>The military history of France encompasses an immense panorama of conflicts and struggles extending for more than 2,000 years across areas including modern France, greater Europe, and French territorial possessions overseas. According to the British historian Niall Ferguson, France has participated in 50 of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495, and in 168 battles fought since 387 BC, they have won 109, drawn 10 and lost 49: this makes France the most successful military power in European history—in terms of number of fought and won.
Reminder that the French are the true champions of Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
>they shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
>age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
>at the going down of the sun and in the morning
>we will remember them
>RIP France
The only requirement to join Frances most badass fighting force is:
~You can't be French~
The French Foreign Legion
The country died in 1789 though.
its a pretty good rule to be honest
every "French" person is a muslim or communist
the only people wanting to join the FFL want France to survive and are probably ethnically French living in a non-shithole
Thanks Ameribro
> be me
> be far right
> decide to buy guns legally
> decide to make some chemicals for my knowledge too ( remember this because it will lead to my fall )
> get better at shooting at chemicals
> decide to join nazi internet groups
> join one very good
> we become friends
> we decide we want to be more than a virtual group
> meet in forest
> shoots guns
> 2 months later the police come to my house
> so you bought some evil chemicals huh?
> they take all my guns, all my gear, and my computer
> now I may go to jail because : far right + guns trainings
Would they have done the same if you were far-left?
Was there a Jew in your internet group?
Is it true? Has it been always like this or just in the current times?
the chemical store apparently reported me.
and now they are all nigger faggots
>worldwide recruitment for disposable brainlet criminals
There are a lot of french dudes in the foreign legion
Why would you even do that. This is Breivik-tier of activities.
What chemicals and why?
I didn't know you could get the police for buying acid online. I was too confident.
Yeah but what did you want to do with that stuff?
Dude, you can literally get the police for saying "Hi" to a girl nowadays
acetone peroxyde. But I never made it but the police saw it with the others ingrédients.
All I do is making some experiments by watching video online and then I test it in the forest. Until then I was never caught.
Except you were caught. Your best bet is laying low for now, and explaining how you were just planning to make funny bubbles and colorful chemicals before dumping them responsibly
They don't include criminals since decades user, search it up.