How does someone rule a country for two decades when absolutely nobody in that country actually likes them?

How does someone rule a country for two decades when absolutely nobody in that country actually likes them?

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>two decades
The absolute state of neo-Communist Europe

2/3 of germans are npcs

Germans have the cult of following the leader in charge, even if he's going into a wall


By being the most likeable person of the least likeables.

The sad truth is that you have to be scum to make it in politics. The german system is setup so that you start at 14 in a political youth organisation and work your way up from there. And since there is virtually no way for you to fuck up things, the best way to move up is to simply agree with things the higher ups say.

she hasnt. the spd ran shit into the obama administration. they were the guys who walked out of his global stimulus package bullshit which was just him telling every one to rack up trillions in debt so america didnt look stupid for doing it

the cdu doesnt take over until after the spd let the imf cut in line on the greek debt payments despite germany paying the first bail out package for greece by itself. the cdu have basically shown themselves to have a lack of direction and while some arent problematic the way german elections are conducted with voting for a party and not a candidate you will get some of the bad ones by default

>democrashy ist guuud ja?
>no i vill stay here, and keep doing tings you do not like

Was she alive when Hitler ruled?

vote fraud.

Boomers. Really only those 40+ political illiterate boomers are voting for CDU at this point. The kids are voting Die Linke or die Grünen because they're dumb Muh feefees children. The intelligent working adult votes AfD.

We call it a monarchy

>How does someone rule a country for two decades when absolutely nobody in that country actually likes them?
Ask the Stasi and GDR, you know, her former employers (IM Erika was he codename at the Stasi). It's usually election fraud and massive propaganda from everywhere.

All wrong.

>Was she alive when Hitler ruled?
Are you retarded?

That is of course complete bullshit since the only time you see a "German" talk pro-Merkel points, he is from Jow Forums. It doesn't happen irl.

You're wrong. Please never post again.

This. Our countries are literally being taken from us.

Be a bandit on the road extort people for money, uses the money to fund yourself, create a city with the money you've extorted people for, then extort the people who live your city, brainwashing to the point where they think that extortion somehow protect them, invent ways to disguise the fact that your operation is is a complete sham engineered to extort people for their property via religion,and fear mongering, then call yourself a government.

Simple really.

Dont think so but her family where some prominent commie east German politicians.

Gets that should really fire those synapses up.

Germany is an occupied country.

Germany has neither free speech nor free press.

By being the leader of the traditionally biggest party, the CDU are also known to never axe their leaders (Kanzlerwahlverein is what they were called even in the 50s under Adenauer). She managed to bring the CDU down to ~23% from ~35% though). She's on borrowed time and she managed to convince everybody that only she can save MUH EU.

Germans are a country intended ot be fodder, just like all these other dead countries. God/The Universe/Ghanesh intended Germany to lose 2 world wars it has caused and then to fade away, for us to learn from. We have thrown a wrench in the natural course of action. We should scramble Germany.

Attached: Germany.png (1232x2974, 203K)

>comic sans
For this we will invade you in WW3.

too bad Poland will want revenge and with their recent 400% hike in military spendings they could in the future. I hope they keep the land.

>sees some interview asking Krauts what they think of Merkel
>"yeah yeah... whatever the Fuhrer says.."

fraud and corruption. just like Feinstein.

correct me if im wrong but isn't she just an attention whore? didn't she say ' refugees are welcome here ' AFTER the (((media))) crucified her for telling a girl she has to go back

So what? They have no economy. They can barely sustain it for 2 weeks lmao.

They're anti-EU like Hungary, UK, Tsech and Norway (they ain't evne in kek). The EU is falling, and you are the first victim if that monument of arrogance and ignorance came down like the Twin Towers. Guess who whill fill the vacuum.

They are anti EU when it's not about getting sweet EU bucks. What are they gonna do, fuel their tanks with vodka? Russia will feel the void.

if nobody liked her she would not rule.

Stop getting your news from Jow Forums retard.

Proud CDU voter.

This are only predictions from people with Phd's that did independant research... but sure, i bet your little Kraut delusion is more true and more ocmfortable for you. You should be grateful your country is losing power. I certainly don't want mine to have influence as we are retards at politics too.

They employ jews and turks to rig the elections

Boomers and Apathy and 60 years of cultural browbeating

you mean deluded, retarded or both.
Your country has a formidable fighting force and you don't even lend them to Greece & Spain to chase the refugees off. This is how you DONT create your own problems and for the rest of Europe. I hope Merckel dies slowly while wheezing her last breaths through a pump.

Welcome to corruption, another reason to take as much power from your government as possible

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who should own germany's land? I'd like minimal cultural flux for the Krauts but a competent country in charge.

>Was she alive when Hitler ruled?

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Fallout ghouls can age in the 200+ range. she probably even knew Napoleon.

no the US created it by bombing north Africa and opening the nigger gates to europe by creating isis and fucking up Syria.

Merkel did help out southern EU member staates.

Because she is a safe centrist cuck and is the farthest right you can go in Germany without being called a Nazi. The only mainstream non-"nazi" alternatives are to go farther left.

with your logic we shouldn't have isolated Chernobyl either then. Who bombed Syria is irrelevant, that is not in your control. Closing the borders was and still is.

jews media democracy

I have come to the same conclusion in 2015.
Merkel made a totally insane dictatorial decision to destroy her nation and Europe with it and nobody was there to challenge her. Nobody.

Everybody happily followed the Führer. The other politicians, the media and the people. Everybody.

Germany should have been split back into individual states after WW2. Germany was a mistake.

Attached: merkel.jpg (853x480, 88K)

and nazi guilt, don't forget the gorillions.

IDEA! we make a game of it, the Euro country-off. Countries competes or areas like ''culture'' ''science'' ''tourism'' and ''weaponry for example. We make a massive game show out of it and the winner gets german land!

it is our control and under control f the EU who bombs who around our borders.

well, there would be no refugee crisis IN EUROPE if you didn't let them in but made a case for lcosing the borders. what happens outside NATO countries is not our concern as these are not our friends. Let them starve and blow eachother up.

ah the uneducated, I see. news flash the refugees where siting in Greece for over two years and rampaging even before Germany did anything.

And yes what around our borders of the EU is our concern. As it affects the EU as a whole.

hence we have to keep NATO and the USA out of our territorial waters airspace and border country's out.

EU´s sphere of influence.

then what effort would it be to keep refugees out of Europe? enforce closed borders for Europe? I meant what happens in the middle east is not our problem. let them die, let them figure the refugee problem out.

because historically germans won't abandon any idea until they have been destroyed and Europe is in ruins.

so what's left for them after centrism did so? Stalinist Communism? Libertarianism?

Mmmmm that’s kinda true huh?

>ah the uneducated
this shit literally started in your country in the 1950s with the frivilous concept of bringing in "Gaestarbeiter".
Go be good goy pseudointellectual somewhere else, filth. Merkel's government is utterly indefensible.

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I got no problem with guest labour. EMPHASIS ON GUEST. WHICH LEAVES.

The elections are rigged, the media convinces people she has a big bunch of supporters and it’s just pure chance that you don’t know any

Could be they're Hitlers daughter.
