SKYKING General /SK/ - Mercury Edition

5 E-6 Mercuries and 1 E-4B Nightwatch Doomsday plane is currently over CONUS, unprecedented. EAM messages are going out every few minutes. It's potential happening time my dudes. Red dots indicates an E6

*** What the heck is it?
>SKYKING is operated by the United States Military. Some of the messages are transmitted from Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska (the ones that end in "Offutt Out"). This is the headquarters of U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) which is charged with space operations (such as military satellites), information operations (such as information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (the United States nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.

*** What does it mean?
>The transmitted codes are likely One Time Cipher Pads, sometimes known as a Caesar Cipher. This is a set if codebooks held only by the transmitter and recipient of the message and they have the only two copies of the codes and know which letters and numbers mean what. Once it is used, it is never reused.

*** What are they for?
>SKYKING messages are probably sent to nuclear elements of USSTRATCOM and maybe intelligence units. Most of the messages are probably benign; "Nothing new, all is well." Occasionally, it can be assumed a "Something odd is happening in Russia, we will let you know if it gets worse," message is sent.

*** What does the repeating SKYKING mean? >The amount of times "SKYKING, SKYKING DO NOT ANSWER" is repeated correlates to the urgency of the messages. Or, for that matter, how many times the Authentication Code is sent.

>SKYKING is a Boeing E-6 Mercury "Looking Glass" NCA circling somewhere over America ready to TACMO in the event of a nuclear strike.

*** Where do I listen to this?

Frequencies to monitor:
8992 KHz USB
11175 KHz USB
6737 KHz USB
8890.94 KHz USB
8991 KHz USB

Attached: DnEW98wWwAIFx0J.jpg (1033x715, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: skykang.jpg (640x575, 179K)

Good post OP something fishy is definitely going on

I know for a fact that a few days ago the sun was doing weird stuff and we got weird signals from outer-space. Then the FBI and governments around the world shut down solar observatories. Now just yesterday when doing a Google search about the solar observatories being shut down every result is "alien conspiracy theory". Literally no one was talking about aliens except for some threads on pol and x. There is something you're not telling us. I'm scared guys.

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Where to view air force airbourne assets over conus:


Also, what if all the alien talk is real? As in WW3 breaks out, Aliens (demons or bluebeam or some shit) come down to stop it and initiate one world government?

Use google, not hard just type E6.


Wait... Is it actually happening this time?

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I mean, what could be the cause? Do we have any ideas, or is it something behind the scenes?

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All I can say is that after a certain point, the higher up Nazis got really concerned with getting the fuck off this planet.