Let’s talk burning man

What the fuck is up with these people? Am I a retard for thinking this stupid shit is a complete waste of time? Have any of you fags been there? What was it like? I have to imagine it’s a bunch of retard socialist/neomarxists fags who think theyre being liberated by not having to deal with money and governments? Why the fuck is it so appealing to so many people?

I have so many questions. What’s the politics out there? Do any conservatives go? Post your experiences and any photos you have to corroborate your claims.

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Slide thread. OP is a paid shill that will have to explain to his family why his Job required him to commit treason and why hes going to Guantanamo Bay for execution.


it turned into another rich kids playground. itll die off soon enough

Not a slide thread nor a paid shill. Questions are mine. Real and hetero

What was it originally if not a rich kid playground?

Are you just a stick-in-the-mud who doesn't like fun, user?


I’m from shitty ATX. Fucking ACL, SXSW. I’ve been to it all. It’s all gotten to be so shitty here. Yet tons of my friends tell me to go to burningman. I probably just need new friends who aren’t pot smoking hippy liberal retards. What was your experience if you’ve been? I’m open to hear ideas. But my friends just keep saying. You just have to go. We can’t explain it

Haven't been. Don't forget it's pretty commercial now. But I fell in love with the videos - the vision of freedom and creativity, like the world would be if everyone were creative and we had machine slaves.

But I can't tell you anything substantive, sorry :(

Sculptures and slutty chicks in the desert.
I would go too.

I went to the real burning man in July. Almost got shot.

Ignore him. To answer your OP, burning man is like Disney land with STD’s for Bay Area trustfund kids, instathots, and numale yuppies to fill the spiritual void in their souls and at the same time allowing them to upload “rad” pics to normiebook to show all 13 of their co-workers and family members how much of a personality they have and what a free spirit they are when they aren’t forced to wear slacks and a tie. And it’s yet another advertisement opportunity the prostitution ring that is instagram.

If you’re from Austin, pronounce this word:

den of satan. all degenerates need to be gased

What's keeping a militia from coming in and killing them all?

Which std would you like to catch, Luigi?

>human sacrifice ritual
>elite attendees
All ticket buyers will be rounded up on DOTR, right after journalists.

Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
>this is the 21st century Iconoclasm
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
>THEY want to surpass you
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy

You are way more important than you think you are
>you have free thought, inner voice and an abstract mind
You are a direct threat to the A.I
>good job!!!

"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody... which do you choose"

Defeat THEM by never backing down

Enjoy and redpill
"NEVER give up ground, always have a strong will, and never let them censor you"............

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Man shack

Burning man is fun. Doing LSD in the desert for a week is awesome. Also its like 95% white people

>Burning pee

Liberals are not white

Probably not much at all.

Sort of how I feel about it. It’s not that I want people to not be creative. But it all seems so fucking pretensious and woo woo

It's a pilgrimage for spiritually barren Communists in Silicon Valley complete with debauchery, hedonism, and idolatry. This is the kind of stuff that fills the void when you reject Christ and the Bible.

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Manchildren+money+drugs=burning man

A symbol of their existential nihilistic dread and recognition of their useless consumerism and hedonistic futility as npcs

70,000 plus people go... that’s quite a fucking army to attempt to fuck with

Well done. You may shitpost in peace.

Oh, have a friend that regularly went. Pretentious drug fest for neo hippies, pseuds and generally lost people. If you like empty hedonism and shallow people on drugs, then head on out. Otherwise, show up with a cache of weapons and do what comes natural.

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I talked to some guy that went there a few days after it ended last year.

I asked him if he did any drugs or do crazy shit. He wasn't interested in that at all.

He seemed to be a new age person so if you go to this event, prepare to hear dirty people talk about gems and astro signs and other dumb shit.

I wanted to go until I talked to that guy now I'll never go


Most hippy's are not liberal.
t. filthy wook

Fucking Christ i wish this were true.

1st world trow back to tribalism till works starts again

Why go to burning man when you can go to that kickass postapocalyptic event instead?

>Jow Forumsacks show up as caesar's legion

it means post birth abortion

Security. They have it. It's not quite utopia, though it might have been close earlier on.

Yea charging your crystals in the moonlight seems pretty fucking retarded. I’m a logical and practical person. I love nature. I do a lot of survival skills shit. Make bows and arrows. Tan deer skins. I make a ton of primitive pottery and I feel pretty creative in my life but I’d never go down that rabbit hole of new age shit such as crystals and meditation.

It’s for kids to get drugs and std’s with no cops around. Pure degeneracy.

hippies in the desert with lots of drugs

>Let’s talk burning man
Isn't that some nigger judiciary type shit?

Yes they are

You're sooo deep into the closet OP

crystals are like pokemon cards that you can trade for drugs

Seems like a good opportunity to collect evidence for blackmail. Imagine all the drugged out people with cash to spare.

Come get your illegal relatives and fuck off back to tacoland paco

i once read on a twitter site of some nude pix e celeb who went there. She talked about it being a unbelieveable spiritual experience so I think it could have some pagan true detective orgy character. many people there walk around half naked.

Now you’re onto something user

>ancient sacred religion of our ancestors
>lumped in with all those other bad things

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It would be a long term investment and you'd want to pre plan targets, dress like them and all that. People in more corporate jobs could get in trouble.

Pretty sure it was dope a decade ago. Now it’s expensive as fuck, and brings in all the people who do it for the ‘gram. It’s like EDC, except with dirt, naked womenz, more std’s, and more pseudo spiritual shit. No place is safe from the ‘gram.

>no governments
so you can rape and murder freely?
if not, this shit is a scam

>spiritual experience

Of course she thought that. What a disgrace.

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That is all

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Burning man is an incredible experience. You don't want to be in an orgy, then don't go in the orgy tent. No one is going to shove their degeneracy in your face. One of my favorite little "communities" was The Liars Bar. Just sit down, they will give you a beer and just have a real almost genuine conversation with you. The bar tender dude told me how he used to be a dancer with Britney Spears and did 2 years worth of touring with her. Went all over Europe, told me about Paris, about Prague, with vivid detail. It was cool hearing about all the parties and the discipline of the tour..

Fuckin based
This is the real answer

that sounds nice

A beach party. (Serious)

>the orgy and sex acts in general are safely confined to the designated degeneracy tent

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Burning Man these days is basically glamping for rich people from Silicon Valley. You go to see a bunch of weird shit in the desert and slam thots.

Meditation helps tho

Meditation is incredibly important and magic rocks just have different vibrations/wave lengths that can affect your body differently. You don't have to believe me.

Is that bad? You can have an orgy anywhere. Just because there a tent for one at burning man doesn't mean everyone's there for that. It seems empty most of the time. ( never went in)

Why would they?


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if the average Jow Forums user went to burning man they might change for the better

OP here, Look all I’m saying is if you’re seeking out enlightenment, head to the wilderness. Talk to someone who’s been to war. Talk to someone whose seen life and is in their 80’s. Not a bunch of fucking 20 something’s who think they know what solace and tranquility is. It’s fucking embarrassing when you act pretensious as fuck towards someone who hasn’t been. And everyone I know whose been to burningman acts that way. Like I said before. I most likely need new people in my life who aren’t fucking retards who believe that putting up someone else’s art in the middle of fucking nowhere is going to somehow change the world and bring peace to the planet.

>it’s a bunch of retard socialist/neomarxists fags who think theyre being liberated by

Basically yes. You do not sound like a burner and should stay home. Lots of socialists, neomarxists, anarchists engaged in creative art, play and free love - it probably is not your thing.

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we’re not going, but we’re not going to stay home
there is a lot of work to be done

My feminist friends and I are planning to burn a 40-foot-tall Mohamad holding a Quran at Burning Man this year. (It will be made of paper mache but it will contain every Quranic verse in small type.)

It's going to be part of our feminist art installation.

I was hoping that some Arabic-speaking friends on Jow Forums could help me get this message out to the Muslim world:

"Please PLEASE do not bomb Burning Man or run it over with a van! Thousands of my progressive friends would be wiped out all at once! We are your greatest allies! Please just let us express ourselves in peace."

Let's get the hashtag #BurningManBurningQuran trending to get the world out among Muslims to NOT bomb Burning Man.

اهلا ياجماعة! أصدقائي وأنا تخطط لحرق 40 قدم طويل القامة في حرق الرجل هذا العام. وسوف تكون مصنوعة من عجينة الورق لكنها سوف تحتوي على كل الآية القرآنية.

كنت آمل أن يساعدني بعض أصدقائي الناطقين باللغة العربية في الحصول على رسالة إلى العالم الإسلامي.

من فضلك من فضلك لا تفجير حرق الرجل! الآلاف من أصدقائي سيكون هناك. يرجى فقط دعونا نعبر عن أنفسنا في سلام.

دعونا الحصول على الوسم #BurningManBurningQuran تتجه إلى الحصول على العالم من بين المسلمين إلى لا قنبلة حرق الرجل.

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You just set yourself up for a whole hell of a mess there user

>there is a lot of work to be done
of course there is little jap boy, that's all y'all do. Work more, work more, little miserable corporate slave. You're not going anywhere.


Hey you! Yes, you.

Want to send a message to those socialists and neomarxists who annoy you?

Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 52 days away.

Remember...Every. Single. One.

Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same.


Done and done.

Stop this at once lol

not going to spoonfeed you OP but here's a long trail of breadcrumbs
>pic related
>doesn't know who owns the land

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>said the grasshopper to the ant

it's leisure. some people sit around a massive fire taking acid and buying trinkets. who gives a fuck?

He puts it in fucking arabic too the absolute madman xD

>t.roastbeef sandwich with the welding skills of a three year old despite years of "practice" wasted on mindless art

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ironically enough, the govenment of course

AFAIK, they are into "Radical Acceptance"

Soooo. That means if a platoon of Schutzstaffel showed up... then they would be accepting... right?

No, it's basically EDM larping in the desert for SanFranFag types. Avoid. It's dusty and disease ridden.

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That’s not what I implied you sarcasmless autismo.

This, unironically. Latin mass with gregorian chant is waaaaaay better.

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10/10 based and redpilled

Psy-op booster shot.

You guys are as much uptight, prudish Puritanical faggots as they are deluded and naive leftists.
Taking acid or ecstasy and spending a couple days there would probably be a really good time; and the people would be no more insufferable than the lot of you, just for different reasons.

You xer, are a genius.

Because there is such thing as free love. Asshole. Enjoy your herpies.

Learn how to compelte a fucking thought without meme >Meme Text bullshit you idiot. I simply asked a question and you can't even form a response saying what you meant. You are pointless.

Wasteland Weekend.

>christcuck larping

nothin new here.

Whats wrong with living in a mad max world for a weekend?

You're not going.
You just want to start shit.
Good luck, though.
I hope it happens so there are pictures and videos.

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Only the fact that, everyone except Mel Gibson is dead afterward? Nada.

Nothing wrong with burning the Qur'an in Islam.

Based though

This guy gets it

its a bunch of rich fags aping the themes of the proletariat.