What a pussy

What a pussy.

When you censor yourself as an artist you’re done. You might as well hang it up because it’s all fake then

Why does being a lefty destroy all art?

His beard is weird

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He is onion bro now.

>When you censor yourself as an artist you’re done. You might as well hang it up because it’s all fake then
you are talking about a rapper who has refused to use the n word his entire career

Attached: Dl9Ze1XUUAA6rU3.jpg (500x334, 33K)

eminem is clearly an npc

just look at those soul-less eyes

This faggot wigger is sinking deeper and deeper
Should have retired and walk away

>Eminem saying the use of a "homophobic slur" "might be too far"
SJWs have completed rip the balls off these faggots.

Here is the thing with wealth, and more importantly celebrity. All of that can be taken away instantly. You can be charged with any number of crimes, and you will be forced to defend yourself at great expense. You can have your assets frozen by the IRS without ever being convicted of anything. Rich people are all slaves to the system that made them wealthy. They are not free to do as they wish, though that is how they are portrayed. This is why they are so easily controlled and made to say whatever (((they))) want. The only truly free people are the homeless bums who live in the park.

Eminem is the faggot now.

oh hell no only tyler can call tyler a faggot

I don't like rap but this guy tears eminems faggot ass apart

What a weak pussy faggot.

other than the rampant std problem, why would anyone be scared of homos. I'm more disgusted by them than anything

You are correct:

Be an "artist"
>Self censor

Yep, his career is over....Again.

This bitch is close friends with Elton John despite publicy "hating" gays. Elton John secretly hooks Eminem up with men. We're seeing his extreme attention seeking become ignored, he's getting close to coming out.

>When you censor yourself as an artist you’re done
I self censor all the time. No one needs to know the details of the weird porn I was wanking to when writing my songs

is onions still on the list?


yep it is

>His beard is weird
And Hailey says 'dads gone crazy'.

I thought that picture was of Fidel Castro at first.

That’s why your art probably sucks bro. If you’re an artist you gotta say and show what you think it’s the only thing that makes you special. Tarantino does it with his feet & love of bbc . Woody Allen does it with his love of young pussy. You have to do it

>why would anyone be scared of homos
Depends what you mean by scared. I do not think many people are scared for their physical wellbeing when dealing with homos except when dealing with the rampant HIV problems. Most people like will be "scared" of LGBT due to the SJW nature of the LGBT. Say something the LGBT does not like or not be for LGBT issues and they will brigade and attempt to ruin you. Make people like Eminem with shit to lose to apologize when years ago he would have never. The LGBT/homos have weaponzied their faggotry.


Lol this wiggerfaggot is 45 years old.

Only he did in a whole song and nobody cares

You literally don't know what freedom means.

What a bitch ass nigger he's turned into.

Attached: Ice T.jpg (1000x1644, 1.8M)

Attached: NPC.jpg (272x185, 24K)

People should quit being scared of homos and stop apologizing to them.

But isn't he a faggot?

has eminem listend to one of his old songs before. he is fucking apologizing for calling someone a faggot now. this timeline is too much

tyler has called himself a faggot in his own raps

Attached: 1536757285570.jpg (861x758, 27K)

The people who do apologize to the faggots are the ones who are scared of being labeled bigots. The LGBT has been weaponized which in turn makes them a target. As they continue to push they agenda and label those who do not kiss their HIV infected asses bigots they will only lose support.