What can I seriously do to save my country, ideally without going to jail?
What can I seriously do to save my country, ideally without going to jail?
Thomas Hernandez
Zachary Phillips
Wake up your population
Ian Green
Contribute to turn the debate in Richtung Rechts.
Andrew Davis
Knock up some german girls, if you're not ugly.
>inb4 single mothers are cancer
Desperate times—desperate measures.
Hunter Jones
By creating a political movement that ensures the survival of ethnic germans.
Christopher Adams
>without going to jail
Hitler went to jail
How can you save your country if you're not willing to sacrifice something to do it?
Jose Davis
Get a good job and a nice gf/wife.
Juan Robinson
Find a young fertile german women of good stock and have 5 children and teach them all ethnic and nationalistic values, be a full time parent
Elijah Young
>what can I do without risk
Ayden Martinez
You can't save a country that'll jail you for trying.