So lads. Article 13

So lads. Article 13
On slightly serious note
What are we going to do.

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have a wank

Nothing cuz you are cucks

>What are we going to do.
get a loicence


Euro fags start using texted memes.

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Watch on as nothing changes.

leave the EU

The only saving grace of the EU is that it's as inept as it is corrupt. People will realistically find ways to get around it. (Blockchains, Torrents, Interplanetary File System DAPs, etc)

>Article 13
What was this again, the meme directive? I don't think they can supervise it in the scale that people fear. I think people should be more conserned about Google independently trying to put services like Youtube behind paywall than EU fighting some copyright laws.

I hear they just preliminarily passed the law and they're going to discuss the details of it in 2019. But I think it would be very abusable, just create your own oc, post them on websites and report them for stealing your work. Or report them anyway despite never creating anything and someone would probably have to investigate that or randomly shut down things.

It will be lax law I think.

Capitalize on growing anti EU sentiment.

Seriously, what case does it make for itself at this point beyond "we rule you! you'd die without us!".
I'd almost collapse in tears of joy if total Yugoslav style breakdown got announced tomorrow, I fucking hate this place.

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Move to America broseph. Here, take a burger

Whatever happened to brexit?

Thanks, but I'm stralyan.
Brits seem to be content to take it, the general acceptance for authority in this country is amazing.

Taken over by hyper cucked remainers.
Teresa May is fucking horrendous as a leader, I'd rather have Jeremy Corbyn in than this assclown.

29 March 2019

this is all leading to no picture of Muhammad

Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
>this is the 21st century Iconoclasm
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
>THEY want to surpass you
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy

You are way more important than you think you are
>you have free thought, inner voice and an abstract mind
You are a direct threat to the A.I
>good job!!!

"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody... which do you choose"

Defeat THEM by never backing down

Enjoy and redpill
"NEVER give up ground, always have a strong will, and never let them censor you",,,,

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this, so long friendo. The sun has finally set on the British Empire. The Ravens will starve.

It doesn't affect the UK, does it?

>eucucks can't torrent without 7 layers of proxy and now can't even meme
as much as i hate being a poorfag slavscum, it always has it's bright sides since none of those laws will ever apply here

Leave the EU...

There's an urgent need for the decentralization of everything, from ISPs to governments to banking to economy to content to society to the reality to the purest plain of existence and non-existence
We need it, kek wills it, we deserve it, rise up, fundamental unimaginable beings of NULL

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Nothing. Like every time another one of your liberties gets taken away. Absolutely nothing. You'll piss and moan about it for half and hour and then go about your day.

It's always like this. This is how we all end up under some totalitarian heel, every time. No one fights. Everyone just collectively shrugs and gives up one inch at a time, until they have nothing left.

Welcome to the future.

Our government is probably more authoritarian and leftist than the EU.

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Yeah, you're kind of lucky because law firms won't send you letters to pay 1000 euros or else... But then again nowadays you can pay like 10 € for a month of HBO, Viasat, Netflix etc here, it's not that much money, it's so cheap that it's not worth the risk of pirating anymore. 10 euros is like 1-1,5 hours of work.

You can pay that much to watch as much series and movies as you wish or go to a store to pay 10 € for one DVD or Blu-ray.

>What are we going to do.


you won't be able to do shit, 3rd world faggot. you are FUCKED unless your faggot government doesn't cuckold you out of getting the hell out of the EU. even then, you're still stuck in a 3rd world shit hole so you lose no matter what. LMFAO.

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but then again, all those companies along with DVD stores offer me a limited amount of products, not to mention ((video games)) which hold their prices absurdly high for the content they offer
Pirating is always a better choice here, even if our salaries were higher, why would i ever want to give my money to something that doesn't benefit my country whatsoever?
Call it nigger thinking, but to myself and my enviroment i think its perfectly rightful



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censorship and big government is exactly what a shit ton of Jow Forumstards want, so i don't get all the fuss about it. be careful what you wish for

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I'm earn like low class but I think here people just have that much money, you have to use it on something, movies, video games, music, clothes or something. Why would you to to work and earn money if you're not ready to throw your money at something. For me it's video games, movies or tv series, it's not like I can take the money with me when I die.

I don't judge pirating because I don't care about these people's living, but sooner or later this kind of harsh laws are probably coming to Serbia too. In Finland first it was nothing, but in 10 years we became like USA or UK, you can get caught and you may pay dearly for pirating, people who seed movies and music have had their lives ruined. Paying for Netflix is less expensive than eating outside once and that's more than ok price for me. It's simple, it's lawfull and I don't need to stress about cops confiscating my pc, I'm happy with that.

How many years does this get you in Europe?

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Ultimately article 13 is just increasing the LE budgets for surveillance. The ability to do anything short term, will be shown as impossible. When this is shown, the gibs start coming.

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