*coughs* ahhh the 50's, now that was a good era decade
*coughs* ahhh the 50's, now that was a good era decade
Other urls found in this thread:
The eternal boomer
*crack* ahhh the ptolemaic era, now that was a good time period
WW3 = Everyone vs Israel. You'll all die when you get conscripted into the IDF and nobody will care.
brah, remember all those great Phish shows we went to in the 1790s? I still listen to those cassette tapes..
Yes, it's a cliche. But what if the old men of every era were correct, and the world just gets worse and worse and worse.
Nah man it’s all about the beet juice.
The 50s was the first prosperous decade of the 1900s for most Americans; the feelings about that time were a continuation of the happiness caused by the end of both the Great Depression and WWII.
The returning soldiers got married and started making lots of babies (hence the Baby Boomers).
Industry that had developed rapidly while producing ammo, guns, ordinance, tanks, boats, and airplanes for the war effort quickly shifted to mass producing consumer items like cars, travel trailers, building materials, appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, etc.), electronics (record players, radios, TVs, etc.), even clothing.
Jobs were easy to come by in this new economy; women were happy to get to return to homemaking after working in factories and farms while a huge portion of the healthiest men were away during the war. Conveniences and modern comforts were more affordable than ever before, as was home ownership due to the rise of the suburbs and manufactured housing.
Problem was, everyone was so content that they forgot to acknowledge reality.
The Greatest Generation raised their children the Baby Boomers to be entitled narcissistic shitheads by trying to give them everything and sheltering them from the real world.
Human civilization cannot survive extended peace and security. Adults in the 50s enjoyed prosperity because they’d been through hell (both the Depression and the war) and they could appreciate it.
But to their children, who never knew want or war, it was a nightmare.
Human existence requires strife.
They were and it does.
savage nation smokes blunts now?
too slow gramps, I already saved ur passport
>Based and redpilled
Fucking tombers
This transcends the boomer...the ultimate boom?
Silent Generation.
*wheezes* back in my day we enjoyed jazz on nights like this, them colored fellas really knew how to swing
No it's tombers
>I already saved ur passport
I just wanted to post a smaller size of it.
*shoots* ahhh the matrix, now that was a good simulation
Prodigious digits!!
>Alex Jones' mass censorship
>Article 11 and Article 13 implemented in the EU
>Lots of shadowbanning on the biggest social media platforms out there
>Sites being purged of shitposters and others that are deamed "politically incorrect", such as the case with Reddit and YouTube
>Tech companies caught trying to influence the election through any means necessary while Mark Zuckerberg has been very shady and silent about it
>Hardly any politician is speaking out about this publicly and anyone who is talking about these issues are censored to high hell and nobody knows about it
>Before you know it, /b/ and Jow Forums are next on the chopping block and we might be eliminated. Maybe all of Jow Forums will be shut down if this gets out of hand
Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
>this is the 21st century Iconoclasm
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
>THEY want to surpass you
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy
You are way more important than you think you are
>you have free thought, inner voice and an abstract mind
You are a direct threat to the A.I
>good job!!!
"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody... which do you choose"
Defeat THEM by never backing down
Enjoy and redpill
"NEVER give up ground, always have a strong will, and never let them censor you"