What is currently the best country in Europe and why is it Switzerland?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Switzerland_(Pantone).svg.png (1200x1200, 9K)

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Based and redpilled

Because of local governing laws. It all boils down to that really. Theyre very keen on keeping their traditions and is a family centered society. Family=inheritance= wealth.

Fuck off we're full

>cross in flag.

shh, is secret.

Attached: no.png (640x301, 109K)

>a nation of tenebrous occultists
>also the de facto haven of the Knights Templar, who were arrested for kissing eachother's assholes as well as a three-faced demonic idol fashioned from two human skulls and a cat skull in France on Friday the 13th.
>the Templars implicitly control most the world's finances thru the Swiss bank
>the Rothschilds basically own everything around the previous three ideas relative to the domain of Switzerland

I mean once you guys get rid of your (((good goy problem))) the heavens will not even be the limit


Stop selling heroin

this but unironically