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Why are the elite obsessed with pagan gods and devil worship?
Carson Gutierrez
Alexander Taylor
Jackson Green
not pagan, jewish
Ethan Ross
shiva, isis, hannumann, osiris ishtar dionysus and diana are jewish?
Ryder Morales
they are trying to open portal
Bentley Collins
Did some research on the Tribe of DN (Dan, Den, Snake) and discovered many threads from almost all belief systems and religions back to them. They're listed in the Torah as a tribe that loved to sail, and they reached Ireland because they were the snakes that St Patrick chased off the island. Funny enough he wasn't canonized by the catholic church because the vatican is a Tribe of DN creation.
Funny, right?
Jackson Wilson
Just that they are made of bad cum their mothers took. Believing in words and symbols created by men are sad people. Everything is man-made.
Sebastian Scott
>Everything is man-made.
true, even religions
Josiah Hernandez
adherence to one particular god out of several, especially by a family, tribe, or other group.
Hunter Myers
Transcending Good and Evil
From the beginning of time this concept has triggered a conflict in the spiritual world. Between light and darkness. Between white and black magic. Between occultism and wisdom. Our Earth and its spiritual dimensions, which are the thoughts of humanity are the mirror of these conflicts. Each time every human being makes a decision he is faced anew between a choice of 2 paths. The white road of unselfish LOVE or the black road of selfishness which ineluctably leads to doctrine. Every individual who comes into contact with higher learning considers themselves basically “good” and yet the two principles are still within him, obligating him to examine which thoughts and deeds he will use to serve which power. At the end of time the twilight of the Gods he will realize that heaven and hell are our own thoughts and actions, good and evil our own invention. Then he can draw on this experience to make the journey home to completeness. The powers of darkness and light serve only one Lord. The creator of all things. They have the one goal of availing ourselves of the life experience to create a race of superior beings. Power without LOVE can only lead to catastrophe.