Attached: nsa.png (754x1025, 535K)

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Why would anybody join that dindu party

I'm fairly certain my Discord is monitored by the NSA. My friend rants about killing kikes on an nightly basis.

how do i join

they aren't even trying to hide it!

Attached: glow.jpg (150x200, 24K)

Needs to be disbanded for OBVIOUS corruption and treason to American citizens.

Where the fuck are you Trump?

>implying trump cares about spying on citizens
he only cared that i was done to him. has he ever spoken out about it even once? no.
>inb4 shill
link me to where he said it's bad and i'd change my opinion. the government has a motive to make sure rebellions dont start

it's true
my cousin technically works for the CIA
>he's a mechanic who works in a motor pool

Glow in the dark niggers only hire if you speak yiddish hebrew and arabic. The countries beef with alphabet agencies is older than your gay dad

>Glow in the dark niggers only hire if you speak yiddish hebrew and arabic.
oh :( damn

im dyslexic so im prob too retarded to learn sand rune bullshit. oh well being a neet is more fun anyway

Either absolutely covertly endorsing Q or the worlds biggest coincidence.

>is monitored by the NSA
he doesn't know it's run by NSA

Attached: 1535124752358.webm (1280x1280, 870K)

All this does is make Q look bad if it has anything to do with them

Oh my God, another Q conspiracy thread? It's just some person writing random stuff. Anyone can do it. Working for the NSA would actually be cool.

Kys you stupid boomer faggot

>look at all these people laughing at you! dont you feel socially shamed!
fuck off roastie

17 parkland (((victims)))

Attached: big beans.png (560x675, 483K)

the NSA has refused to take the security of residents of Berkeley, California and students at UC Berkeley seriously

it lets bamn, a left-wing militia, openly recruit students on campus

the NSA is traitors

they want you to think you are safe while left-wing militias inflict terror on citizens with impunity





NSA when the fuck are you going to make it legal to break the arms and knees of bamn

NSA when the fuck are you going to let the citizens of the USA protect themselves

NSA are you just going to let niggers rape and kill our children


Do they hire experienced meme wizards?

I unironically would love to be a NSA data analyst. Sounds like a fun job.

ha ha ha I've bad news for you m8, you best believe in NSA discords, you're in one

Attached: GCHQ-taps-can-intercept-U-010.jpg (460x276, 40K)

your friend sounds like a fggot

>they haven't been monitored by the CIA, FBI, or NSA for at least ten years

>job is to find the bad guys
>commit crime against citizens
>commit treason against country
>spy on everyone
>manipulate elections
>manipulate politicians
>cost outrageous amounts of money
>multiple generations later
>yup same people are bad guys

Why do they exist again?

>Why do they exist again?
To violate your constitutional rights on behalf of the United States Government under the auspices of "national security" when they spend most of their time chasing ghosts and strawmen.

>The NSA cares you watch creampie porn and say nigger a lot on a Mongolian crossfit forum

I hope we cost a lot of time and money

I'm sorry. I get angry when life doesn't go my way, which is most of the time, and then I just blame Jews.


Actually they do. Everything is interesting to data collectors.

Schlomo at it again

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I thought Q was nsa

This is the problem, there are agencies full of shit heads out there, the solution is to have more like minded people around who are not afraid to call out bullshit. I think after my time with this job is done I am going to seek out government work. You would want a person like me on the other end of the phone when you call into to social security or the DMV. I would make your fucking day and the whole process would be faster and less painful.

I would like to put my mungo autistic skills to work for good.

every. goddamn. time.

I'd tell you what I think Q is but on the off chance they're doing their job for once I ain't gonna say.

thanks Kraut bro just submitted a student internship. didnt even know this was a possible route for my major

>mfw i might be spooking Jow Forums someday shit posting 9-5 and being paid for it

I am. Please happen.

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You’re onto something. Imagine if pol did a soft coup just by slithering into government jobs. Just like the communists do, but better.

More than likely you'll be in Syria with pubes glued to your face taking surveys

NSA = Military Intel = not as shit as the rest of the intel agencies. They're actually on our side, for once.

Well fuck man, somebody has to do something.

The NSA analysts are herded around like cattle. Most of them aren't well educated and are given very low level security clearance. They are led into cubicles, where they are given US citizen personel information and trained in very low level pattern matching. The higher ups give them little updates on certain keywords that may have something to do with terror, but other than that, the agents are clueless as to whats going on. For example, an NSA agent will be trained to flag anything anti-semitic as possibly being terrorism related. They don't hire smart people there. They hire people that believe the news. These guys are gullible enough to believe that folks on Jow Forums are actually committing the crimes that are pro ported to happen in the news. They never really have to consider anything else, because they are very well coddled by the higher ups, who are Jewish.

Bullshit. They had a terrorist supporting traitor for a director and still have a globalist traitor piece of shit as a director appointed by Trump. Goddamn aluminum tube motherfucker.

I'm going with this.

forgot about that possibility

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Honest to God... I would do it out of my hate for the cia and fbi.

That's about it
>go canvas (((groups))) overseas for sentiment
>being back key (((info)))
>send retards to crossreference the public against it
>identify targets
>send out paperwork to spy
>find out we share a verboten (((sentiment)))
>publish report about us
>senator sheckelstein cries about rampant terrorist anti-semetism in the USA
>writes bill to pay (((experts))) to diffuse the antisemetism based on report

They can all go get fucked to death by a rusty pinto bumper

Yeah that Q guy sure is something!

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Lately it seems more like a Jewish fingerpainting forum.

I enjoyed the anti-semitism mostly cuz it pissed people off, but I don't get this nazi shit. Its sort of gay.

NSA runs the Qtard LARP as a disinfo campaign, it's quite obvious

they ran BadSelfEater, Cicada 3301 and a bunch of other ones too

NSA are just as compromised as the CIA and FBI

Attached: NSA_FVEY_AM.png (858x676, 385K)

The nazi shit is what keeps sheckelstein up at night

could someone fucking explain what you faggots are sperging about and sheeeeittt

they still have yet to crack my "Malk" code.

motherfuckers don't even have a clue if it isn't already programmed into their auto-codebreakers.

nsa is mainly focuses abroad. The fbi is the domestic intel agency.

>Needs to be disbanded for OBVIOUS corruption and treason to American citizens
This is the agenda being shilled-hard by the Kremlin on Jow Forums everyday, but legitimate, decent, patriotic American citizens have nothing to fear from the NSA.

They probably don't even let most analysts look at Jow Forums, because the analysts might end up questioning their bosses.

If the NSA is focused abroad, then why did they spend millions and millions of tax-dollars to build a cable across the Atlantic, which coincidentally allows them to legally spy on Americans from British soil, via some loophole?


Oh yea they just run algorithms all day and do gay database management shit. They didn't even have the capacity to catch on when they went spying on Trump specifically. Only the people responsible for making it happen

Go on...

Well somebody is doing the raping

>Go on...

I made a cypher about 6 or so months ago, embedded in a jpg called "Malk.jpg", it was a picture of a glass of milk.

They have yet to break it.

What they don’t realize is that this board is literally 90% NSA and JIDF agents unknowingly shilling, larping and trolling against each other. The other 10% are Q boomers too stupid to figure out the real operation has moved to the all but abandoned LOTR MMORPG website. Yep we pretty much got middle earth to ourselves boys. We meet at the Green Dragon on the Shire map @8pm EST on a nightly basis. Look for me, I’m the level 50 Elf sitting at the bar enjoying a draught of ale. Approach my avatar and use the password “frazzledrip” and I will gift you a mythril vest. Embedded in the polygons of the chainmail is our manifesto and instructional white paper pdf. Only a skilled hacker can do this but I’ll try and explain it in layman’s terms. Press up, down,up, down, left,right, left, right, B,A,B,A, select, start. Spread the word and I’ll see you at The Green Dragon, where a new world awaits!

prime post

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You allowed weed yet?

they have a database on everyone be it empty or full they still have your identity in an index and they will use it against you in a blackmail attempt

I'm unblackmailable. They'd have to make something up.

For your own safety. Not to stop school shooters or to get rid of kid touchers or criminals or communists or general mass shooters or illegals or drug pushers or people going after elected officials or terrorists or themselves.

But for your own (((safety)))

>conflating CIA and NSA
All you faggots, do more things like this user
CIA post, you fags are so gay
Yes, not kidding
Go join the military int community
Come now old bean
DOJ post, you gays are so faggy
Post from the big garage in Reston, VA
Everyone writes but a single word of a bigger story that will never be told
Tecmo flashback my elf, stay woke
Fundamentally not understanding Quantum computing.
Weed is still bad, mmmkay
Fallacious, golfesque rumors


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explain the exabyte supercomputer facilities they have then, whats the need for so much storage?
they have been collecting everything as far back as when they started listening to your phone calls

go back to ptg

>conflating CIA and NSA

Which one is allowed to operate domestically and which one on foreign soil again?

You’re mostly right, but not quite correct. Utah is data hive where information is stored and cultivated. The cultivation process is never invested in your identity, just the nugget’s relationships. Data layer is abstracted from people layers and they are matched in canned reports and real time interrogation. Unless of course, you’re a fuck up. Only then will you have a file. The data farm has exposed services to int/le resources, but they do not own the data and the queries from secure facilities are redundantly monitored and recorded in every service call.

Not the NSA's job, user. Your rage should be directed at the FBI.

Attached: MAUREEN_BAGINSKI.jpg (1080x7680, 3.48M)

NSA monitors the universe, CIA ops are non domestic (except for the ones on US soil)

>Signs up for NSA

Hello NSA, I want the position where I look at sent nudes, please

Attached: 1536476139361.jpg (700x681, 44K)

This short video tells you all about the NSA

Attached: nsa.jpg (656x500, 62K)

>wants to start at the top

post whitepaper or shut the fuck up

keep bullshitting, soon everyone will know and you will have your own tree branch to swing from and vindication will come

>We're on your side
>Also, shove the fourth amendment up your ass

September 17rd
Be ready.

If those that value the constitution and work to protect personal freedoms at the cost of private fortunes must swing, bring your rope and a lunch

Look, I want to believe in Q as much as anyone but until the deep state is executed for treason they're just as complicit in violating our rights as anyone else

>value the constitution
says the domestic terrorist

Binary world in that information is in an age of being either purposefully stored or purposefully erased.
>pick one
Unreasonable is not No

Wew, how did you get where you’re looking from? Pretty blanket like brushstroke there, what makes you think that?

you know where to find me if you want to call my bluff

The NSA chief told Trump he was being spied on. The NSA is on Trump's side. The CIA, on the other hand, has been dealing drugs and human trafficking rings tonund off the books Black projects and operating as a semi autonomous branch of the government for decades.

What fucking bluff, say words that mean shit when you put them together fren

>Yes, not kidding

are you sure that they are ACTUALLY hiring meme wizards, as opposed to hillary shills disguised as meme wizards, who keep pretending to be us?

>Fundamentally not understanding Quantum computing.

good fucking luck, boy-o

I made it in a hexeditor, using a calculator and notepad

You fucking script kiddies.

>has he ever spoken out about it even once
All the time you faggot retard

fuck off LARPer

Shannon's Maxim compels open source code, if you won't share it then it doesn't exist and/or it likely has holes.

And nobody codes anything in hex editors you fucking shill faggot

Attached: NSA_XKEYSCORE.jpg (1346x1011, 332K)

It’s so fucking organic in nature for the see. you really can’t have no oversight, global, intellectual property owners generating orders of magnitude more income in side jobs than their full time gig and expect long term interests that do not directly align with those in the org benefiting the most. It was broke before it started

how do you know they have yet to break it?

please post cypher

is this an encryption you created?