Are whites waking up? DIVERSITY IS BAD

To publish this in the NYT is very counter to the kikes movement. They are losing control.

Attached: Downside of diversity.jpg (570x500, 83K)

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Gee I wonder how long wypipo have known about the dangers of diversity. it's not like they built walls and guns and nukes to defend against that kind of shit.

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Oh wow, something Aristotle wrote about is revolutionary.

We all know multiculti is for tyrants and despots and only a homogeneous society can sustain a democracy. Read what he wrote about philia. Diversity is their strength, our global elite ruled predominately by zionists. Like a farmer needs diversity on his farm, and an investor in his portfolio, the jews need it in their host nations. Obviously cows get along better with just cows, companies get more growth not restrained by other ones, and countries get stronger homogeneously, but it doesnt do our elites any good! Nationalism, specifically ethnonationalism, is a necessity for international sovereignty and self-determination


>August 5, 2007
wow great news guise, NYT is now based and redpilled
I wouldn't be surprised if that reporter is dead or fired by this point

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Here is the quote

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It's not a sign of anything. They're trying to increase the racial consciousness of whites while putting a flame to the diversity peddler's asses to make them want to work 10x harder.

Think, man, its the nyt. They are always against you, always, you just gotta figure out the angle. And the angle this time is stoking the embers of white resentment to keep the culture war alive and well.

how was your coma?

The USA as founded was supposed to be a Republic which used a representative form of government.
How can representation work with hundreds of cultures all competing for the attention of a few state representatives?
Diversity has always been a root cause of failure for representative government and ((they)) know this.

>To publish this in the NYT is very counter to the kikes movement.
Not if you blame white people. Which I assume it does. Then it becomes another tool of "we need to teach white people to be more multicultural."

where is this study anyway? would be intersting to see if this trend has continued in the 10 years since this article was written

Arguing for diversity is very modern and progressive. Arguing against diversity is very upsetting and racist. Delete this post now.



i'm sure everyone on Jow Forums already knows diversity is evil, but here's a depressing study on its effects.

Thanks user. Its absurd to me that this shit has been figured out for thousands of years yet were still either so stupid/arrogant as to think that itll be different this time.. Infuriating how people just go along with the propaganda.

Dont forget it was also founded solely for free white men.

Not about kikes, degenerate. It will always be about liberty. Fuck you. Fuck republicans. Fuck democrats.


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Read the book “bowling alone.”

I only volunteer for my kids activities and donate to few charities beyond a few bucks to the Sally Ann at Christmas. The immigrants coming in help no one outside their community and I already pay a lot of taxes to pay for their housing and welfare services. Diversity means a place no one will fight for but everyone will consume.

O Fuck...this is so true. Good eye, user.

so its the french people fault not the jew

French people have always been hot for the black cock. Men and women.

Only whites give to charity. Be aware that nowadays all of your foodbank donations or blood is going to thirdworlders who do not reciprocate and actually HATE you regardless.

Stop giving them anything. Take your name off all donor lists and close your fucking doors to them forever.


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EU charter idea....

diverse communities trust each other less and that's a good thing. here's why...


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we have a lot of retards here today trying to mop up the disaster that was Creepy Porn Lawyer vs Tucker last night

what was disaster about it i thought it was funny

B-but muh ebin ethnic food...

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Idealized homeschooling. I like it!

Decade old article, attests validity of ancient wisdom, you've found a plot? Good spoof, er sleuthing.

Just what the fuck is going on there?

Thats what i was thinking. That motherfucker would be burned at the stake now, he probably cant get a job today

Americans don't trust each other any more. Since Senator (((Jacob Javitz))) pushedthe (((Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965))) though the Senate, which legalized the immigration of Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans, the homogeneity of society and therefore trust in neighbors and institutions began to die. Fast forward 50 years later and 2/3 of society doesn't trust their neighbors or government.

Attached: Americans don't trust each other.png (768x496, 53K)

Cornell university found that different ethno groups will get along so long as they are separated, especially by a wall.

Attached: Cornell, Ethnocentric Boundaries for peace.png (661x746, 66K)

> the more racially homogenous a country is, the more trusting they are of others outside their group. They assume all groups are like theirs and will assimilate when they won't
> the more racially homogenous the neighborhood, the more trusting of one's neighbor people tend to be
> the more racially homogenous an area, the more you trust others in your group
> Diversity is bad on numerous different levels for numerous different organizations and institutions
>Diversity is bad regardless of socio-economic class

Attached: Diversity in 21st century.jpg (912x1200, 194K)

Diversity CAUSES detachment from the community, even if your history there is long standing

Attached: Diversity CAUSES detachment from community.jpg (1920x1920, 1.42M)

Trucker Carlton is pretty funny but he's kind of like Jon Stewart

Diversity causes negative economic growth at the macro level and conflict, reduced productivity, and morale reduction at the micro level

Attached: Diversity negative economic growth.jpg (1920x1920, 1.32M)

The greater the diversity, the greater the societal distrust. People like the idea of immigration until they are actually confronted with immigrants in their neighborhood, then they become strongly averse to immigration.

Attached: Ethnic diversity and social distrust.jpg (1594x1920, 711K)

The greater the diversity, the greater the societal distrust. When people of different ethnicities get to within 80 meters of one another, neighborhood cohesion and social trust begin to decline. As diversity and proximity increase, trust and cohesion plummet. The macro opinion is often the opposite of the micro opinion on diversity because those at the macro level don't have to be confronted with diversity.

Attached: Ethnic diversity and social trust, full.jpg (1214x2622, 976K)

Ethnic homogeneity and Protestantism are the only two ideas that create high trust societies. This is obviously caveated by the fact that they have to be white, with the exception of Singapore, South Korea, Japan.

Attached: Ethnic homogeneity and Protestantism trust.jpg (2159x1920, 1.27M)

Ethnocentric societies are the most successful ones. Any society that chooses a humanitarian path will lose to selfishness and traitors.

Attached: Ethnocentric societal domination simulation.jpg (1725x1920, 1.11M)

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As diversity increases in the workplace, productivity decreases dramatically.

Attached: Firm productivity and diversity.jpg (512x351, 25K)

Prefect summary user

Heterogeneous societies have poor cohesion which always leads to ineffectiveness and in fighting. It also prevents moving forward for your people if you are constantly fighting for resources.

Attached: Heterogeneous societies poor cohesion fail.jpg (1902x1195, 662K)

There is no civic health where I'm at. All it is is a bunch of spics leeching and looking for handouts at every turn from any program, charity, etc. on top of the niggers doing the same. I give no charity and am working on giving nothing to taxes that support these abominations. die, die, die.

Intra neighborhood cohesion is eroded the greater the diversity, ultimately leading to flight.

Attached: Intra neighborhood cohesion erosion ethnic div.jpg (1397x1920, 941K)

this makes me realize how different of a world 2007 was

Attachment to one's neighborhood decreases the higher the level of diversity. This also causes those that remain to care less for their yards, streets, neighbors, parks, etc. Diversification always leads to degradation.

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The mixing bowl is just another Jewish lie and leads to nothing but apathy, degradation, and destruction

Attached: Mixing bowl Desegregation increases conflict.jpg (1920x1523, 840K)

Because the opportunities of the 90's just died and no one realized it. No one did anything against that nihilistic mindset that was arrising.

The more foreign workers are imported the less innovative a company becomes. Different ideas within a common framework are good, but having an uncommon framework is detrimental.

Attached: More foreign workers less innovation.jpg (1990x1920, 910K)

Yes, we are waking up and reclaiming our white women with chad nationalism!!!

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Ethnocentric societies always win

Attached: Societal evolution strategies over time.gif (600x400, 763K)

People that stay as a neighborhood becomes increasingly ethnically diverse become more dissatisfied as diversity increases. Those that move from this neighborhood see an increase in life satisfaction.

Attached: Stayers and movers prefer homogeneity.jpg (1805x1920, 1.14M)

Unfettered immigration causes the native population to be wiped out

Attached: Unfettered immigration natives disappear.jpg (1920x1003, 595K)

People have never lived in extremely diverse communities. You don't chose to do so either. Segregation by de facto.

Oldfag here.
Once you assumed the other person or business was generally honest and you would be surprised and angered when your trust was shown to be wrong.
Today, I assume everyone is a crook, in on a con. Of course this attitude happens some with age, but it is much bigger than just that.
And of course there have always been scammers, but the were not as all pervasive like today.

This is what we fight for. Get /comfy/

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This is absolutely true. A significant part of this attitude is genetic too.

> people are inherently more attracted to others whose facial features are similar to theirs
> people are inherently more trusting of others whose facial features are similar to theirs
>neuralimaging has shown that attraction happens at a subconscious level and is naturally occurring

Attached: Study of face preference.jpg (910x1920, 818K)

People prefer same race health providers and consider them more trustworthy. All groups police their own from outside groups, whether they are aware of it or not.

Attached: Ethnic nepotism.jpg (1296x1920, 810K)

> spouses and close friends gravitate toward each other based on ethnic blood groups. Common blood groups also show increased fertility VS non blood groups
>genetics, and not social construct, makes people gravitate toward others of the same blood ethno group
> within common ethnic groups, people are more likely to be attracted to one another based on certain inheritable traits. Your connections with others are based on common genetic traits, not social conditioning
> people grieve more for friends or children who are closer to their own ethnic groups
> face studies show people inherently trust people more who look like them
> variance in DNA within and between ethnic groups is the equivalent to that within and between families

Attached: Inclusive fitness genetic group selection.jpg (2901x1920, 1.18M)

> as women move toward the fertile part of their menstrual cycle, they intuitively become weary and defensive against members of different races who are seen as a threat and dangerous
> women become more racist as they ovulate
> women become more protective and act accordingly as they progress to ovulation. Essentially they decrease or stop interactions with men of other races who are more likely to rape them
> women are biologically programmed to be racist and exclusionary
> women know blacks are inherently dangerous

Attached: Women menstrual racism.jpg (1920x3024, 1.29M)

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2007, before Obama, back when some authentic journalism was still possible

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Reminder: Aristotle wasn't Christian so he was basically a nigger according to Christcuck Jow Forums.

who do you think made the Revolution happen?

>muh 2007
So what. It doesn't make it any less true.

The fact is that in today's climate, you probably wouldn't be able to publish stories like the one in the OP, especially in today's climate. Back in 2007, the NYT had a greater appetite for the truth, it seems.

ad hominem

Chad chins.

>national socialist germany

Too many brainlets in Jow Forums unable to see the big picture these days

it would be helpful to have the actual quote and the source. not just someone's summary. does anyone have it?

> took three global empires to defeat a nation smaller than Texas after that nation let showed mercy several times

This article would NEVER run in the New York Times today. Hell, I don't even think it would run on Breitbart. It's way too controversial by modern society's standards

i wonder if this holds up in a place where you arent forced to hire inferiors because of shitty laws

never heard of a strawman? They publish this stuff from time to time but cover it terribly, so people feel informed without actually being.

All of the comments for that article probably say the study was flawed etc etc... always fun reading the opinion section.

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so it was 2007 and it hasn't slowed down and the NYT has gone completely bonkers. What is the relevance of it? None of this is logical and logic is not how you're going to convince anyone. Scott Adams at least got that right.

only problem is all the measurements Putnam found subjected to the multicult surge are all getting worse. Diversity is community death. The only real benefit is that corporations and the 1% make more money due to more consumers via immigration. Putnam's lame claims that somehow mirco social groups in the form of online communities or hobby groups will replace the benefits of homogeneous communities is bullshit.

> 2007

these diversity studies are jarring
has anyone ever revealed a citation for their diversity is our strength claim

It shows that Ethnic cleansing is necessary, and is a natural human thing.
Human nature will win, the liars will burn.

daily reminder that, in order for you to have global diversity, you need nationalism for all countries

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These are great redpills, we must spread them.