Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Switzerland_(Pantone).svg.png (1200x1200, 9K)
What is currently the best country in Europe and why is it Switzerland?
Aaron Roberts
Other urls found in this thread:
Luke Bennett
Based and redpilled
Leo Garcia
Because of local governing laws. It all boils down to that really. Theyre very keen on keeping their traditions and is a family centered society. Family=inheritance= wealth.
Elijah Hernandez
Fuck off we're full
Nolan Sanders
>cross in flag.
Jeremiah Cox
shh, is secret.
Grayson Jones
>a nation of tenebrous occultists
>also the de facto haven of the Knights Templar, who were arrested for kissing eachother's assholes as well as a three-faced demonic idol fashioned from two human skulls and a cat skull in France on Friday the 13th.
>the Templars implicitly control most the world's finances thru the Swiss bank
>the Rothschilds basically own everything around the previous three ideas relative to the domain of Switzerland
I mean once you guys get rid of your (((good goy problem))) the heavens will not even be the limit
Jeremiah Walker
Leo Baker
Stop selling heroin
Gabriel Wright
this but unironically