Books on Bolshevik revolution

Watching Dr. Zhivago and want to read about the bolshevik revolution. I googled it but I dont trust shitbait websites or /LIT/ opinions on the best books on the revolution. I can sift through some propaganda but I'd like as little bias as possible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally promoted by jews.
>there's some info about it in picture's book related.
>nicholas II (last russian czar) was openly anti-semite and jews didn't like that
>"The Protocols of The Elders of Zion" was written in russian territory, that's another reason (((they))) wanted to take russian empire down

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read john reeds "ten day's that changed the world". reed was an american journalist documenting the october revolution. pretty good read except those fucking hard to pronounced russian names.

honestly 10 days that shook the world and trotsky's history of the russian revolution are both entertaining reads and they simultaneously do a good job at self incrimination and boasting about the most ludicrous aspects of what they were hoping to accomplish... bertrand russell had a book about touring the early USSR when all the western gentile leftists wanted the experiment to be a success but were crushingly disappointed by how obviously dysfunctional the country was from the get go.

don't bother with the 10 days that shook the world movie though it has no fidelity to the book and it's filled with a bunch of sycophantic interviews like it's a spielberg holocaust mockumentary.

man you are fucking missing out, book is beautiful

pre revolution: Dostoyevsky "Demons" and Turgenev "Fathers and sons"

revolution: Adam Ulam - the Bolsheviks

If you want to know why bolshevism happened in Russia then you would have to read something about russian culture and history

>The Protocols of The Elders of Zion" was written in russian territory,
I've been studying the Protcols for 8 years and I'm still partly convinced they are genuine. They were published by professor Sergi Nihlus, but allegedly obtained from a Russian Noblewoman who had bought them from a Jew in Paris.

Dr. Pierce thought they were not genuine since they didn't use typical Jew weasel words. But when you compare them to something like Hertzl's speech at the First Zionist Conference in Basel, the language really isn't that different.

I really hate that Juden Petetstein has now made Solzhenitsyn almost a meme, but if you have the patience "The Red Wheel" is good but obviously long.

Russian Revolution : a new history by Mckeekin

Doesn’t even bother to hide the Jew facts btw.

>literally live in jewish owned land
>takes 8 years to realize the protocols are genuine
(((they))) catalog it as false but it's pretty easy to see how the majority of these protocols fit perfectly many modem societies

they're "god"'s chosen people, more like satan's chosen people

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The only book that is objectively unbiased (by the virtue as being accepted as an accurate description by both sides of Russian Civil War) would be Sholoлhov's Quietly Flows the Don.

Everything else is someone's agenda.

How’s the connection to The dinner with Machiavelli plagerism thing?

Satan is the god of this world

>nicholas II (last russian czar) was openly anti-semite and jews didn't like that
>"The Protocols of The Elders of Zion" was written in russian territory, that's another reason (((they))) wanted to take russian empire down

It's pretty funny how The Protocols became the self-fulfilling prophecy, in a sense that Jews did target Russia - after the Russian government endorsed them and the violence against the Jews.


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it's impossible to get an unbiased view on something like this.
you either get the communist view or the anti-communist view.
that's it.

>takes 8 years to realize the protocols are genuine
Not that easy user. Dr. Pierce has been right about literally everything 9right down to predicting bin laden attack and next iraq war in mid-1990s. Watch his thoughts on them:

It really doesn't matter if it's real. It accurately describes the actions of the jewish elite.
Lots of good books, I can only recommend you not forget the overwhelming involvement of the jews in Bolshevism. Particularly financing from jewish capital in England, Germany and the US and the jew leadership of the cruelest, most disgusting aspects of the recolutionary state. Every horror of it was run by the nose tribe, the NKVD, the gulags, the degradation and racial revenge against the Russian people.

>you either get the communist view or the correct view

thanks for proving my point.

Green eggs & ham.

Not even kidding. It covers from the period just prior to the revolution up to glasnost, on a geopolitical scale.

It's also short.

>hahaha i'm a centrist hahaha i'm objective hahahaha

(((marxist bolshevik)))

not even once

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I bet you think you're smart and witty.
I'm a socialist.


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This is such a fucking cringe Kremlin thread

We're unbiased and no one is doing propaganda for Russia here. We're just discussing facts.

Btw, have you seen Russia Today? It's the best world news channel around there.

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