Is it only coinsidence? most creative and inteligent people, will chose/support right-wing political ideas...
Also in combat situation right-minded people outsmart enemies in most of cases.
Is it only coinsidence? most creative and inteligent people, will chose/support right-wing political ideas...
Also in combat situation right-minded people outsmart enemies in most of cases.
>college educated people voted 70-30 Clinton
>college students often stereotyped for being liberal to far left
>the only educated people voting trump do it because they want tax cuts not bc they agree with his populist platform
Get out of your pinknigger garbage dump called Poland and see the real world.
Smart people win over the dumb ones. Determined people win more the over ones lacking the determination.
the waffen ss were probably the best armed troops from the xx century
because conservatism is associated with history and progressiveness is about new, untested ideas
that which is old will remain, and that which is new will go away
What do you call right wing? Conservatism or laissez faire capitalism?
If it's conservatism, they are almost as dumb as socialists.
If it's the Libertarians they are indeed intelligent like the Chicago boys.
>college educated people voted 70-30 Clinton
hopefully just college Students, and not alumni
we have a lot of highly educated idiots here as well, they know how to do their job but they're dense AF on history and politics
Different kinds of intelligence imo. Met some of the dumbest 0311 marines, some of the pogs were the brightest in articulation. I don't know what to tell you. When you have spics it's hard to tell.
>> he measures intelligence based on education...
Being a doctor, professor nowadays does not mean you are anyhow superior in intelligence.
Education = knowledge
So this part is about absorption of knowledge/ about memory + learning skills
Most important part of intelligence is the one which is responsible for processing data/knowledge and using CREATIVITY.
Your true IQ is defined by genetic lottery; it’s based on your mum/dad DNA mixed with genetic standards of specific ethnic groups/race
There are many types of intelligence; artistic, musical, mathematical, social, emotional, etc etc etc..
That’s why someone with autism, who might be not able to even control his basic behavior, or form basic sentences, might be in same time a mathematical genius.
Or someone with down syndrome, might be able to memorize entire books with every little details, but will be unable to process and express obtained information’s.
From my own experience with people, I can tell you also that there are architects/ engineers /designers that have problems to solve simple mathematical formulas, while in same time they create amazing things, while supporting their designs with calculations done via computer/calculator.
Also I knew a guy who is a master in calculating geometrical things in his memory in seconds (like he’s able to provide proper number from memory, “on an eye”, just by looking at roof/wall/column in different shape knowing basic wall measurements), but he has problems to calculate things like 96x96, and he needs to think a bit to provide the result( sometimes he even must note things down to calculate them… )