Hey Jow Forums. I just want to say thanks for being my refuge these last few years

Hey Jow Forums. I just want to say thanks for being my refuge these last few years.

I will be ending it all shortly. No way of getting past the fact I'm a shitty person. Always have, always will be. No matter how much I try.

You guys were my friends and I love you. Yes this is a gay post and I expect trolling but I just wanted to say that to you before I go.

All the best Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


>reddit spacing
>not Jow Forums related

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Will you be streaming this for us?

No. Sorry mate.

suicide is for japanese fascists and jihadi suicide bombers sand niggers

dont do it user

we need your memes

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>wanting to kill yourself

kek. Honestly wish I didn't give a shit about my life. I'd then become a mercenary or something. Work in shit holes, kill some niggers, fuck some bitches.

You're wasting an opportunity given you.


t. r*ddit fag running psyops to make us think our compadres are suicidal
fuck off yuri

see you later space robot

I'd do more damage to our cause breathing.

Hey man, im going to end it too in about 6 year time, unless i somehow get out of my neetdom(cant see that happening tho). Anyway, one less useless poo overburdening this earth for you guys....


It's geunine.

Thanks huehue

What makes u a shitty person?

If you have access to guns, don’t waste your life. Make those bullets count

Try no fap/no porn before you off yourself. You're prob willingly fucking up you neuro-endocrine system by being a chronic wanker and pornhead and it's ruining your quality of consciousness. If you do though

K keep me posted

Hey! Stick around m8. There are so many good things coming down the pike and you won’t want to miss any of them.

Just do what I do - I ask God to give me the strength to make it through the day and He always does.

You are more important than all the Soulless NPCs floating around today

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I hope it ends painfully for you, Reddit fag. Good riddance.

well if you love us so much you wont commit suicide faggot

Don’t do it pal, trust me it’s not worth it. We all have a purpose here. Things take time to get better, grant it, time is something many of us don’t really have, but. We figure out one way or another to make it.

>pic of my dog to hopefully cheer you up

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>I'm a shitty person
If you were a shitty person you wouldn't be ending your life. Shitty people take advantage with no regrets. That is why they are shitty... Just ponder on that for a moment.

>No way of getting past the fact I'm a shitty person
You're not bro. They are.
Don't do it.

If you’re gonna go, why not dedicate all your remaining time and resources to taking out Soros? You have nothing to lose and it’s worth a shot

You may be a shitty person but at least you're not bad.
Workout or something

See you tomorrow.

You deserve one more chance.

Just try to fix it once again, before leaving. You owe yourself that much.

I heard a true story about a guy who hated his life and was planning on killing himself. He decided that he would go to Mexico, blow all his cash on hookers and coke and do enough that he died in the process. One week into his binge he wasn't dead and had apparently found a new lust for living. He moved back north into a different state and ended up starting a small business and doing quite well for himself.

Do that instead, what have you got to lose? Die in a pool of drugs and bean pussy or die like a cuck

The meaning of life is to give life meaning. Whatever your past is, let it go. Let it all go. All of it.

Pack a bag, sell all of your belongings, and hitch it to wherever. Start a new life.

You have one life. The universe has billions of years to go. Appreciate your chance at being incarcerated into a sentient being with free will. You have a collection if subatomic particles created from the nuclear processes in the sun in your head that float the same higgs field as the rest of us. Those subatomic particles are working together to give you the opportunity to be a living being. Honor the gods of creation and make something of your self on your own terms. I love you user because you are alive and that's all you need.

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To one degree or another, we are all shitty people.

I am generally considered a polite, well-spoken, well-educated person with a good heart.

But I have done some things I consider very shitty and I regret them, that's part of being human.

Stick around and learn to enjoy yourself where you are, be thankful for what you have and don't worry about what you don't.

This is the Jow Forums equivalent of the monthly "going out of business sale". I see these "going to end it all" posts almost every week now.

At least take a few of the enemy with you if you're really going to go.

Incarnated was the target word because i can't into autocorrect, but incarcerated is apropos as well. Your body and mind are your prison, one you will never escape from. But the good news is, you run the fucking prison mate.

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Pretty much this. If you decided you can't stand life anymore, start living it in a way that you never dared to due to being frowned upon by society. I know one of my big things would be to get in a sturdy truck and start running retarded drivers off the road since that is one of the biggest things I deal with in my life. I'd probably do it on my way south to live out what that other user described.

>I will be ending it all shortly.
do a flip, faggot

I’m surprised I haven’t killed myself a long time ago. Haven’t even really seriously entertained the thought. Make no mistake, I’ve had plenty of reasons. I’ve fought off a lot of demons. I am fortunate though, I’m blessed with a family that cares for me through hard times. I’ve had my moments in life that pushed me, and motivated me to keep going or try harder. I’m in a position now that should make me think all my efforts of the past were a waste, but I don’t, because I learned something in every moment of my existence. I don’t know if everybody has these people, these motivations, obligations, perhaps I’m even more fortunate than I realize. Maybe my perspective has been helped by my faith in God. Maybe I’m just a fucking idiot, and I’m only delaying the inevitable. I don’t know. None of us really know, why do these things happen, why DON’T these things happen, but still, for must us, we feel the need to keep surviving, we flock to sites like these to give us a purpose, something to fight for, a future that we can proudly say we helped build while laying on our death bed, and our beautiful white family smiling upon us as God stretches out His hand. Maybe that’s the answer. It was my answer for the time I needed it, but one thing remains certain to me: you are needed.

>giving up like a beta cuck

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See you on the other side, brother.

At least try to get a high score before you go faggot.

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We need every last person in this fight don't you fucking dare.

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where are you going?

Faggot. On the shitty person scale I out rank you by a factor of ten, and I’m still here at 45. You just haven’t figured out that being a CANTANKEROUS OLD FUCK IS FUN.
Embrace your inner asshole, or check out like a pussy.
Be sure to do a flip

One falls, many rise... We are legion. We are as the armies of hell that bring fiery judgement to a world that desperately needs it. We are the necessary evil that burns away all, pure or not. Your service was not in vain. You will always be a servant of chaos. Say hi to Satan for me.

At least take some niggers or commies down with you.

>giving up this early
The fun hasnt even begun.

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You need to cleanse the parasites

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Just shy of 54 here, can confirm.

Just be nice to little kids.


Stream it.

>I'm a shitty person
Welcome to humanity.
I absolutely guarantee that all those people out there who are presenting you with "my life is wonderfull" bullshit, secretly view themselves pretty much the way you do deep down.
Consider that before you do anything.

>taking the coward's way out
gg no re do a flip faget.

Assuming you are relatively young, you will be missing one of the most exciting events in all of human history. Greater than any conflict that has ever occurred throughout history. It might end well for us or it might not. Stick around anyway and I promise you that you won't be disappointed.

Man up Pussies!

See you tomorrow.

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Dont do it user we need you

You are being manipulated by many entities. some spiritual some not. Please user find the strength to fight back. if you throw away this gift it will not bode well. I know it doesn't seem like a gift at the moment but if you keep holding on things will come into focus. Taking your life is a one way street. give Jesus a shot, he loves you as do I

bump.. fuck nazis and stormfag shills.. fuck you for shitting up the board and making us look bad. fuck you and fuck gay failure hitler. fuck muslim marrying Anglin fuck you for your hatred. bump

Cya moshe

sorry wrong thread.. i love you user.. dont an hero.

>i'm a shitty person
Embrace it.
Start to get into brawls and plots, hurt people, it isso much fun and there are so many options and possibilities. Being an asshole is a gift, not a curse

Goodbye fren. You'll miss the happening tho :'(

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>No way of getting past the fact I'm a shitty person.

It's always funny when people say this because they are usually completely harmless and just feel guilty about still living with their mum or something super tame.

Meanwhile people who literally rape children don't feel bad about it at all.

that escalated quickly

A thing will happen or a thought will pop into your mind, this will be your sign not to kill yourself. Heed this prophecy.

listen to this meme-flag OP

This is not how the solar system orbits the galaxy. The planetary ecliptic, the plane all the planets orbit in, is tilted to about 63 degrees with respect to the galactic plane. Our solar system also oscillates up and down, passing thru the densest part of the plane multiple times per galactic orbit.

This animation was made but an scientifically illiterate artist. They know nothing of science.

Retard. This is the worse time in our era to end.

Q is real and in 11 days Trump will announce the end of Israel as it is today. Watch some Jordan Peterstein vídeos and see what happens.

Great animation. 10/10

Make a better one champ

Don't do it.
I will miss you and cry like a gurl.


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Training cures all. Find the one who is destined to kill you. Don't suffer the weaklings you meet along the way to live.

bad decision user.
I was in your spot 40+ years ago and i am grateful as all get out that I had a change of heart at the last moment.
You have no idea of what the future really holds for you

Fuck, that looks comfy. Mfw I will never fly fish for salmon with a bear audience

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>Neil D. Tyson holding up hands in mock surprise, captioned with "Whoa! We got a badass over here!"


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user, the ride never ends. don't abandon your friends just as it all comes to a head. stick around, love you long time

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Fuck, I remember arguing with a leaf bro about it being in a corridor of a low rise complex before it blew up. I think he had the addy right even before the diner pic was looked at.

dude, things are about to get awesome, why would you want to miss all this?

The thing about life is that it never makes any sense, and whatever plans you have, or expectations you develop, bad or good, are inevitably way off base.

Don't let the world win. It doesn't deserve it.

If your life is worthless to you, give it to others instead. Spend your time doing some good for society.

don't do it user :(
Don't listen to shitty anonymous people asking you to kill yourself

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Don't do it. You are worth something, don't end it like this. People care about you more than you think they do.

Sounds like you need to switch things up. Moving and starting fresh does wonders if you arent tied down.

Serious man. I am an ICU RN, I have seen more dead bodies than I can count. Being dead is anticlimactic as fuck.....not worth it.

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This is true.
I almost took my own life o e time and I still feel shit for doing that to my family.
The whole of my family being 4 grown kids who don't even remember my bday but it's not about that.
These people that love you would be rekt if you did this terrible thing.

Plus God answers. Ask the question and open that Bible.

Your task is probably around the corner.

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Go for the high score, OP. Become Zyklon Ben's protege.

>Yfw they were asking if you were ok but you misunderstood them because you're retarded.

The Grizzly has left the building.

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Don't do it user, I know life can be a bitch on you, but try staying strong through it. It will all be worth it in the end.

Try no fap and fasting for a few weeks.

tfw Jow Forums is more than satire.
Saw me through the loss of the Grizzly.
You will make it.
You see these faggits begging you not to go and saying I wubs you?
We wubs you user.
Tell us you'll see us tomorrow.
We are here.

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I'm from the netherlands, not Russia :D but thanks brah

Dont do it, god loves you

Life is rough and maybe you don't like things about you, but you can change it, don't do this my dude

if you want someone to have a conversation I'm willing to help

>itt Jow Forums is the Internet hate machine

So many here are brought low by their hardships. They see the myriad of illegal foreigners invading and defiling their ancestor's hard-earned lands. They see their governments brimming with traitors, cowards, and communists. They see their religion, their ancestor's and their way of life mocked and insulted. They see these things, and they hand their heads low. Depression, despair, and a desire to re-establish order grow within them.

And it is for that reason we are the luckiest men to have ever lived. Who else will be able to boast of such glory? Who else had the whole world against them? Our families scorn us for 'bigotry' and 'intolerance', the atheists mock us for 'foolishness' and 'weakness', the foreigners flood our lands; they hate us and yet are content to leech off us. Small, rootless cliques of internationalists have gained the most power they have ever had, they conduct evil that strikes us in our every day lives. that affects our children and our wives. Everywhere we turn their vile hand is reaching, their perverse touch is felt.

The world has swallowed their lie whole, they not only believe it but they embody it. They are hypocritical to comical extents, a true enemy of the standards of children's tales. They boast of their tolerance and their liberty whilst destroying the lives of any with opposing views, passing legislature after legislature that make opposing them criminal offenses punishable by imprisonment and 'rehabilitation'. They brainwash and manipulate, they black-list and they arrest, they are always hateful, always angry, always seeking to do harm unto those who disagree with them.