Like her outfit?

Like her outfit?
$3,500.00 USD.
You are getting BERNIE SCAMMED you foolish socialists.

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she is one ugly cunt lol

Teeth of a demon

Far-left,left,right,or far right. Everyone is getting scammed because the political spectrum is controlled opposition to make you idiots choose a side when in reality they both form the collective we called government you know the people who have a monopoly on laws regulations on the market Etc.

if that really is the cost can someone meme that picture with the cost over it?

One of the most famous images that turned people off clinton in 2016 was that one image where she spoke to a crowd in a ridiculously priced outfit. Turned off all the bernie bros

Make sure its correct, otherwise if the image does go viral with a false claim, you'll add fuel to the "conservatives spread fake news" meme.

La creatura


>best jump scare yet

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that is the face of yet another evil commie cunt

i honestly thought real communism existed until i read about it

>La Atrocidad

isn't that the guy who was recently killed by that lady cop in the home invasion?

>9:11 am
What does it mean?

Yep agree which is why I voted trump. Fuck dems and reps.

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i still want to fuck her though

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Imagine them nibbling on your dick

It's on drudge.
Check it out. Links to info wars. Pjw breaks it down.
Its legit

I knew she looked familiar.

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>not scrapping on your shaft and balls

Was looking at pic. If her teeth were where her gums are she would be hot

nose too

>Do all liberals think acting like a smug nigger woman is powerful?
>My Opinion is she is financed by the cartels and is just using Bernie bros.

The fact she is not wigging about the fake 3k dead in PR shows she isn't your typical SJW liberal. She is bad news.

She is doing nothing but keeping up with commie tradition. That is, leaders get everything, wallow in riches, while proles don't have enough food and other basics.

This shouldn't surprise anyone.

It's a nice jacket though, she looks hot as fuck

I live in the country she and Bernie takes inspiration from, I have it pretty good, perhaps she is on the right track.

How many people in your country sir?

Imagine how crazy a fuck she is

a champagne socialist.
that's what they call them

Probably 5,7 million at this point. I don't feel like population size should matter. Germany has about the same system as us, with 82 million inhabitants.

And how many of them are niggers or spics?

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Companies or designers give their clothing away to public figures for free or at discount prices because it's free advertisement and publicity. Also she's in NYC that city is filled with designer cheap second hand or surplus designer clothes. It's highly likely that she didn't spend the 3.5k on her clothes and even if she did she worked for the money.

You think those are bad, talk to me when you get infected muzzies, somalis, sandmonkeys and corrupt politicians.

Silly. We have more HAVE NOTS than haves. What do you think will happen with a country of 340 plus million and poor illegals pouring in?
The country would implode. Same with universal healthcare.
Socialism will never work here. Foolish to think so.

Hello miss Cortez. The optics are already in place. You fucked up.

You mention non-whites and illegal immigrants as the problem as to why it would never work, I think you are right to some degree, imagine we removed those factors from the equation, do you think it would work then?

We already have corrupt politicians you can keep the rest

She gets my vote. "Wages too high" Donald and the GOP aren't doing jack shit for me.

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But what if you're already circumcised?

How corrupt are we talking, our prime ministers has a fond in his name, which basically works like a lobbying wallet. Give a generous "donation" to the fond in return for a favour.

Why would I care about her?

prime minister*, not ministers

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maybe for slightly longer

This fag gets it.
Digits confirm.

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Basically the same. If you or your company donate to their campaign then they are pretty much guaranteed some favors

That fucking creature is a Xenomorph

>a champagne socialist.
what does that make trump and his buddy manafort, a man who owned 800k snakeskin suits?

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Can she for a moment stop smiling(?)? This is nightmare fuel.

A capitalist businessman. Thought that was pretty clear.

i dont like been taken advantage of by her and trump

How large is your country?

hey my buddy ukraine here from the country of loli

3,5K isn't that much
not everyone works at mcdonalds you know
she probably got comped

for one outfit nope thats are right its prolly comped

Also may I give some advice to the americans in this thread, from some of my observations. You seem like cynical people from my point of view, you don't really have much compassion for one another.

What truly makes a society good in the end is not the policy, the politicians, the economic or social system but rather the people in that society and the culture. Therefore it is so important to have strong values, have a sense of identity and be there for those who need it the most, a society is like a team, you are only as strong as the weakest player.

So what i'm hearing is we should kill the weakest player

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No. Still more poor than rich

43 hectare if you don't count Greenland and Faroe Islands. According to Wikipedia we are the 134th smallest nation on earth.

capitalism is fundamentally individualist, anti-collective, antisocial. That's why america's "identity" is so fucked up

translation: you're only as strong as your nigs

$3,500.00 for this ugly rag??? Fashion is a scam...

That's what I'm hearing too. I didn't know Denmark was so into eugenics.

Zomg, she is like, sooooo beautiful and a stronk wymen too!

In reality she looks like a real life physical manifestation of the goblina memes. Its frightening how accurate those caricatures are.

Lisa needs braces

Our weakest player makes up roughly 13% of the population and we've been hamstringing ourselves to try and civilize them for decades now. Maybe you should open your eyes a bit more. What little social policy we have now is killing us because the people taking the most are contributing nothing in return.

I'm back in this b**** a hundred and 10%. She got rid of a long-term do-nothing douchebag career politician. She also told semi truth about Israel. Donald Trump never told the truth about Israel. Between Trump and this b**** I would pick this b**** in a heartbeat. Sure she is a stupid b**** that wants open borders with s*** Nations like Mexico however Trump is continuing de-facto open borders with Mexico while not doing anything about the conditions that cause people to flee. There is an outside chance this b**** might actually address the conditions in Latin America. One of the conditions she might address is that Israel is responsible for arming and training all the current death squads that are running all these Indians off their land and into America. We know Trump will not do that.

america has no national identity besides racemixing and sucking rich people's dicks for being "innovators". Killing black people would not fix that cultural problem, the same elite would still end up stealing what the 13% was getting in benefits (not much)

which is necessarily MUCH worse than getting bezos-scammed

PS there was a big shitstorm about Nancy Reagan supposedly making money because she was getting all these supposedly expensive clothes for free. Of course anybody with a brain knows that they are getting these clothes given to them by designers in exchange for some publicity for their designs. Nothing worth seeing going on here. Except that this b**** actually told the truth about Israel and America is enslavement and Trump will not do that.

Proud capitalists.
Big difference billy.

You could pay this to a Saville Row tailor and expect to get your money's worth for material cost and expert skilled labour.

Alternatively, you can go to a brand-name Manhattan fashion retailer and splash just that on a T-shirt and jeans.

Similarly, you could be a hype-beast nigger bidding on a Supreme cap on eBay.

atomic weapons
space travel
apple pie
et al

Shitposting aside.

I'm not a NatSoc, but i've listened to Hitler's speeches, and they were pretty motivional. But there's one thing that especially stuck with me. Hitler talks about the glory of giving, and when you sacrifice for your community, you can walk with your head up high.

I think this is what we should aspire to do. Share the burden of our fellow countrymen, help them as if it were our own family. Be willing to sacrifice everything for a greater purpose greater than yourself. Working towards the goal of giving every child a good childhood, and every adult equal chances in life.

Individualism only get you so far, and yes America is great in some ways. Look what you have achieved, great many companies are American, but does any of that matter, if the majority of your people do not have it good.

No its cuz we are a country made up of dirty immigrants

Are you retarded? Just asking.

You retarded?

You live in an actual fantasy land. Every kid get a pony too?
Jesus christ man I cannot wait until the real world wakes you up.

all of those things are from at least 50 years old, holy shit what a depressing post

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Why does she always look like a fucking demon?
Why is the black guy finger shooting?
Why is a "socialist" wearing a 3500 pant suit?

WTF is going on?

>good goy, make sure not to share anything, human kindness is a form of weakness

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I believe in helping others I just don't believe the government should force you to.
I have to go to sleep now i've been up for over 30 hours.

Anything? I share tons. In fact I'm a make a wish volunteer. I actually do something but fuck that dude is just unrealistic.

Coke bender?

We must differanciate between ideals and reality, sure. But that dosen't mean we can't have ideals, and have a goal to work towards. But these are my ideals and my idea what would make a better world. But I also believe these ideals must not be imposed on the people, rather the people must make that decision for themselves. I hope you can see where i'm coming from.

This cunt will be signing a $10 million book deal, be living in a luxury apartment, flying first class, eating at 5 star restaurants, vacationing in Tahiti, all whole LARPING as some commie socialist politician. And the public and media will fall for it 100%, no one questioning her absolute bullshit.

>I give stuff, but only to children who will be dead in a year
yeah, how exactly is that supposed to help society? You just sound nervous, people will be openly rioting and revolting if there isn't a democratic reform soon

No if I had coke it wouldn't be a problem.
Ok i'm actually leaving this time

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No it wouldn't, but it's a start and let's be honest about the (((elites))) shall we?

Socialism has always been a scam, used to kill massive numbers of poor people and channel their individually meager but collectively enormous wealth directly into The Great Leader's pockets.


Checked and kek’d

lmao the dane thinks he knows what corruption is, thats cute

if the country is still radically pro-capitalist, they still have all the power. It doesn't matter how many times you call them Jews, their money and capitalist politicians keeps them protected.

Think about how much Jow Forums supports yelling about Jews, vs supporting socialist ideas