What would happen to you if you wore one of these in your city?

all countries welcome to respond

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People would assume you're an attentionwhore

is it legal to wear one in London?

I'm in Texas
So get punched and yelled at, then hear retarded political ideas from both sides


Probably this, but it would definitely trigger some lefties as well. Tempted to get one, but honestly, it's a bit pointless to wear it elsewhere, worst case you're regarded as sort of traitor whose loyalties are not with your own country.

probably get some verbal abuse, maybe worse.

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Colorado Springs here. Nothing. We're rated one of the most conservative cities in the US in one of the most Liberal States. If I wore that in Denver or Boulder it would be another story.

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philly. would probably get kicked out of most establishments and/or jumped

instant assault , literally within minutes.
my friend almost died after being rammed into a ditch for having right wing related stickers (literally just gadsden flag and trump) on his car.

melbourne here.

>Be me
>working job
>customer asks where is this product from
>not listed in signage or packaging
>"all these products are local"
> customer complains
>says she needs to know it's not from USA because she is super mad a Trump
>kek internally

Ahead of curb hipster

most likely nothing. Maybe in Madrid or Barcelona could trigger someone.

Assault, likely shot to death within an hour, assuming you're walking around on the street.
>Atlanta, GA

I thought that was a good thing over there


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physically and verbally assaulted by all the shitskins
probably try and follow me to where i live and rape my beautiful wife

Nobody would care. I literally drive around with a swaztika on my car

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NPCs would attack due to their programming

Colorado user .
Get asked why I’m carrying a pistol and why I support hate .
Things thrown in my direction.
But mostly people screaming from a distance .

live in Michigan

probably nothing except some dirty looks from women and thumbs up from guys

You obviously live west of powers lol. Go to manitou

The tears would be delicious, think i'll try it.

i love colorado springs

Get a gun

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Probably not that much
I’ve seen two people with it here

Boulder, would get shit beaten out of me, just by the amount of people coming to kill me

In all seriousness, you could be arrested for a potential breach of peace. depends very much where and when you wear it

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Not much, maybe some hipsters would give me some shit, but that’d be about it.
>t.nashville fag.

Fuck man i enjoy walking around Manitou from time to time but you're right. I live on the North Side close to monument. Used to live dowtown.


texas, but not in a nigger/commiefornian shithole like "Hey, I like your hat."

Cheers bro. I like it here. Wish the food was better. im originally from Chicago but I've lived here for years.


Why the fuck is Nashville a purple city now? I left Tennessee 10 years ago, wish I never did. It’s sad to see it turning blue in certain areas

Most wouldn't give a shit, some would give you disapproving looks. Maybe one uni student would ask why you like Trump

Seattle:untold levels of passive aggressiveness.

Your car would def get keyed

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Live in Las Vegas and wear my black one a lot while out and about and on the strip. Nobody says a word, just some nods here and there. Niggers, spics, and libshits don't know what to do since I am asian.

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Springs is like the model white suburban community lol. I was stationed at Carson!

Absolutely nothing.

californiatard here: stabbed with knife then possible shit on/pissed on/stabbed with used needle for HIV infection. not even kidding.

Nor or SoCal?

Cali is so fucking shitty dude...

Not so white anymore . Lots of beaners . Lots of blacks . Lots of meth heads and pot heads moving to the springs because Denver is too expensive . Now , the springs is equally as expensive , congested , and , the 4th most conservative study was done when the population was 300k. It sits at over 800k , and conservatives didn’t move here for pot .

I live near Denver. If I wore one, I'd get some nasty looks and shit talk behind my back, but I'm big enough that they won't fuck with me. I gave one to a friend as a gag gift and he got some moans, but that was it.

I'd be called a kike supporter.
I've literally nazipilled half my town
Its a small town, tailgates and get togethers are common. And the dads like to talk to me

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Cheers bro had a bunch of friends that were stationed at Carson as well. I worked as a Loan Officer for Mortgage Solutions of Colorado and 99% of my borrowers were white moving into the ever expanding suburb areas. Occasionally we'd get some Hispanics but they were alright people.

alot of liberal whites in music, tech, and shitskins in medicine. We’ve been overloaded with californians and northerners too, and alot of them that move to the city are uber liberal. Im in Franklin now, and it’s alot better, but not for long.

I'd get beat up

Forgot to mention I live close to Stockholm
People are to scared of confrontations so nothing would happen

Yeah depends on where you're at. If you're in Lone Tree, Aurora, or like Thornton you should be fine, but Parker is full of yuppie liberal fruit cakes.

I am originally from Denver but grew up and live in Seattle now. Sucks to hear that! Not surprised though...

On my campus away from eng/cs section? Screaming. Otherwise I would get amused looks from the 90 percent mainland Chinese.

From Vancouver, Leafland.

It depends on the neighborhood honestly, I've seen a couple younger men walking around with them, but if you ended up in the wrong area of the city it would be a shitstorm (Commercial Drive, Strathcona, liberal white areas in general.)

Great post to be at versus the rest of the shithole army bases in the south or east coast! The Mexicans I interacted with mostly lived near pueblo and seemed okay!

Chased by goblin army, car keyed, sucker punched if dumb enough to relax around shitskins
>t. los angelesfag
Nuke me please. I'll be happy about it

Jew York reporting in.

Depends. If you're in a group, nobody will fuck with you.

Even in Spanish Harlem you can see someone wearing one from time to time, but only if they are obviously ethnic.

White as I look, it would probably be unwise.

Actually got sucker punched on election night because I was grabbing a late night sandwich wearing it.


Most of time you're probably fine, but its just not worth the trouble, nigga's be crazy up in hur.

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the majority of the beans and blacks live downtown / oro blanco / south academy areas. If you live around powers, far west, or up north its very white. Falcon is pretty nice too.

>from Anchorage, Alaska
Nobody would give a shit

What about Richmond? I dont think the FOB chinks would care much? The brown/poos might though?

Pseudo gangsters lmao. I always laugh when I head up there from Seattle. These hajis would get murked day 1 in any US city but they are hard in Leafland lol....

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>worst case you're regarded as sort of traitor whose loyalties are not with your own country.
That you're also importing by the hundreds of thousands?

I would probably harass you within the fullest extent of my free speech.

>Parker is full of yuppie liberal fruit cakes
I work in tech and I've seen them; they're pussies.

Some unstable lady might make a scene but that's about it.

OH shit I lived in C Springs before coming to NYC
Grew up in CO.

Great City

Godbless COanon


To elaborate, they're pussies from NY and CA working in the Tech Center.

They get tired of being here and move back.

Another hongcouverite reporting here

Anywhere downtown or anywhere near a camous or skytrain station is sure to get at least some snidey commments or leftist hate.

Fraser valley maybe surrey area youd be fine

Wear an Obama hat in the Springs and see what happens...Douglas County here

Massive pussies. I was looking to move up there but they're the reason why I haven't. I went to CU and that was awful after being from Chicago. So im going to stick to the Springs for now.

Assault followed by battery.
I live in West Los Angeles.

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i wore a Trump t-shirt out in East London a couple of months before the election and got denied entry to multiple bars because of it, by nigger or muslim bouncers

I’d get beat by several blacks and the Jew led media would say I deserved it.

Portland here, I would be assaulted and doxed and stalked.

>this thread
>we'll get murdered
>we'll get assaulted
>we'll get spit on


And white liberals would agree

I prefer my hat.

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Cheers bro.

Makes no sense for someone outside the US to walk around with one of those.

I feel your pain.
I told people I voted for Trump.
No one knows I'm a race realist.
If anyone found out what I know I'd be hunted by feral Commies.
Good luck, user.

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>gadsden flag and trump
thanks for admiring us faggot but seriously work on your own chink infested shithole first


kek and check.
> ma'am, it's local.
> durr.... does that include imports???

Charlotte anons would probably get some looks, maybe get stabbed/shot. If you head outside the city into Fort Mill or the better parts of Union county, probably some support considering they are upscale white suburbs. Fucking niggers can’t handle a hat, it’s sad.

I wonder how many of us here who own a hat unironically are also on Jow Forums

London here, I will get glacial stares and someone will certainly stop me and ask me why am a wearing such a despicable hat.

Yeah whenever im driving I see shit tons of Trump bumper stickers and the occasional Boomer from California with a Bernie or Hillary sticker on their car.


probably get spit on, called a bigot, racist, or a fascist.

Feels so nice with my love trump hate, obama 2012, Hillary 2016, Sanders 2020 bumper stickers on my car. No harassment or threats at all, just complements every time I drive.

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MAGA hats are a symbol of the culture war

Ignore this jew

Since I live in a city hours outside of Toronto that is 99% white, probably nothing.

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Heil Hillary

Los Angeles here.
I don't even tell people I voted for Trump.
The people here are getting visibly more hysterical.
I really do expect political violence.
It sounds like hyperbole on my part.
Unless you live here.
Godspeed, user.

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I do. I don’t wear it, I bought it because it’s a piece of history

Probably mostly ignored, maybe one or two affirmative remarks

Nothing. Probably get a few stares

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Nothing. Melbourne is pro-Trump

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You in LA?
I have a feeling there's more of us than we think.
One day the shit will hit the fan, as soon as law and order disappears I'm going on the hunt myself

Zoomers begone

Live in Detroit. Literally nothing would would happen because everyone here carries a gun. Nobody shoots unless they are ready to give up their life...not over a hat.

I have one. I don't wear it any more because I would have my life ruined if I did, but I wore it a few times during the election season while people still thought he was a joke candidate with no chance and all I got was the occasional dirty look.

LOL. Yeah, no. Keep dreaming . Colorado Springs is no longer conservative .
House prices in the Springs, gas, etc are all relative to LA .
In addition, how do you like all those new taxes, and the toll road coming to the i25 gap.
And your stormwater taxes, and this tax and that tax.
No , Colorado Springs hasn’t been conservative since 2012.
It’s literally a dump , with the view of one mountain.
But even garden of the gods is trashed up now, I feel like I’d be better off living in LA. At least they shaft you up front . Colorado Springs slips shit in , and then lobbies to get it passed behind closed doors. How bout them Koch brothers becoming democrats bahaha.

People threw a bitch fit about dragon and display during the election and wanted it pulled down.

Yeah. Conservative .