What makes America "the best country in the world"?

What makes America "the best country in the world"?

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that photo is from the late 1850s of django OP, we have evolved as a species much more than depicted.

Nothing, it's just sinful pride which enable the subversive "freedom" meme

All of the recent UFO shit made me wonder this as well. Say aliens do visit us -- why do Americans think they would visit them? To the rest of the world, America is just a source of media entertainment. Other countries don't look up to it, especially politically. If aliens were to land and make contact they'd pick some backwater island where the inhabitants live peacefully and quietly. Not the big loud place where everyone keeps shooting each other.

1) Greatest Superpower
2) Rich
3) Enjoy the most freedoms of any country

On a national scale? The first and second amendment
On an international scale? Overwhelming force and influence

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What’s wrong brazilbro? You don’t enjoy “liberty” and “democracy”

it has the power to make you think of it constantly

having so many Jews

L0Lno fgt pls

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The 4th is pretty nice too.

Whatever it is you can bet it doesn't involve niggers


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not even memeing

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damn niggas be having horses and shit now

4th amendment has gradually eroded over time. It was nice while it lasted.

niggers on horses

The large amounts of nukes.

the typical person in the bottom 5 percent of the American income distribution is still richer than 68 percent of the world’s inhabitants.

our unique mindset really makes a big difference

guns, freedom, a growing lenience towards drugs, and a powerful sense of charity and compassion has driven many of our population groups into becoming soft-spoken badasses

speak softly with a big stick, etc

I am honestly happy seeing the quality of the Americans around me improve with each passing day, everyone is giving more fucks about each other and keeping the good guys in office and less about the compromised sections of our rule of law (as in their pseudo-holdings within our fed gov)


This unironically. Diversity is our strength.

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Found the shitskin communist pig

their based freedomz ?

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It isn't the 'best', it's the most powerful.
The best thing about the US is probably the amount of personal freedom and the low taxes.

Our endless appeals system.

>What makes America "the best country in the world"?
The Bill of Rights and Donald Trump

It's not
Its a shithole
No freedom
Cant live off grid : illegal
Cant harvest rain water : illegal

Fuck kids then yes you are elected, Hollywood, tv star and else

Even North korea is by far better...

Amazingly well-crafted document.
It really helps that the people who wrote it came from all walks of life. The Constitutional Convention comprised landed nobles and poor farmers alike.

Madison was the son of a wealthy plantation family.
Hamilton was the bastard son raised by a single mother who died, leaving him a penniless orphan, whose only inheritance from his dead mother were some books.

It's ironic because Madison was more of a populist then Hamilton in a lot of ways. Hamilton wanted to set up a banking oligarchy (like we currently have) from the very beginning.

>Cant harvest rain water : illegal
Only in Nevada.
Used to be illegal in Colorado, but that was repealed.

All other states, it's legal (and encouraged).
They even have detailed instructions in some city websites.


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And who is responsible for all this stupid central planning (via regulation). Oh yea, it was the left and the Trotskyite neocons. We are actually trying to get rid of all this shit and instantly the fucking communists think we are nazis for gutting government programs. It's really retarded.

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because 80% of the citizens/subhuman chattel do not/will not have passports. they see nothing wrong with living in a depressing monotonous strip mall wasteland where you are enslaved by your automobile.

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>pride is sin
this is why christianity is a cuckold religion
and christianity is why your nation is still a shithole
still, it's better off than it would be under jizzlam

Having the right to own firearms, interesting history of how they became independent, beautiful nature, cowboys, scientific discoveries, NASA, self-sufficient policies and way of life, lots of decent movies without (((their))) influence, powerful army etc etc. Hell, I would even say that their women aren't that bad either especially the rural ones.

>Cant harvest rain water : illegal
California is not America.

It runs on ideology instead of blood.

"aliens" are just those giants from the Bible. They live underground and the UFOs are just their little vehicles they use to see stuff and occasionally rape people. Yeah, the giants were hedonistic degenerates(fuck, they were the assholes who pushed jewelry and abortion on humans).

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its not anymore