What needs to be done to stop the American obesity epidemic? Do we really need to force obese Americans to lose weight in order to continue receiving healthcare benefits?
Other urls found in this thread:
Force all fat people to go to fat camp
Force Americans to perform sex acts on sheep, horses, ducks etc until the animals achieve orgasm in order to lose weight.
When is boogie finally going to die? Surely he can't live much longer
Subsidize research into corn ethanol as fuel rather than as corn syrup.
Why did they deliver that steak raw?
This. We should also have the fat Olympics so fatties can entertain us. They will at least be producing something instead of just consuming everything in front of them
That's probably how fat ass boogie asked for his steak.
Less cooking times means more eating time for booger.
Because they know that fat fuck will scarf it down anyway.
why do americans eat raw steak
The food industry in America is packing tons of High Fructose Corn Syrup in everything, even things like corn bread which should never have any added sweeteners.
A burger costs a dollar
A salad costs 9 dollars
I wonder why people are fat.
Because it is flavorful and our beef isn't full of parasites and diseases. Neither is our pork.
Rehabilitative work camps, get those fatties doing a good, long day of physical labor.
>be boogie
>have tons of YouTube shekels
>still be fat
fat tax
I know this fat bastard who has had 6 heart attacks, is in the hospital at least once a month for a few days, and has been in "heart failure" since 2013. Fats are some of the most stubborn people.
The average BMI for white Americans is pretty much the same as it has always been.
I looks like roast beef!!! not just steak. Looks good too.
>eat animal food
thats why you have a furry epidemic
Mandatory military boot camp during high school.
>Oldest excuse
Did you know you can cook your own salads ?
They just need to learn about sometimes foods. Also vegetable oil and corn are not food groups.
I call bullshit.
Biggest thing is we are more sedentary. Humans need physical work. Almost accross the board exercise counteracts diet when you burn more than you take in.
And lets face it, if i can have a steak and go hike a mountain like I do once a week at least or have some onions bullshit and do nothing, I will take the steak every single time.
We also have these tasty sweet items already cooked and prepared called "fruits"
>cook a salad
>cook a salad
Ban Fast Food chains, Ban Microwave Food, Regulate Sugar/Glucose in Drinks or Ban Sugar Drinks and force people to cook themselves. Force people to take time for break, reform work ethics to allow more rest/cooking time.
There is a lot of stuff.
They buy more food, is this not it?
I was up to almost 250 in April. Quit drinking, cut out the sugar jew, started counting calories and going high protein/low carb but not stupid low keto kike carb. I'll be 200 next week. Be 180 by Christmas. Why did I do this? Motivation. I'll graduate university in May. I'll be going to Europe for a month and I plan to sew my seed. I'll also be interviewing for jobs and fatties don't get hired. And dig this, I actually got female attention yesterday. Ya, for the first time in years I got to see what a non-nervous smile on a woman looks like.
When people have nothing to look forward to, they have no motivation to stay healthy. I used to be one of those "me too, thanks" edge lords whenever death was brought up. No more. I want MORE life. This is all thanks to GEOTUS, Jow Forums and /sig/
GTK RWN 1488
There is no obesity epidemic
40 million Americans are starving
More shekels goyim
I suspect that much of it starts early. Kids can be finicky. Impatient parents feed them sugar because it's easy, and they'll eat with less fuss. Most breakfast cereals in the US are awful, and it's clear that the box designers had young children in mind.
It surprises me that you know about it with that flag.
Most of your people think salads are way to hard to make
> Quit drinking, cut out the sugar jew
Those are the two biggest culprits. Nobody on Jow Forums should be drinking alcohol or eating sugar.
That looks blue rare.
So much for his stomach only able to digest small meals.
Steak is good for you faggots. The potatoes aren’t. Eat steak and broccoli for dinner instead and lift everyday. Salads are worse for you. Raw lettuce is mostly water and anti-nutrients and salad dressing is a bad kind of fat, poly unsaturated fatty acids.
S o y Boy detected. There is nothing wrong with raw meat if it’s high quality. Rare steak is the best steak.
>tfw I got a fat mom who wont change her ways and I'm really scared it's gonna catch up to her soon
Does he eat his steak from top to bottom?
It looks completely raw, wtf
thats not rare, thats raw
Amphetamines. It solves the obesity problem and the NEET problem.
Given the ridiculous amount of antibiotics and anti parasitic medicine and growth hormones... No wonder your meat is "sanitized"
Boogie only ate a few bites of the steak and threw the rest of it away. Stop giving him a hard time you fucking idiots
There's nothing wrong with salads in an of themselves, just these disgusting corn syrup dressings. A Caprese salad with just olive oil and balsamic vinegar is fine.
Don't force americans to do shit. If they wanna be fat, they get to be fat.
Just make sure healthcare policy doesn't help them one fucking bit.
As their fat lives get buried in debt and then they die at a miserable young age, justice will serve itself.
Let them die, that's the new course of evolution, fat lardasses aren't fit for the current evolutionary pressures.
the steak is probably healthier actually. now if it was a burger and fries or something with a lot of sugar and carbs, now that would warrant a thread about it.
Dude that’s the least saladly salad for one thing. It’s an ok snack. But lettuce is a bad meme and most salads are trash. Tuna salad is the best salad because it isn’t a salad.
Why do you eat rare meat?
They spicy it up and you can't know for sure how fresh it is that way.
When you eat rare you need the freshest, cut in the same day but most cooks will let it maturate and they will become bacteria central.
NOW if you do it medium or well done the bacteria will get purged but when you eat rare there are more chances the bacteria is still in the deeper levels of the meat.
Maybe. But boogie needs to eat a lead salad.
>bacteria is still in the deeper levels of the meat
That doesn't happen. Bacteria is surface contamination. Stakes can be eaten seared with a raw center completely safely. It's all in the handling of the meat that leads to surface contam.
I lost a fuckton of weight last year, almost 8 stone, and all I ate was steak and salad
>Stakes can be eaten seared with a raw center completely safely
Keep telling that to yourself white you blow your colon in the toilet with diarrhea.
>be american
>get diabeetus
fat fucks are disgusting every time i see one of you i forcibly suppress the urge to knock you the fuck out
This is my experience with fat people. They undereat in public then binge in secret. They know they have a problem but don't seek help.
The number one problem in America is the demographic replacement.
If no one in America is white, why do you care whether or not Americans are fat? If you get rid of blacks and latinos, America will get thinner since the average white person is much thinner than the average non-white.
By simply deporting all the illegals and blacks America would go back to obesity rates of 1980.
If all blacks and illegals got deported the American obesity rates would be roughly the same as those of the UK.
Seriously, you can check the data on this
>obesity rate by race in US
>scroll down for obesity rate by year in the US
>obesity in the UK
>potatoes are bad for you
>memeflag faggot
If you got to a high class, high quality restaurant, you can safely get rare or medium rare. If you go to a low class, low quality place, your best bet is to get medium or medium well.
Stake is good. He should just loosebpotatos and other carbs.
Low carb not keto. Good luck resetting ur set point fat ass
Lift every day? What about recover time u idiot. Every other or every 3 days
too bad ur the tard that doesn't understand hollow nutrient calories
MFW overeat in public and secret :^(
Too bad u are the retard that doesn't understand hollow nutrient callories
this is a burden I bear too. GL user I've tried everything
Why doesn't anyone just make a drink that's pure amino acids +fats+minerals+vitamins in one?
Boogie went omad and keto