What caused the fall of our civilization?

What caused the fall of our civilization?
>was it giving women the right to vote?
>the decline of Christianity?
>A combination?

Attached: Germans_Praying_1940.jpg (1000x608, 78K)

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It was state welfare

poor people should be allowed to fail or succeed of their own accord. there should be no comfy cushion to fall on, they should be taught to fly amongst the clouds of entrepreneurship

Attached: noreg.jpg (1500x857, 98K)

Christianity mainly. A servile slave like religion that has weakened us to the enth degree.

might have been a contribution to it, true. and when your ass is on welfare you become a lazy cuck

>Christianity mainly
Christianity literally says it's satanic for women to preside over men

Christianity built western civilization and it protected western civilization. Christianity was the sole reason behind the Holy League f.ex. Without the Holy League, our civilization wouldve fallen 110%. But thats just the top of the iceberg of what Christianity contributed with. Christianity was also the barrier against degeneracy like LGBTQ trash and other cuckery

And not to forget that the Bible is probably the most pro-patriarchy book out there


In fact, atheism was the absolute greatest engine behind the cuckery we today live in

Attached: atheist.jpg (359x455, 38K)


>our civilization
What do you mean by "our", Peasant?

Western Civilization obviously, Tyrone

Corporate greed The decline in white birth rates is proportional to the decline in corporate tax rates

Listen here Christians. You’re all absurdly heretical. A Christian from 100 years ago would lump you in with trannies and new agers. IVE BEEN READING OLD BOOKS, and some of them even talk about predicting future heresies like non-deterministic free will and passivity. Your teachings on spirits are all screwed up. Angels and demons are literal pagan gods with pagan god powers. Human spirits are apparently not confined to choir singing and can even possess people. The jews were always regarded with suspicion for being ugly and are NOT the Israelites of the Bible. That title is reserved for colonialists who want an excuse for expanding. Racemixing is completely unbiblical. If you’re on Jow Forums you should know this by now. You modernist Christians are all faggots who tarnished the name and the reason I hate telling people my religion. I could claim to be a Satanist and talk about traditional Christianity and you faggots would be too retarded to know I’m actually a traditional Christian.

Attached: 731410DA-9EDE-4323-B20E-B50FAAD08258.png (224x225, 5K)

Didn’t mean to reply to you

what books have you read? But I do agree to some extent. As secularism started to take over our societies, atheists also started pushing churches and Christianity in general to become more secular as well.
Traditional Christianity is what is needed to bring back our civilization

Attached: Trad Christianity.jpg (984x793, 104K)

those two examples are symptoms. The first world war shattered European civilization ideologically, and the result of the second world war and the cold war solidified liberal democracy as the new ideological standard. What is happening today is the result of the continuously deteriorating spiritual and demographic health of the western world caused by the wars in conjunction with the victorious liberal democratic ideals being pushed ad absurdum in order to ease the steady march of our civilization into oblivion.

Good point.

Yeah I'm sure Christianity caused the downfall of the west even though the west as a majority was Christian for hundreds of years. If it took this long for Christianity to fuck shit up then it probably wasn't as good as the subverting kikes since they did what according to you Christianity is guilty of in less than 100 years


The Federal Reserve printing money and funneling it to degenerates through government. Stealing resources from merit based producers and being squandered by the parasites.

WW2 ended with the destruction of the regimes that signified:
>cults of tradition
>cultural regionalism

And the victory of regimes that signified:
>Greed & numb collectivism
>'Equality' & predatorism by capital
>Matriarchy and 'Sensitive Capitalism'

Literally cultural death by decadence of capital liberalism and communism. When fascism died, their core values died with it. And fascism is based in the laws of nature... Take that off, and you get the garbage that we have today.

The jews.

Giving the women the vote was a fatal error, though it must be worth asking why we made such a stupid mistake.

Politics is now all about feelings and emotions and brinign in more cute brown people.

But it was only ebcause women got the vote that we got the modern welfare system as society rbeaks down when women work and women vote themselesvs a replacement husband