Why do I have an irrational disdain for the LGBT community?
All of my other politically incorrect beliefs can be backed up with hard science and are justified. But this is one thing that is merely an emotional response and makes no sense if you look at the facts.
But just keep heart with the fact that 99% of them will never reproduce
Dominic Gray
Man I do love me some open shirt/jacket cleavage
Andrew Powell
Also, do you have to rationalise the fact that two grown adult men kissing and fucking each other is disgusting and wrong?
There's not logic to it, it's just a gut instinct.
Which is probably the greatest truth of all.
Austin Sanders
gut instincts cause women to do very stupid things
Chase Gomez
Before gay "marriage" before gazin the military, I didn't give a rat's ass what people do with their private parts on their own time. But now that they're shoving it down our throats, shoving it down our kids' throats for recruitment purposes, and all this "muh preferred pronouns" faggotry, I say Mike, get the electrodes.
not every gay dude is like that though. hell it's probably only 1/10 gaymen that is trying to do that.
Julian Johnson
Which was the plan from the beginning and why many of us opposed it.
I don't see a solution to the degeneracy except for roping chosenites.
Eli Campbell
Gay people reproduce trough child molestation. The vast majority of gays have been molested as children, and not surprisingly most child molesters are homosexuals and bisexuals, rarely straight unless they're arabs or niggers.
William Sanders
>The vast majority of gays have been molested as children sauce?
Julian Scott
if you're on the fence call Mike Pence!
Jack Carter
Instinct still requires some amount of thought/reflection, it's different from a shallow and immediate emotional response
What women do is more along the lines of NPC immediate stimulus/response type thing. There's not thought process there.
Jace Long
the fucking pride parades and entire movement for that matter
Gavin Nelson
It's common knowladge. You can find some shit if you dig for a few minutes. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11501300 This study claims that 46% of gay men self-report of having been sexually molested as kids. It's a pretty old study and doesn't take into account the cases of homosexuals not wanting to admit they were molested. I've seen other studies show the percentage to be higher.
Cameron Young
Mike "want to get pounded, please stay grounded" Pence.
Luis Hall
>HIV stats
Colton Martin
only 1% of people are gay yet 30% of pedophiles are gay homosexuality is not an "orientation", it is a perversion that is strongly correlated with pedophilia because they both come from the same root cause and same mental illness.
Ryder Collins
Mike "Curing queers with amperes" Pence.
Oliver Cook
>irrational disdain for LGBT >irrational disdain >irrational Actually quite rational. Mentally ill people are being allowed to fuck up the minds of the younger generation with their degeneracy.
Cooper Lopez
they are irrational themselves, their whole identity orbits around a sexual fetish, they're like vegans but worse, a bunch of insufferable douche bags that wont stfu about what genitals they like and they have to tell you about it constantly. also they are the corporate media's darlings for whatever reason, even tho the m5m constantly lumps them all together. sorry but gays and lesbians hate one another, the billion gender people and bi-sexuals dont see eye to eye, lesbians hate trannies. its not some happy group, they're a bunch of bigots who divide people more than anything else. they literally segregate themselves like they're special when they're just sociopaths who are too weak of mind to make a decision on their own so they need this group think that, again, revolves around sexual fetish to even be a 'real' person but they're all fake as fuck.
Noah Perry
whats goin on in that webm
William Moore
Your gut instinct was forged by a million years of evolution. Men and women had different selection pressures, so our instincts are as different as our bodies.
Matthew Morales
fucking butts isn't a political issue. the problem is that it's made into one by degenerate opportunists. There is no such thing as an "LGBT community". It's just activists advocating for degeneracy. You are falling for the false choice being presented that you are either supportive of LGBT activists or hate gay people. This is why you are confused about the subject. Reject all political encouragement of the LGBT agenda and understand that butt fucking made into a political issue is a scam designed to destroy civilization. Individual non-politicized gays don't need to factor into the equation. You can like their behavior or not and it really doesn't matter.
Thomas Hall
No Emotion makes women do different things. Instinct is NOT emotion.
Cameron Robinson
maybe it's not their gut instinct..
Oliver Wright
It is when they start showing hetero people the demented shit they do that people started giving a fuck... when they were destroying each other's assholes in private people could care less but it is now all in plain sight.
Decent attempt at a thinly veiled /leftypol/ subversion thread, OP, you raging faggot. >The right are the real snowflakes! xD don't get so emotional about the gays! xD
>Why do I have an irrational disdain for the LGBT community? closeted homosexual
Liam Harris
Xavier Edwards
Just the eyes? What about that fuckin mouth? That puffy areola through the dress definitely makes up for it, though. Just bust out the paper bags.
Carson Johnson
I'd be fine with the LGBT community if it was just LGB and all about freedom of attraction. Unfortunately it seems the slippery is very real. So if it has to be one or the other abolish the entire movement.
I sort of understand why people are turned off by the idea of gays/lesbians/bisexuals/queer people. The takeoff of drag queens and the calculated categorization of individuals gives us a bad name. t. bisexual who isn't promiscuous and doesn't advertise sexuality
Joshua Young
can't you see it's shooped? look at the vampire fangs
Hudson Garcia
It's just her very wide smile, she is really pretty otherwise
When they wear things like this, do they have sticky things that glue the jackets to the boobs or how do they avoid nipslips?
Joshua Butler
Because deep inside of you, user, you know that you want to suck big cocks all day long, while being sodomized and handcuffed.
Benjamin Jenkins
It's not irrational. Humans have a natural tendency to reject abominations and disease.
Chase Thomas
>irrational remember, irrationality doesn't exist every single thought and calculation in a mind have a cause, just because the method or the information leading to a wrong conclusion are wrong, it doesn't mean that there's not a ratio behind.
your guts feel that way for reasons, you just have to become conscious of them. probably has something to do with empathy and the realisation that homosexuality and other sexual deviancies are self-harmful behaviour; regardless of whether they have the rights to hurt themselves, the only reason they would ever want to hurt themselves is having been indoctrinated and tortured to reach the conclusion that they are not actually harming themselves, a lie. a lie propagated by someone, harming someone else and being propagated by that someone else to somebody else.
instigation of self harm is wrong.
Jaxon Rivera
>Family Research Institute
Sebastian King
Yeah, that sticky stuff is called negro cum
Adam Williams
Jason Turner
Hahaha I've seen it before and thought it looked too bizarre. Regardless of the crazy eyes and the shooped smile, would still fuck.
Bentley Hall
That's only because they have such a strange shade of blue grey, she would look completely normal if she had normal shade of blue
Angel Baker
Am I the only one that gets instantly hard when I see a woman with eyes like that?
There is nothing irrational about disliking that "community" because they act disgracefully. Most LGBT people aren't active in it for the same reason. Those that are are just attention seeking idiots, who have only got into it so they can be uniformly unique and oh so progressive.
T. Biscum bong
Luis Watson
when did sarah huckabee sanders lose weight?
Jordan Rogers
It does make sense if you look at the retarded shit the LGBT community is demanding from society.
Homosexuals exhibit behavior which seems optimized for pathogen distribution. The average homosexual has a lifetime partner count of over 500. Homosexuals have rates of sexually transmitted disease that are far higher than heterosexuals. Homosexuals are prone to child molestation at a rate that is far higher than their percentage of the population would predict. Homosexuals commonly engage in waste product fetishism, a behavior that seems optimized for pathogen distribution. Homosexuals are more prone to a full range of mental illnesses. a possible side effect of the parasite. 5. Homosexuals report being sexually abused as children at a rate far higher than the rest of the population, supporting the thesis that childhood infection by the gay-germ modified their behavior.
Camden Green
>let me just make something up to refute this Whatever man, it is still happening and I dont see any pushback within the faggot community. It will just keep ratcheting up.
Josiah Young
I'm just as concerned about the dinner plate nipples m8
because you're an intolerant bigot. shut the fuck up and mind your own business. the lgbt community has no effect on your life. simmer down sweetie.
Easton Robinson
Its not irrational though. Theyre mentally ill, suicidal, disease carriers that are a net negative on society. Their contributions to HR and social justice arent worth the baggage. They should be ostracized from society, not heralded as heroes...
Liam Perry
Like Muslims are expected to police their own And women control and condemn slut behavior And trump has to disavow neon Nazis All normal fags are complicit in the actions of flaming fags if they don't condemn actions done in the name of faggotry
Dylan Collins
>The average homosexual has a lifetime partner count of over 500. I call bullshit. >Homosexuals commonly engage in waste product fetishism Source? From what I've seen the numbers are roughly even with those of opposite sex couples.
Isaiah Bennett
>Why don't I like people that are mentally ill and have disproportionate rates of child molestation, drug use, STIs, crime, and suicide?
oh gee why wouldn't you want to go hang around them all day?
How many people have even heard of the actually fringe gays?
Justin Hernandez
>I want to identify as what I put in my ass GRIDS isnt enough punishment for faggots because they clearly dont care about anything, even themselves.
Lincoln Campbell
You got it. It's not their gut instinct at all. It's an affectation of what they see on television.
Jayden Peterson
It's not just the gayness itself, it's the narcissism that surrounds it. To them their sexual orientation is the entirety of their identity, and not just their identity but a reason to go out and march and screech that people need to pay attention to them. They believe they have some fundamental inherent right to be acknowledged by the world, moreso than anyone else, and anyone who doesn't play along and feed their narcissism is somehow an oppressor.
Ethan Stewart
based moo poster
Levi Lopez
you do realize straight people also flaunt their sexuality all the time... promiscuity isn't exclusive to gay people and i guarantee theres guys you've met that were gay and you have no clue.
Yeah they are degenerates also. No one said it was exclusive to faggots. My problem is faggots are now a protected class and can get away with infecting children with their faggotry. Keep spreading aids faggot, I'll be happy when you commit suicide at 45.
Alexander Ward
>i guarantee theres guys you've met that were gay and you have no clue. They are called bromos. The exception doesn't make the rule though.
Liam Rodriguez
>When you wake up and interrupt your whore monarch personality and suddenly realize you're being a whore right now.
Usually double sided tape over the nipples, to hold jacket in place and also have "coverage" if there is a nipslip.
Or they'll just wear a jacket that is tight enough over large tits to avoid a nipslip.
Dylan Scott
>But this is one thing that is merely an emotional response and makes no sense if you look at the facts. I am willing to guess that you never even looked at the facts.
-More likely to have STDs -The San Francisco gay community alone breeds about 300 new strains of STD each year. They are creating superbugs that will wipe them all out. -More likely to be a child molester -Make terrible adopted parents, with the children having high rates of depression and antisocial behavior -Themselves have high rates of depression and antisocial behavior -Was classified as a mental illness by the college of Psychiatrists until they started getting mailed death threats
Colton Moore
Depends what facts you've looked at, from what I've seen there is pretty decent evidence that most gays are much more degenerate than the general population, racking up 100s of sex partners and having near double chance of getting aids. Also factor in the child molestation fears of most people in this thread and i'd say that being against homosexuality as a whole is more than warranted. Sure, there may be some individual gay people who aren't involved. However, just because those people exist doesn't mean theres not a general trend for most gays.
Elijah Harris
keep over-compensating with your hatred for gays to cover up your own gayness. i bet you talk daily about how much you hate 'them faggots'. people can see through it hunnybuns.
Jason Phillips
Where do you get that number from? I'm pretty sure there's more than 1% of bisexuals who have an opposite sex partner and you'll probably reproduce, as well as many gays and lesbians who'll find ways of having kids by using a third party.
Colton Hernandez
I want to film you doing that
Charles Young
Of homosexuals questioned in one study, 43% admitted to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admitted to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% said that half of those partners were total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts were one night stands (or, as one homosexual admits in the film “The Castro,” one minute stands). (3) Also, it is a favorite past-time of many homosexuals to go to “cruisy areas” and have anonymous sex. See www.cruisingforsex.com (NOTE: this site may contain pornographic images–please don’t go to it if you are under age or don’t want to see this type of material. This site is referenced only for illustrative purposes.)
Jackson Fisher
Johnny 5 did not age well
Jordan Wilson
Who is this semen demon?
Who is this fluid druid?
Who is this pecker wrecker?
Who is this prostate magistrate?
Who is this jizz wizz?
Who is this juice masseuse?
Who is this seed stampede?
Who is this mujahedeen of teasing peen?
Who is this penile reptile?
Who is this crazy looking tanned snob of a lazy Sunday handjob?
Who is this Hellen Keller of fucking fellers?
Who is this Randy Savage of getting ravaged?
Who is this Jehova of bending ovah?
Who is this pioneer of poking in the rear?
Who is this Scipio Africanus of razing the anus?
Who is this pelvis Elvis?
Who is this Davidoff of sucking men off?
Who is this spunk trunk?
Who is this Helena Bonham Carter of making pee-pees harder?
Who is this pound hound?
Who is this ocean dock for boats of cock?
Who is this man goo pikatchu?
Who is this Robin Hood of stroking wood?
Who is this skinflute brute?
Who is this Idi Amin of appeasing peen?
Who is this Anne Frank of the dank wank?
Who is this Benito Mussolini of straightening the weenie?
So that's what the inside of ED-209 looks like. No wonder it went haywire and ended up being useless.
Owen Stewart
our psyches were broken after the Emu war
Cooper Lopez
>The San Francisco gay community alone breeds about 300 new strains of STD each year. Source? >Was classified as a mental illness by the college of Psychiatrists until they started getting mailed death threats This is false. The APA here voted on it themselves, and the majority decided it shouldn't be considered a disorder. In addition, homosexuals eventually stopped being considered as mentally ill in countries like China, where there are significant restrictions on civil society, let alone anything like death threats to psychiatrists.
Leo Morris
For the same reason you instinctively know not to eat your own shit.
Jordan James
Alexandra daddario, my dear malaka
Lucas Hall
Alexandra Daddario
Landon Campbell
I've searched and can only find people quoting that supposed study. Turns out the study is from 1978.