STATUS: Location: 34.1°N 77.0°W Moving: NW at 6 mph Min pressure: 954 mb Max sustained: 90 mph
Next advisory at 2:00 AM EDT
>Nearly all >of the track models agree that Florence will turn westward or >west-southwestward during the next 36 hours, bringing the >hurricane's center inland over extreme southern North Carolina and >extreme eastern South Carolina Friday and Friday night.
this has to be one of the most pathetic hurricane showings ever.
Carson Thompson
Hurty Grandpa
Ethan Adams
Is it a nothing-burger y/n?
Brayden Clark
I’m in Raleigh. Was expecting it to be bad. Nothing of the sorts is happening. At this rate I’m not even going to day drink, and I bought enough booze for several people to stay drunk for an entire weekend!
Assume you will lose power for a few days, and relax with your newfound acceptance. Katrina went over Florida as a Category 1, and power in some places was out for more than a week. Category 1 storms don't necessarily tear your house apart, but if your trees are too close to power lines they will completely fuck your power grid.
why do we as humans personify hurricanes and give them names? they are not pets
Ethan Wood
rip flip
Zachary Diaz
cheese niggers desperate for an ocean experience?
Michael Ortiz
Henry Young
Before weather radar, hurricane tracking was performed by sailors encountering them. Sailors are men. No women. Give them women names because they're thinking about women.
Adrian Mitchell
what an annoying ass soundtrack
Aiden Reed
Rest in Pines
Nolan Brown
yes nigger..
i was there last year and was hugely disappointed by the lack of dead people
now i'm back and i'm getting disappointed by the hour.
they promised me humans literally getting ripped to shreds by this """hurricane"""
guess i'll have to come over myself and obliterate you faggots since no hurricane has the balls
Brayden Rodriguez
Here in Florida we have hurricane parties when that shit hits
hurricane irma was supposed to btfo florida but instead it was just raining like on a normal rainy day.
Brandon Roberts
Shut up faggot - theycan't leave for fear of looters
Christopher Peterson
>Is it happening? >>>
not really, some people have or will lose power, but NC and SC in general don't flood like crazy and the wind is dying down.
Elijah Gonzalez
nobody promised you best you will see niggers looting...3000 Puerto Ricans died last year and not a damn one of them was on cam
Gabriel Garcia
Neat! Back in the day when my dad had to service the lighthouse he would have to take a helicopter ride with a couple other guys and spend the week there working on whatever it was they had to fix. They packed guns and ammo in their bags and spent hours shooting skeet and the occasional shark. Sounded /comfy/ desu.
Jaxson Anderson
goddamn dat bitch prepared good bitch
Xavier Watson
It did BTFO Naples when it hit, but it's low-population compare to Miami. I took quite a bit of damage on the Atlantic coast east of Orlando (so halfway up the peninsula).
Julian Foster
True. Loss of power screws up a lot of modern conveniences, and power companies never have enough linemen on staff to repair the grid on such a massive scale. That’s why the mutual aid compacts between exist.
When Katrina knocked out my power for a week it was a South Carolina truck and crew that restored it. Saw crews from all over the Southeast and beyond working on repairs. Hopefully it won’t be that bad but it will make normal life not normal for a while at the least.
Camden Fisher
working ocean cam? or any interesting cam?
Grayson Hall
Just got into work, fags. Any updates? I went to bed about an hour or two after the BP incident.
yeah, I saw him raking in those shekels. People were bitching about it, but I'd rather people give him their money over some faggotty video game nigger or e-thot.
the abnormality can be dealt with if you prepared well: if you can cook with gas or charcoal, and have access to a good supply of water (nonpotable water from mains or stored water included) you can deal with the lack of climate control better than you would expect. In fact, if your local mains retain pressure a cold shower is exactly what you want after a summer day with no air conditioning.
Isaac Cooper
One of the storms is on track to hit Great Britain on Tuesday of next week, as a tropical storm.
Andrew Clark
At least they can get high as fuck whilst they die
really sad because one day you are dead and you can't enjoy these things anymore
Ethan Bailey
>When Katrina knocked out my power for a week it was a South Carolina truck
a few years ago an ice storm knocked our trailer park out for about a week, and it was freezing the whole time. On day five, I was going into town, and saw a truck with three linemen in the front seat taking a break. I asked "do you want anything, sausage biscuits?", and they held up a bojangles box and said "nah, thanks".
then one said "I could use a beer. They don't let us drink at the hotel" (they were from SC). Another one piped up "I'm fucking dried out man".
So I went to the liquor store and got Jack Daniels and some vodka, then found a cold case of Bud, and headed back. They were still there, and said "cool it man, that guy in the other truck is an asshole", so we stuffed it in one of the tool cabinets without them knowing what it was. It's getting dark, quitting time, and they left.
About 20 minutes later they showed back up and worked long enough to get the power back on that night, happy as shit. The next day probably was the hangover from hell, though.