Why haven't other states merged with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania yet?

I don't understand. Why haven't they made Pennsylvania the official capital of the US yet? It is obvious that Pennsylvania is the best state in the US. Everywhere else in the US is basically third world at this point.

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all you mother fuckers drive like a huge bag of fucking drunk cocks , get the fuck off the road and drive a carriage like the Amish u dip shits , sincerely everyone

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Oh look it's that guy from New Jersey who drives like everybody else in New Jersey, i.e. like absolute shit clogging up the road.

u dipshits from PA really need to stay off the roads along with Maryland crab fuckers and district of Colombia morons

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Crossing over the border into NJ is even worse than NJ. It's like there's a magic force field where all of a sudden when you leave PA nobody knows how to drive anymore.

*even worse than NY.

its honestly just u tards even tho jersey is bad

I see NYS has implemented an image size tax. gj

I visited Gettysburg earlier this month.

I was expecting the quiet little town from the tourist brochures.

Instead, I got a depressed and delapitated place full of boarded-up shops with meth-head homeless people talking to themselves on the benches of the old town.

Chambersburg Pike, which the Confederates had used back in 1863, was clogged with cargo trucks, which absolutely ruined the central circle of the historic old town. All day and night, non-stop trucks.

The historic towns in Virginia are much better. Pennsylvania sucks.

why do you close down roads for an inch of snow?

Long Island represent. We are taxed to death. I'm attempting to move to the Poconos.

I laughed but got sad because you're not far off.

>falling for the historical city meme
Sorry, that's just a way to make money from tourists who don't know any better.

Help! I crossed into NJ but didn't realize they make you pay to get out. Now I'm trapped! Pls wire $5 for the bridge toll.

Use I-80. It's only $1.

Because your state is methfilled, white trash, Mississippi-Tier everywhere not named Pittsburgh or Philly, and even then it's trash

Your beer laws are fucking retarded, too, so fuck you I'd never agree to be ruled by you shitters

Born in raised in PA, have been to every U.S. state at least once. Can confirm we do in fact have the worst fucking drivers.

Pennsylvania is the south of the north.

It really is strangely like that.

>I'm attempting to move to the Poconos.
Stay out of my great state. You fuckwads voted for the problems you have. Fix your own homeland before you come destroying ours...especially some of our nicer shit like the "Italian Alps". The wops come over from jersey being general shit heads and pretty well fit the stereotype of loud, obnoxious hairy NJ people. No common sense.

Please, Stay out for your own good.

t: NEPA resident.

That's because the south of PA lies within the nigger belt.

>never been rear-ended by one of the god damn immies in California

Pennsylvania=myback yard...full of dog shit...and garbage...gj Pennsylvania...

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I was thinking more in terms of those Appalachia and Pennsyltucky vibes you get in Bestern PA. It's like this odd middle ground between upstate NY, the midwest, and, I don't know, maybe NC or WV.

The only time I was in CA was via a plane ride. The moment I set foot in that hellhole is when I have had enough with the left and I decide to break the Las Vegas shooters record.

no,,Pennsylvania is a dumpster of stupidity...if hey don't realise TRUMP rocks...they suc cheesey cock...

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I'm in a red county but they took our gun rights. The libs will get NY. I want freedom.

I would vote for literally Hitler if he ran.

That almost looks like that cool bit of chyna dragon tooth beech in da nang, except more rocky and with thots in the way.

you won't do shit pussy

Pennsultucky is a shithole full of assholes and retarded inbred Amish rapists.


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A man can dream
The Amish are some of the best people on Earth

Top 20 Signs You’re from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

20. You realize that your favorite dessert is wooder ice. (It comes in churry, strawburry, and other assawrded flaverz.)
19. You find yourself using “Yo” and “Youse guys” when talking long distance to family members.
18. You know how to spell Schuylkill.
17. You think $2,500 a year for insurance on a 1977 Toyota Corolla is a bargain.
16. You find yourself at a nice restaurant thinking, “I wonder if they have cheese steaks?”
15. You can sleep soundly through gunfire and ambulance sirens.
14. You visit New York and are impressed by how clean it is.
13. You believe that the car on your left, flashing its turn signal and the driver pointing at your lane, wants you to close the gap with the car in front of you.
12. You can’t eat french fries without Cheeze Whiz.
11. Street people greet you by your first name.
10. You don’t think Wawa sounds funny.
9. You snub a cheese steak that isn’t on an Amoroso roll.
8. Your parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles all live on the same block.
7. You know who Jim O’Brien is, and how he died.
6. You can’t imagine breakfast without scrapple.
5. You’re still not sure about Jerry Penacolli.
4. A vacation at the Jersey shore (pronounced “the shoore”) is better than going to an island. (There’s more stuff to do, plus you know everybody.)
3. You know where to find the Rocky statue.
2. You know only tourists go to Geno’s, Pat’s, and Jim’s for authentic cheese steaks. You only go if you’re drunk and it is 3:00am.

And the Number One Sign You Know You’re from Philly:

1. You buy a soft pretzel at a traffic light, without wondering where the guy goes to wash his hands. And you don’t really care.

A lot of that applies to many places on the east coast though, but you're probably from Philly so territorial knowledge wouldn't be your strong point

PA chad here.
Best state in US
Western PA 100% huwhite

Fuck Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Huntington is best county.
And trump is a kike puppet

It's spelled HUNTINGDON you fuckin mouth breather

Cringe and bluepilled.

>t. Bucks County.

>muh trump
You're just (((Republican))) Hillary supporters

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>I'm in a red county but they took our gun rights. The libs will get NY. I want freedom.
>I would vote for literally Hitler if he ran.
Ok, you are cool. But tell your Puerto rican friends to never come. Also, guns are great in PA. Cash-and-carry. Please make sure to buy an AR in at least a 5.56. No .22 horseshit. It is a requirement of all able bodied men. I will sponsor you in the PA militia....but no puerto ricans. We clear?

Autocorrect you nigger
Not my fault

But Erie is superior

It's alright as a county but the city holy fuck is it overrun with poos.

The Eternal Hoosier will never accept rule from a bunch of fags and Amish

All cities are automatically no go zones
Stay out of cities no matter where you are.

Rural Erie around lake Erie is great. Best weather and fishing around here.
If you dont mind cold winters

I have famalams in Syracuse. Winter up there feels like childhood comfies.

sup fellow erie-ite

the mistake by the lake does have its charm

Real talk, what is the correct way to order a cheese steak, and why is it whiz witout?

Dude, .22s are no joke.
They will fuck you up. Plus they are ideal prepping gun cuz you can carry thousands of rounds with ease. Also maintaining them is easy.

Pic related is grade A hitman pistol. Also, this is my prepper gun of choice.

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in a shtf scenario the .22 is for survival and food procurement, and a real caliber is for the most dangerous game

I have snow drifts up to my roof
I live a block away from the lake
>t. Cozy cottage boi

>when the lake is in effect
Do you guys get hammered with Canada goes PEW PEW PEW with arctic vortexes, or is it just more of the same?

>Dude, .22s are no joke.
No doubt. I own a really nice bolt action remington tack driver with a beeman blue ribbon scope.

When you have the option of purchase of an AR in the state of PA, do you get a .22, or do you opt for an intermediate caliber? (This should be a no brainer). All I was saying was get an AR, but get one larger then a .22. Nothing stopping you from getting an additional one in .22, but certainly get a 5.56

I have respect for the .22, I also know that an AR will work better with larger ammo. I love the Rueger Mark II+ series. Great handguns. I respect their accuracy, and understand the legality.

Why dilute perfection?

Have you ever been shot by a .22
1 shot to the head and your out. 3 to the chest and your out
It's the swiss army knife of guns.

While a 7.62 can drop you in one, it requires alot of space maintenance and is very loud.
My gun holds 25 shots. I can spam 25 out in 3 seconds

Personally I would prefer a .22 but if I need a jack of all trades I could go for a 9mm carbine or a 12 ga with buckshot and slugs

But that is the best thing about owning a ruger mk3. I can have that and a bigger gun. And my ruger is dead accurate. They use Rogers as sharpshooters pistols

What about a pcc for antipersonnel?

You are missing the point.

Lots of other states have issues obtaining guns. PA is a great state to live because unlike New Jersey and Jew York, we have a bit more freedom. It is not a fucking debate about nuanced situations where X gun is better then another. It is the idea that this dumb motherfucker lives in NY and is totally cucked out of guns. He is moving to PA, and I simply suggested getting a decent semi auto sporting rifle. That is all.

>What about a pcc for antipersonnel?

GAU-8 for anti-personnel.

Cant afford one of those. I can go $750 for one of these.

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>Cant afford one of those. I can go $750 for one of these.
Smith and Wesson makes a 5.56 ar-15 (M&P15)....I spent less then 750, and got the rifle, 4 mags, 250 ammo. Gun is incredibly accurate and makes a great range rifle.

You cant hunt with semi-autos in the state, so I use a Remington Gamemaster 30-06 slide rifle for the deer. Currently tracking down a Savage .222/20g over under for a turkey blaster....but that is something different.

Lever & slide actions are great hunting and sport firearms for the state of PA.

Ahhh yes, Pennsylvania. The home of the Penn State and Catholic church pedophile rings. And thanks for the Jehovah's witnesses as well faggots.

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whiter than you mehmet

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>Handguns transfers must go through a dealer
>State maintains a registry of all handguns.

No. Even Ohio is superior to you

STFU you literal bootlicking fag. I live in PA and can say with 100% certainty it's a liberal shit hole. Fayettenam checking in.

Lol your pain is self chosen

Blacklungsville checking in, I can confirm PA is superior, I went Connecticut and couldn’t get a butter roll anywhere. I said what kinda liberal fag state is this. Got my American Spirits and left hastily

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What has cause this sudden surge of PA pride lately? Was it the flip to red during the election?

then give me a perfect example of a region in PA. Pro tip: you cant

Elections are kike shit

you know, pretty sure a republic reformed to have regional commonwealths as opposed to "every state for itself" to the federal government might work a bit better


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>I'm attempting to move to the Poconos.

Can you niggers stop moving here and driving up our property taxes? Seriously you're the most self centered people in this country. Fuck off.

We also stop the Mr. Softee truck and ask for a vanilla cone with Jimmies. Our way of asking for rainbow sprinkles.

who cares what you city niggers do especially from niggerdelphia. stay in your zoo

>You cant hunt with semi-autos in the state
Good to know.

Jew York user back again. We can have AR variants here without pistol grip and other scary "features"

You can have pistol grip and telescopic stock if you permanently affix the magazine to the lower. Shit's fucked, my dude.

I really think this state has been lost to violent leftists. The taxes for their gibs are absolutely crushing anyone who works. I hope the tax reform that recently passed crushes this slice of hell.

Can anyone tell me about migrant workers in PA? As I mentioned earlier, I'm looking into moving to the Poconos but hear some areas are absolutely overrun with south Americans and English isn't even spoken in those areas. Is this true?

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Philadelphia is the spawn of all degeneracy on the east coast. You niggers ruin everything.

Anons on here confuse me. PA is great except for
>All of the shitty areas in the countryside
>All of the suburbs
>Proximity to New York/New England

Where the fuck do you people live at? You eliminate 97% of the state and act like the leftover road with a McDonald's and a cow is amazing.

>reddit spacing
Seriously it's terrible here in PA. It's utter misery. You will hate yourself every day if you come here.

McDonalds is where the niggers pan handle. It's only the cow.

We all know New Hampshire is the best state in the Union, but fuck off we're full and we need to be independent to keep the massholes from flooding

>turn pike tolls
literally kill yourself

Not if it's an older one with no paperwork dipshit

Said the faggot cruising in the passing lane. Oh what's this? The lane to merge onto the highway? Might as well slam on my brakes then proceed to get up to speed next Tuesday.

Op is retarded, Wisconsin is pristine.

This. You faggot really fucked up a beautiful place.

>using the interstate
Not using the HISTORIC PRIVATELY OWNED Digmans bridge which is about 20 miles up river from I-80.
Also it costs 1$ just like I-80, and the owners of the bridge are very kind, respectable veterans.

People in PA are much more likely to move over when you get up behind them. It's not like when the road finally opens up to tons of lanes so everybody drops 20MPH below in perfect formation so you can't get around without flexing your NY pedigree.

You must be in Philly

Cumberland county logistics warlord checking in.

You must have a Jew Yorker's reading comprehension and attention span.

Sounds like an Ohio cock sucker

I call b.s. unless you were actually in York. Pics of boarded up shops and meth heads or this is a lie. There are spics galore in Gettysburg but it is still a nice town even though it is too touristy for my taste. Adams county as a whole is still pretty nice.

A WASP state?

I'm moving to Philly for a job. Well, outside of philly
How bad can it be. I live in Cleveland now so meh

>driving up our property taxes
How does this even happen? Increased population or are migrants voting for gibs?



Literally who?

Where's my fellow LV chads?

Pennsylvania is the shame of the based Northeast.

100% this. I live near York, that's what he's describing. Gettysburg is a quiet little town.

But who the fuck buys an AR in .22lr when you can get a Ruger10 for cheaper that does the same exact thing.
If an AR needs to be in anything its 5.56mm because thats what the police and military use for it and that shit is everywhere.

22s are alright but seriously let every caliber stick to the platform its comfortable in. If you can get a 22 pistol with a scope rail and get it accurate its better for a shit situation because then you can hunt and use it for self defense too.

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