What can I seriously do to save my country, ideally without going to jail?

What can I seriously do to save my country, ideally without going to jail?

Attached: AAF115F1-C90D-481E-8995-F88E372A6592.jpg (1080x1080, 261K)

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Wake up your population

Contribute to turn the debate in Richtung Rechts.

Attached: Leigh_Brackett.jpg (355x320, 17K)

Knock up some german girls, if you're not ugly.
>inb4 single mothers are cancer
Desperate times—desperate measures.

By creating a political movement that ensures the survival of ethnic germans.

>without going to jail
Hitler went to jail
How can you save your country if you're not willing to sacrifice something to do it?

Get a good job and a nice gf/wife.

Find a young fertile german women of good stock and have 5 children and teach them all ethnic and nationalistic values, be a full time parent

>what can I do without risk

You can't save a country that'll jail you for trying.