings who have literally no input to their company while they also pay taxes amounting to more than you'd ever earn per year... shiiiieeeett this is da powa of Jow Forums IQ

the real redpill is that the economy is on life support since 2007 and it never recovered structurally since then

Over the course of the past decade, the global economy has recovered from the 2008 financial crisis by riding a wave of debt and liquidity injections from the major central banks. Yet in the absence of steady wage growth and productive investments in the real economy, the only direction left to go is down.

Thanks to the trillions of dollars of liquidity that major central banks have pumped in to the global economy over the past decade, asset markets have rebounded, company mergers have gone into overdrive, and stock buybacks have become a benchmark of managerial acumen.

By contrast, the real economy has spluttered along through ephemeral bouts of optimism and intermittent talk of downside risks. And while policymakers tell themselves that high housing prices and stock prices will boost average incomes, the fact is that most of the gains have already been captured by those at the very top of the pyramid

Over the course of the past decade, the global economy has recovered from the 2008 financial crisis by riding a wave of debt and liquidity injections from the major central banks. Yet in the absence of steady wage growth and productive investments in the real economy, the only direction left to go is down.

Thanks to the trillions of dollars of liquidity that major central banks have pumped in to the global economy over the past decade, asset markets have rebounded, company mergers have gone into overdrive, and stock buybacks have become a benchmark of managerial acumen.

By contrast, the real economy has spluttered along through ephemeral bouts of optimism and intermittent talk of downside risks. And while policymakers tell themselves that high housing prices and stock prices will boost average incomes, the fact is that most of the gains have already been captured by those at the very top of the pyramid.

corporations are being subsidized by their states–monetarily by their central banks with free money and tax cuts

The central banks and their policy of free money have created their own contradictions however. They have enriched the rich as never before, but have enabled and fueled the bubbles that threaten it all. After 8 years of pumping free money into private banks, corporations, and investors, the US central bank has this past year begun a desperate effort to raise interest rates and try to slow the flow of liquidity from the ‘free money firehose’ since 2008 that have produced a tripling of corporate profits, a quadrupuling of US stock prices, bitcoin and crypto currency bubbles, and $6 trillion of corporate bond debt issuance, passed on to shareholders in dividend and stock buyback payouts. But the massive money and capital income growth has produced financial asset bubbles that are now growing alarmingly as well

Central banks have enabled their wealth acceleration by providing virtually free money for them to invest in financial markets through borrowing (debt) and leverage. Government tax cutters also let them keep more and more of the free money, profits, and their financial capital gains. Financial bubbles are the consequence. More and more financial writers have begun to write articles in the mainstream business press forewarning of the growing bubbles that are the engines of the the super-rich wealth acceleration

The global financial bubbles–in stocks, bonds, currencies (crypto and real), derivatives, real estate, etc.– have been fueled since 2008 by capitalist central banks–led by the US Federal Reserve and followed even more aggressively by the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan. Central bank ‘free’ money has boosted stock and other financial asset prices into bubble territory and produced historic capital gains profits for corporations, professional investors, and the wealthiest 1% households in the US and worldwide.

We seem to believe that expensive housing is a social good. We don’t think the same about cars, groceries, medical care or any of the other necessities of modern life. Dirty money hiding in your housing sector perhaps even letting units stand empty, well I could see that as a bad thing

capitalism shifted from a market society to a hierarchical system owned by a cartel of corporations: the Technostructure. Run by a global elite that usurped markets, fixed prices and controlled demand, the Technostructure replaced the New Deal’s full employment objective with that of GDP growth

You can find a good ponzi way to pretend there is growth, by artificially increasing real estate prices thru mass migration aka globalist ponzi scheme

you cannot just have this exponential growth the ponzi system requires without increasing population drastically, then, even if the overall prosperity of population drops but the GDP grows it's all fine. Now how can you drastically increase population... Right, immigration.

The ponzi central banking system is to blame for most our problems, the faster we realise it the better it'll be for us

Mass immigration and housing bubbles, they are closely linked. It is not a bug, it is a globalist design feature. Until goyim in the developed world understand that and vote Nationalistically, their standard of living and quality of life will continue to detiorate and decline to 3rd world standards.

the banksters and globalists are creating dangerously unstable housing bubbles and promoting speculation propped up by mass immigration to the detriment of society and stability

I started investing in crypto right before it crashed, so I assume the same thing will happen to me again with the stock market.

Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
>this is the 21st century Iconoclasm
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
>THEY want to surpass you
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy

You are way more important than you think you are
>you have free thought, inner voice and an abstract mind
You are a direct threat to the A.I
>good job!!!

"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody... which do you choose"

Defeat THEM by never backing down

Enjoy and redpill

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Okay, anons who are in the know. I'm in a unique position (not that unique amongst this board but in general). I'm making an okay wage, nothing spectacular but it's okay, I have no gf (feelsbadman) and I have given up all vices like tobacco, weed, alcohol, cocaine. I have done enough travelling. I cba with festivals anymore. I'm 30 years old and I've decided to grow up and become business Chad.

How much money should I have saved before the crash, what are the most reliable ways to keep/safeguard it and what are some industries/sectors/companies/stocks to invest in after to make easy returns?


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>financial knowledge = kike
Keep bonin your cousin fampai

money toxic derivatives and succeeded in ensuring that the market price of toxic shitskins and derivatives was rising fast, which would hyperinflate the housing bubble. Europe and Australia was dying to import shitskins and buy these lucrative derivatives and did so with dollars that they were borrowing from… Wall Street. In August 2007, Wall Street entered its annus horribilis (which culminated in September 2008 with Lehman’s collapse) when, as it was inevitable, the price of these toxic derivatives began to fall, but the toxic shitskins continued to flood the Western system without notice....

It’s worse than that. The financial elites have completely captured the institutions of governance, including the Establishment political parties, who on behalf of their oligarch donors allow lobbyists for the latter to draft legislation to facilitate neoliberal economic policies and the unfettered looting of sovereign peoples and nations. The captured media, for its part, keeps the sheeple distracted with mindless entertainment while purveying lies and propaganda intended to influence rather than inform, while labeling opponents of globalism and neoliberalism as “far right” to stifle legitimate challenges to the Oligopoly status quo.

When demand increases because of shitskin migration, rents rise, and pressure on infrastructure rise.

At the same time, the entry of immigrants increases downward pressure on wages.

Additionally, immigrants have access to fed printed money.

Whether it offends you or not, immigration has a negative, hyperinflative effect on the housing market. specifically, White Americans are paying a heavy price in terms of higher rents, lower wages, traffic, and crime as a result of overcrowding by shitskins from Asia and Latin America.

Meanwhile, this has puts upward pressure on rents and housing.

Nothing in econ happens in a vacuum.

>it's a great time for people to invest

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Buy gold/silver bullion. This is the only way to preserve wealth during a crash. It should be called the "currency bubble" or the "money bubble" because (what we call money, but is actually) currency is debt. National debt. Its the national debt that devalues currency.

Buy gold and silver and you are protected from that devaluation

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>>If everyone expects a bubble to pop, it's not a bubble anymore.
everyone KNEW 2008 was coming, and it still happened.

Are you 12?

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Of course they get subsidized, they're almost guaranteed to make their respective country money between recession cycles. You think the government pays them to LOSE money? There are far more factors involved here than you let on with your critisisms, literally everyone makes money here, especially the importers, the car salesmen, the mechanics, part departments, vehicle liscensors all the way down to the fucking car cleaners.

Just stop posting this utter horse shit, a car will literally earn your own country more money than the country producing it over it's lifetime you fuckwit

Globalists sent our jobs, industry, technologies, and wealth to locusts overseas.
And replaced the productive, manufacturing economy with a fake, ponzi economy based on asset (stocks/houses) speculation.
To increase price of house they import millions of shitskins.
Housing is one of the reasons (((they))) keep pushing immigration. So the ponzi economy keeps growing. So bankssters keep getting paid. Its sick and fucked up

the deinndustrialization of US started with Kissinger/Nixon/Rockefeller's globalist shift to China and also Taiwan/Korea/Japan. the steel belt became the rust belt in the 70s due to their policies.

the clintons continued rockefeller's policies (including NAFTA)

the "Rust Belt" is a term that gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s, resulting from Rockefeller's globalist policies.

Since the 1960s, the expansion of Rockefeller's worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries (china) with cheap foreign labor

Beginning with the recession of 1970–71, a new pattern of deindustrializing economy emerged.
Nixon/Rockefeller China project went to full swing in the 1980s.

Nixons China policy resulted in gradual expansion of the U.S. trade deficit with China in the 1980s. In the ensuing years the U.S. developed a massive trade deficit with the East Asian nations of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. As a result, the traditional manufacturing workers in the region have experienced economic upheaval. This effect has devastated government budgets across the U.S and increased corporate borrowing to fund retiree benefits.

Wont happen again. Ever.
Enjoy life and prosperity.

What good is the market and stocks going on sale when people lose their jobs?

she'll be right mate we'll just print more money

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black lotus magic the gathering cards
priceless off the record assets

subject to confiscation by govt and roving band of killers

There was a fatal flaw in the economics of globalisation.

The 1920s roared with debt based consumption and speculation until it all tipped over into the debt deflation of the Great Depression.

No one realised the problems that were building up in the economy as they used an economics that doesn’t look at private debt, neoclassical economics.

It is still the same.

Neoliberalism was a one way trip and we’ve reached the final destination, a debt saturated world.

Its success has come from bringing future prosperity into today with debt.

At 25.30 mins we can see the super imposed the debt-to-GDP ratios.

The end is nigh.

the current neoliberal globalist economy is entirely dependent on Fed easy money policies thru low interest rates. The Fed is the entire source of the neoliberal ponzi economy. Once the free money stops, the entire fake economy returns to severe depression.

Before the globalist economy, there was a native, protectionist economy based on domestic manufacturing and production. The protectionist manufacturing economy was the source that stimulated the nation and was not dependent on Fed to stimulate the economy thru neoliberal ponzi schemes.

In contrast, today, the neoliberal globalist economy is entirely dependent on debt-based easy credit thru low interest rates to stimulate the non-existent economy.

>College/Student Loans

Not exactly everything, but it's gonna be a big boom when it happens.

Yes, from a certain perspective it's a giant vendor financing scam.

i still dont understand the general concept of shipping out all of your production
"we will sit around giving eachother handjobs and they will keep shipping us goods in exchange for nothing"

>>How much money should I have saved before the crash
money is worthless lol
it's just numbers in 2018

buy gold or something

The USA drank the reserve currency koolaid.

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

There is a debt bubble. Quite a large one really.

Offshoring white industries resulted in growing inequality in the US. The political system responded by keeping credit cheap, to encourage both continued consumption and asset ownership, leading in turn to the sub-prime housing market bubble. Cheap credit also flowed from failures of understanding. China’s entry into the world trading system (following its membership of the World Trade Organization in 2001) had flooded western markets with low-priced goods and surging domestic unemployment which caused inflation to moderate. Policymakers patted themselves on the back for this, crediting low inflation to their own inflation-fighting policies. With no real domestic industries left, to stimulate the dead economy, interest rates were cut to their lowest level in decades, prompting financial players to look for better returns through greater leveraging (thus increasing risk) and by playing in areas and with instruments they did not understand.

>transfer industry to mongoloids in the 70s
>civilization experiences severe stagnation and dramatic decline in innovation as a result

Gordon says the modern world was built during the "special White century" from 1870 to 1970. That is when it saw all the real life bang-for-buck improvements, like flushing toilets, telephones, TV, central heating, antibiotics, cars and even office-based working. After we sent our industries to primitives in Asia, we experienced a decline in improvements and productivity.

From 2000 to 2015, despite the tech age, Gordon says US income growth slowed right down to 1.3 per cent. He expects it to fall to 0.7 per cent over the next 25 years.

Robert Gordon, a professor at Northwestern University in Illinois, goes even further in his book, The Rise and Fall of American Growth.

tl;dr Yellows cant into creativity and Whites got genocided by industry transfer

>Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China

Kennedy literally had to go

>subject to confiscation
dont tell them you have it. Tell them you sold any they think you have. Hide it or bury it.

The gold confiscation laws in the past had the lowest participation of any law ever

I'm not convinced that this will be as apocalyptic as some are making it out to be. Trump has had two years to jawbone investors and companies into limiting their exposure to foreign markets, which have been seeing slowdown recently anyway, and ramping up domestic production for domestic consumption.

We might see a small dip in some areas and a cooling of growth in tier one markets like DFW, but otherwise we'll be in and out fast

>dont tell them you have it. Tell them you sold any they think you have. Hide it or bury it.
you can't buy gold without it being traced today, unless you buy on the black market, at which point you risk your life since thugs now you have money now

by 2020, the conditions will be ripe for a financial crisis, followed by a global recession.

There are 10 reasons for this. First, the fiscal-stimulus policies that are currently pushing the annual US growth rate above its 2% potential are unsustainable. By 2020, the stimulus will run out, and a modest fiscal drag will pull growth from 3% to slightly below 2%.

Second, because the stimulus was poorly timed, the US economy is now overheating, and inflation is rising above target. The US Federal Reserve will thus continue to raise the federal funds rate from its current 2% to at least 3.5% by 2020, and that will likely push up short- and long-term interest rates as well as the US dollar.

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Meanwhile, inflation is also increasing in other key economies, and rising oil prices are contributing additional inflationary pressures. That means the other major central banks will follow the Fed toward monetary-policy normalisation, which will reduce global liquidity and put upward pressure on interest rates.

Third, the Trump administration’s trade disputes with China, Europe, Mexico, Canada and others will almost certainly escalate, leading to slower growth and higher inflation.

Fourth, other US policies will continue to add stagflationary pressure, prompting the Fed to raise interest rates higher still. The administration is restricting inward/outward investment and technology transfers, which will disrupt supply chains. It is restricting the immigrants who are needed to maintain growth as the US population ages. It is discouraging investments in the green economy. And it has no infrastructure policy to address supply-side bottlenecks.

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I don't think nearly enough manufacturing has come back to the US.

It will take longer than trumps' two terms to get all the manufacturing back and that's with a will to do it. Whereas right now we have globalists fighting tooth and nail to stymie everything Trump's doing.

Fifth, growth in the rest of the world will likely slow down – more so as other countries will see fit to retaliate against US protectionism. China must slow its growth to deal with overcapacity and excessive leverage; otherwise a hard landing will be triggered. And already-fragile emerging markets will continue to feel the pinch from protectionism and tightening monetary conditions in the US.

Sixth, Europe, too, will experience slower growth, owing to monetary-policy tightening and trade frictions. Moreover, populist policies in countries such as Italy may lead to an unsustainable debt dynamic within the eurozone. The still-unresolved “doom loop” between governments and banks holding public debt will amplify the existential problems of an incomplete monetary union with inadequate risk-sharing. Under these conditions, another global downturn could prompt Italy and other countries to exit the eurozone altogether.

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Thanks for your efforts man.
God bless.

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Seventh, US and global equity markets are frothy. Price-to-earnings ratios in the US are 50% above the historic average, private-equity valuations have become excessive, and government bonds are too expensive, given their low yields and negative term premia. And high-yield credit is also becoming increasingly expensive now that the US corporate-leverage rate has reached historic highs.

Moreover, the leverage in many emerging markets and some advanced economies is clearly excessive. Commercial and residential real estate is far too expensive in many parts of the world. The emerging-market correction in equities, commodities, and fixed-income holdings will continue as global storm clouds gather. And as forward-looking investors start anticipating a growth slowdown in 2020, markets will reprice risky assets by 2019.

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Right, but you can claim you sold it for cash at one of these "cash for gold places" or for cash in person

I have my bitcoins

>you can claim you sold it for cash at one of these "cash for gold places"
they are mandated to issue you a receipt.

do you think this is a motherfucking game?
hell you live in "loicense" land