Portugal General /pt/ - Saint Sábio (pbuh) Edition

This thread is for the discussion of Portuguese relevant news, politics and other related topics. Jow Forums and rest of Jow Forums boards (except int) are English speaking boards so please write in English. Low quality posts, baits and banter should be posted in bant
Asking travel advice should be done in trv.

Share memes and attack the narrative.
(D)iscord - 3afVQJ

No niggers allowed:

>Mongrels and mutts

>Spanish bretheren
>Catholic Neatherlands

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Other urls found in this thread:



Redpill me on the man in the image OP

Recent News:

> Rent for students go up while for nigger and mongrel students goes down due to goverment support

> 29 elderly citizens got tied-up, tortured and violently beaten by some "youths"

> Hacker who hacked high rank football club's officials is afraid of returning to Portugal

>Nigger Parents ship daughter to Africa to get circuncizion

>"Civil Protection" Department accused of criminal negligency


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The guys was very wise man that took some effort, when it seemed no worth it to try, to write a book for future generations to read. Naming EVERY jew, with substantial sources and proofs to support his claims, and thus explaining his view on how actually did Portuguese History unfold.
We are translating his books to English. They will be avaliable soon. Very worthwhile read, desu

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every fucking time

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9/10, saved

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it makes me wonder how someone like him even had that much info on da joos

Here are some quotes if you are interested:
>Insults, threats, and rumors contributed to the shipwreck of the monarchist boat. The ancestral custom of good education diminished the Christian-old defence in the face of the virulence of an ancestral quality. The campaign of discredit was woven with fecundity of invention, and promptly fulfilled; everything served as a pretext: the dubious murder of Sara de Matos, the dubious exile of the republicans to Timôr, the dubious expenses of the Palace, the dubious and expensive dresses of the queen, the Trips of the royal family, etc. Virtually this same campaign had itself begun in 1492 with the entry into Portugal of the Jewish immigrants of Granada.


>On January 28, 1907 a republican movement aborts; and a packet went as it had been corroded, had been wisely taken!) - and it was that Joao Franco had given to the assignment of King Carlos a very dubious decree of expulsion of the princes, and of the non-princes. republicans; that there were lists formed with people from towns, villages and villages! ... And on 1 February 1908 the new Christian, from a traditional family of Traz-os-Montes, Alfredo dos Reis da Silva Buiça (natural from the logarêjo of Vilartão, from Lébuçâo, between Chaves and Vinhaes, and whose exclusive population is of Jews, redheads, generally, like redhead was Buiça), assassinated in the street king D. Carlos, the last effective king of the Portuguese ... or rather, of the old Portuguese! just because he was no longer the king of the [new] Portuguese, he paid his own death. . . with his life ! And so it was that the edict of expulsion from the multitude of descendants of the converts was revoked!

based, only the brazilian is missing on that pic.
and i would get out the ukras and romanians (because ethnic romanians are europeans, not gypsies).

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Some better ones since maybe you are not very familiarized with Portuguese History:

>Today the Jewish guy in Paris is seen with great frequency in the great mass that frequents the boulevards, in the tearooms, in the clubs, in the cafes ...
What, then, shall we say of the brown masses of people in Lisbona, who were examining the meeting-houses-theaters, clubs, cafes? -These centers are true synagogues! Our friends who come and go are the converts of 1496, the captives of yesteryear, and the survivors of the slaughter on the São Domingos strip! If Paris is the capital of Israel, Lisbon is the capital of Judah!

>tfw this same shitty thread is posted almost daily by the same retarded discord group

Fuck off to your hug box

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>almost daily
>except not even everyweek

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show us your flag

And what's the problem memeflag alien?

Viva Portugal!

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Like pottery

Tudo pela nação, nada contra a nação!

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How can we make the goyim more aware of the atrocities of the holocaust, goyim?

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>«..... De pé, olhos bem abertos, face ao Inimigo, unidos em bloco firme, os dentes cerrados, resistir, combater até à morte, na defesa do Património sagrado que herdamos, para, ao menos, salvarmos a honra do nosso nome. Descer as pontes da fortaleza - jamais!»
Alfredo Pimenta,1947

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DISCORD VALID INVITE: dphtwV (if interested)

Source do Livro

He studied in Lisbon university. He got an opportunity to see the Jews in action.

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based and redpilled, too bad we dont think the same anymore as a nation

We aren't due to high %s of jewish blood in the average Portuguese.A Nation has to consist of ethnically pure population based or it isn't worth call itself a nation at all. The Portuguese lack of racial identity

Because in those times, especially in Catholic nations which had centuries of experience in dealing with Jews, it was understood in the popular conscience that the Jews were a fundamentally alien people labouring to undermine the morals and culture of Christian populations.

Take, for instance, La Civiltà Cattolica's (the official Vatican periodical published by the Jesuits) treatment of the "Jewish question" some 35 years prior to the Saa quote:


All of this seems ludicrous to us today because of subsequent historical events.

I want a redhead Qt.

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i wonder what the % of the pop is that has Jewish blood. i believe its most prevalent in the north than in the south desu

This. We need to revive the racial awareness of the people. It makes no difference if most of our population hates for example blacks but at the same time it racemixes with Brazilian mutts and opens its doors to others.

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they will just throw the same old "we wuz moors and shiet xd" lie to the population to discredit us

Gostava de fazer um teste de descendência num daqueles sites mas tenho medo de vir a descobrir algo sobre mim que não gosto, que sou aquilo que mais odeio. Não tenho nenhum dos traços clássicos pelos quais são mais reconhecidos mas mesmo assim a ideia assusta-me, o que fariam?

There were more ghettos in the North than in the South if I'm not mistaken. Porto has the Biggest Synagouge Southern Europe and one of the biggest jewish communities which most of them consist of many "cristãos-novos" descendants

Use that to push them back. Attack the white Portuguese in this country and they'll get mad. Show them what they think of them.

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Do not give your genes to israeli companies (the companies that run those sites). We can observe if a person is in fact jewish or not by their characteristics and behaviour, because these two things come from the genes.

This. We need to set things straight first

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Não faças os textes, são todos uma merda e além disso são companhias de judeus.

Para saber quem és Olha para o espelho,essas merdas de 23andme são para americanos sem qualquer tipo de identidade cultural ou racial. Também estás em Portugal por isso se tiveres um pouco de sangue de negro/judeu/árabe não fiques impressionado e segue com a vida,com certeza não és o único.

Phone posting

This. Jews hate us. Most Jews would never be in favor of white interests even though there may be exceptions.

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>this thread is 90% samefagging by 3/4 retards

Just let it slide, you pathetic cucks
P*rtuguese are moorish mutts and the blacks of Europe

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Reminder to not respond to shills

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>Implying that niggers were god’s chosen
Nice try cucko

based luso canadian, how are things holding up there?

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Its been getting worse lately

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Stop spreading those lies immigrant retard, portuguese population (natives) have no b % of joo blood, that's a lie. Open any dna map and check that.

Attached: pca_39_o04163-dna.jpg (1200x672, 83K)

>the hapameme guy
Sure I didn't miss your incoherent hapamemes

It's been getting worse for a long time. Once we get another economic crash we may see some action.

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Reminder that the (((Capitães de Abril))) were descendants of the fake conversos

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Based and redpilled.

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That's not haplogroups brainlet shill, That's autosomal dna.

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yes, everyone i dont like is a jooo, go find some treatment.

>presents a graph
>with no sample information
>projects on me calling me shill
>expects me to believe in him
When did reddit became so dumb, /pt/

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do you realize all maps ever done of the subject give the same results don´t you? and they are usually from diff studies or eurogenes

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am i doing it right?

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>o marcelo o melhor presidente que já houve em Portugal

Attached: marcelo_best_pres.png (1170x568, 638K)

keep trying shill


foda-se puta que o pariu, sorte que o presidente da républica mal tem poderes hoje em dia

why are you so salty?

O Marcelo não passa de um ex vendedor profisional de livros na tvi, parece que um desses cantores pop que vão em digressão por ai e alem,

I think that you are one of those mutts with OBVIOUS jewish traits and try to justify your "europeaness" through adultered median studies since you are not one of those you claim portuguese to be

alguem acha vamos entar em crise daqui a 2/3 anos vamos ter a crise de 2008 outra vez, e depois vem o PSD, tentar sacar centimos a cada custo, e depois o pessoal esquece se do PS ,e é contra PSD e aparece um Costa a dizer que vai dar gibbbbs, e depois votam no PS, e o PS gasta o pouco dinheiro q têm e voltamos a este ciclo.

No, i just find so curious why would a guy under a portuguese flag display those sorts of lies, all around, and it makes me always remember this:it's always the non whites the shills, the d&c that claim that europeans are this or that, all part of their (i mean yours) game to erase our identity, exactly like the (()) want and the leftists claim.

>66 replies
>14 posters

Chega de votar nesses 5, o Pnr é o único fora do sistema pro imigracionista

>alguem acha vamos entar em crise daqui a 2/3 anos vamos ter a crise de 2008 outra vez, e depois vem o [Partido Maçónico], tentar sacar centimos a cada custo, e depois o pessoal esquece se do [Partido Maçónico] ,e é contra [Partido Maçónico] e aparece um [Maçom] a dizer que vai dar gibbbbs, e depois votam no [Partido Maçónico], e o [Partido Maçónico] ROUBA o pouco dinheiro q têm e voltamos a este ciclo.

>our identity
which identity?

oh now is the part that the shill questions our identity, first it was our race, now he asks about our identity.
you have to go back.

Vou ao site do sos racismo ver os grupos que apoiam a marcha:

>Ass. de Mulheres Negras
>Instituto da Mulher Negra em Portugal
>Banda Exkurraçados
>Associação de Mediadores Ciganos;
>Grupo Erva Rebelde Anarquista
>(((GAP – Grupo Acção Palestina)))

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answer him, unless you have no answer

O PNR é só mais um Gatekeeping para os cristãos-novos que foram deixados de fora. José Braamcamp (((Pinto)))-Coelho foi Opus Dei
what racial identity is coherent throughout all of the Portuguese, if there is any yet?

All of those groups are anti-portuguese/white organizations, usually made of immigrants and leftard traitors

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What definition of race would satisfy you, exactly?

To be honest its the Celtic identity. Similar to Scottish people. But its said there is a specific gene for portuguese I dont know much about it.

firstly, "white" is a really broadly term only to be applied in the americas where, as we are (sadly) witnessing here, everyone is a mongrel.

>what racial identity is coherent throughout all of the Portuguese, if there is any yet?

I have already showed you:

all portuguese fall on that region by genes, so to be portugues,e you have to fall there, so,yes, by race portuguese people are that, european caucasoids, an ethnicity.

>atekeeping para os cristãos-novos

Vai te tratar, mas boa tentativa shill.

>everyone is a mongrel.

ROTFL, it never fails First the shill tried to claim that joos were portuguese, and portuguese were joos, now we are all mongrels and race doesnt exist, europeans don´t exist, no one is white.
you have to go back.

Just there is racial characteristics common to every german or every Dutch (tall, blond, straight hair, light eyes etc etc) [except, of course minimum exceptions] you cannot applied this here where in 10 million of people thera re tall, short, curly hair, straight hair, bloundish, dark, brown, brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, light skin dark skin, diferente facial structures... a mess. In only 10 million of people. Its a clear sign of heavy mongrelization

>To be honest its the Celtic identity
I don't think this makes much sense because Celticness is best understood through a culturo-linguistic lens. On top of that, there is considerable disagreement as to whether or not the Lusitanians were Celtic, with more recent scholarship pointing to them being something else.

again you are being dishonest. I'm talking about %s of jewish blood. not that the Portuguese are jewish

What else then Atlanteans? I thought Celts originated in the Iberia and moved to the north.

>"I already showed you"
>didn't actually showed anything at all

Do you really think that the Portuguese are similar to the scottish?

Well we are in a sense but its too many years of being different right now. We should be similar to Spanish and I don't think we are not even a bit actually find Spanish alien compared to Portugal.


Portuguese population is fairly homogenous, like all studies, claim either on genotype and on phenotype:

>"For the Portuguese population no data were previously available for autosomal SNP genetic diversity and population structure. In this work we characterized 52 autosomal SNPs in the three regions from continental Portugal (North, Centre and South) using the SNPforID multiplex assay. Comparisons made between the three regions revealed genetic homogeneity of the studied SNPs throughout the country, allowing the use of a common database. Allele frequencies are presented for all markers as well as observed heterozygosity, discrimination power and genetic distances (FST) between regions. No significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected. The high power of discrimination obtained in the Portuguese population confirms the utility of the 52-plex in identification studies."

>"Apesar de ter, em todos os tempos, abrigado gentes de tão diversas origens, Portugal é hoje um dos países da Europa menos heterogéneos sob o ponto de vista somatológico."
>- Professor A. Mendes Corrêa, António


every single line of your text is an absurd.

Ainda não éramos nascidos e esse ciclo já existia.

Yes i did, your low iq is what makes you don´t understand basic stuff.

>Just there is racial characteristics common to every german or every Dutch (tall, blond, straight hair, light eyes etc etc)
This isn't the case, though, which you then admit but appear unwilling to admit that there are characteristics broadly common among the Portuguese that are not negated by certain exceptions.

By the way, it was the view of certain physical anthopologists like Coon and Deniker that the Portuguese were among the most phenotypically homogeneous people in Europe:

>Portugal is, on the whole, fully as Mediterranean in race as is Spain and, perhaps, in some respects, it is more so. The chief differences between the two countries are: (1) that the Portuguese are almost uniformly brunet in pigmentation and (2) that there are no regions in Portugal in which brachycephaly is as important as in the Asturias and Galicia.
- Carlton Coon

>It is among the Portuguese, perhaps, that we find the greatest unity of type; the majority of them belong to the Ibero-insular race, except in the north of the country, where we find intermixtures with the Western race, as among the Galicians of Spain.
- Joseph Deniker

Now, the question is whether or not you place any stock in physical anthropology. Personally, I have my doubts. My understanding of race is more, I think, nuanced than obsessing over this hair colour or that skull shape. I am more of the view that race is equatable to the Latin genus; that is, a group of people who fundamentally have a single genesis, broadly share a common origin biological, cultural, and historical origin, and belong essentially to a great, multifaceted family.

It is worth noting that even siblings can differ greatly in appearance, so that this should exist on a national level also should be no surprise and does not serve as evidence that the concept of "race" is farcical.

>"we are ethinically homogenous" - says the scientist
>Look around
>not even homogeneous at all
It is almost like """""academic""""" researches would not be telling the truth for some political reasons

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Lusitanians were indo-european, probably proto-celtic

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Quite simply, Iberians. The Romans drew a simplified distinction between Iberians in the east and Celts in the west that may have been accurate on a culturo-linguistic level, but doesn't appear to hold much water on a biological level. Most people in Iberia, to varying degrees, descend from what must necessarily be regarded as a native Iberian substrate.


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But that's not true at all. Do you realize that if portuguese had a big % of joo blood we had to be cluster close or at least shifted to them, and we don´t, we are vene geneitcally closer to a danish than to a joo and this is valid for all native portuguese