Can one judge a society based on how they handle human feces

German toilets have a shelf that catches your poop and they keep a stick nearby for you to poke the poop with and push it down the hole when you're done looking at your poop

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third worlders put toilet paper in trashcans
what the fuck

You guys are always clogging our toilets, you know?

In the retaurants frequented by tourists in Thailand they often have a sign in Thai for the local population asking them not to wash their fucking feet in the toilet

By local people I mean the hooker you've decided to go out on a date with rather than just poke in your hotel room.

I have no real reason to disbelieve you.

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Genuinely hate shitting me

We got a new indian woman at our company and no joke stinks like shit and the females were complaining about a mysterious toilet user who wiped their ass and dropped the toilet paper next to the toilet instead of flushing it. 1 guess who it was.

>1 guess who it was.
Who was it?

Ill never understand this, even when they come to America, with good plumbing infrastructure they collect their shit paper in a bin... Why?

>my nostrils are enriched

shut the fuck up kid ur a bitch

they eat a lot of sausages and shit and need to be able to keep an eye out for parasites

slavoj zizek ideology and the toilet dot wmv

Habit. After a couple months in Ecuador I caught myself trying to put toilet paper in the trash can when I came home.

Good design : when your poop falls of it doesn t splash the water into your fucking anus

I was on a small base in iraq. We had several locals on the base working for us. We had to let them use our shitters and they would always stand on the shitter and sometimes wind up fucking the place up. But, the absolute worst was a couple of times we had to have a contracting company come down to service generators or some other bullshit (we werent allowed to do maintenance on certain things because having contracting companies do it is a tax money gravy train) and they would almost always send filipinos. The flips were absolutely out of this world disgusting. I dont know how they did it but they would... Remember that really old meme about the diarhea bandit? It would look like that.

eat MORE food with a lot of fiber so when you poop, it's a huge & consistent stream of poop which gently jettisons into the water without any splashing.


Only the cleanest societies have incinerators to dispose of their poop.

I poop into a laser-plane which annihilates my poop on contact

Or put paper in before you shit you idiots

It was the black guy wasn’t it

shit in the shower and use your feet to shove it down the drain you nigger

want to know a simple life hack? put a single square of toilet paper in the water before you shit and the physics and water tension and whatever causes it to not splash

Answer for this you Nazi fucks.

Why the fuck did German engineering produce toilets with a shelf...for poop...and a stick


>germ*ns poop on a shelf
what the actual fuck
no wonder the muslims are winning

>mom found the poop stick

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useful for piss too.

you glow in the dark so hard. you'll be up in a tree one day. Keep it up

So if you poop and flush do you clean the shit stain left behind with a scrub?

Can you please build a proper sewerage system already?


>beaner "plumbing"
>leaving shitpaper out in the bathroom

The stick is to pick out some nice foodies and eat them

This valuable information gathered right after railing trannies in back room hostels

Is this why Germans make poop porn?

>BR's having plumbing

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>You guys are always clogging our toilets, you know?

I didn't think about that brazil

We should just keep the contents that clog the plumbing in our house so we can breathe it

>German toilets have a shelf

It is called a "scheissenTafelland" in German.

It is used by all good German mothers to inspect the morning excrement of the family to ensure healthy living.

That is all.



I work in an office where they have toilets like these. You can’t believe how rotten it stinks when you go in there after some fat German that has only eaten greasy food his entire life shits in it.
>inb4 Mohamed
I’m from Austria

wait seriously?
>poop inspection day

Their moms inspect their poops?

Filipinos would leave bags of used adult diapers outside and animals would tear it all open. I'd take Indians over them any day.

That’s correct, but here it’s common to take your time pooping, so people don’t flush right away and let the turd sit there for a while making the whole room stink while they read a newspaper

Ah, the waffle stomp.

This anti-hindu sentiment has reached great heights on Jow Forums Jow Forums and i find it hightly troubling an d disturbing. I have alreaddy contanced my brahmin and the APL (Anti Pakistani League). If you no stop this sentiments you will sufer the wrath of Vishnu you backar chodu mutt kutta!!

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They literally leave the babies with the diapers for the hungry animals. Someone post that gif/webm, you know the one.

>let the turd sit there for a while making the whole room stink
Oh Hans, why?

Brazil, if you're plumbing sucks that bad aren't you really just putting on aires by bothering with the toilet anyway? why not just designate a street like the Pajeets?

I've experienced many Filipinos and Indians. Flips are the worst, their language sounds like monkey, got the worst of Spanish and Asian culture.

so there's a turd shelf in the turlet and thus no water coverage with a good kerplunk ... it sits there hot as hell almost steaming... but it's not water steam, it's has full access to the air - for many tens of minutes while the newspaper helps channel the fumes upward toward the germans nostrils...
very interesting... I'll stick with the full water coverage kerplunk method thanks.


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I poop in my yard. When the pile becomes hard, I shovel it and throw it in the neighbors yard.

based and redpilled

poo detected

That's a slav toilet. I've only seen them in Eastern Europe, never in Germany itself in eight years.

you can't take out the barbarism out of a g*rman, disgusting subhumans

Who >5 gpf here?



Mah nigga

I thought this was a toilet for collecting stool samples?

No wonder Germans are the kings of scat.

I wonder if taking your time to breathe the shit smell for a while introduces more micro particles into your body, enhancing your immune system?

Don't you guys know how to unclog your pipes with baking soda and lemon juice?

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old habits.

turd world plumbing cannot handle toilet paper, much less American Freedom Poops. Americans with our superior plumbing can flush all kinds of non-poop objects without clogging.

Poop inspection day is two days after penis inspection day.

>create a device specifically for playing with poop
you don't say

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I always check my poop to make sure that my diet is alright, the stick part is fake news though.

You can see through water you fucking degenerate.
Stop fucking around with your own shit.

lol germans rule

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I have a high-powered shower and a hand faucet I usually just poop over on the drain and then just blast it apart and let it go down the drain

Your poop provides a lot of information about the quality of your diet and your general health, there is nothing degenerate about poop inspections. Why look at it through a curtain of water if you can get the direct view?

I introduce to you the practice of shower pooping.

As many Jow Forumsizens know, shower pooping is fast, clean, effective and all in all a better method of expulsion of bodily waste than the use of a sitting toilet.
Brb shit, shower and shave all in the one go
Brb save $100s a year on toilet paper
Brb save money on water
Brb environmentalist
Brb relaxing to shit whilst in hot water
Brb hot water makes you want to shit
Brb get cleaner as you poop... one of the true paradoxes or life hacks of this world.
As well as many other benefits.

There is no reason not to shower squat poop, my preferred method is to just take the drain cap off the shower floor and after a few goes your aim will get pretty good and there's no mess to even clean up..

I have had the same TP roll on the go for the past 3months (only have it for when other people come round).

We all were peasants shitting in the streets at some point.
Then more civilized men came and started to teach us hygiene and things like that (Romans in the case of Europeans).

But at some point we gave up empire building, and started pretending that people who are still living in savagery are our equals.

What the duck???

You're putting poop in a greywater system. Fucking idiot.

>German toilets have a shelf that catches your poop and they keep a stick nearby for you to poke the poop with and push it down the hole when you're done looking at your poop

You krauts are smart but highly autistic. Goddamn.

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>greywater system
bitch please that goes str8 to the river

brb efficient infrastructure instead of expensive water recycling

idk about you but I can get a good idea of how my poop is by how it feels when it comes out, the smell, the sound of how it plops into the water, etc.

cultural enrichment, you bigot

Wasn't this made for fucking immigrants because they had really bad shits from their "diet" that kept splashing water up on their ass?

My cousin does this. Hes not even 3rd world, hes just too lazy to fix toilet.
Best part is that occasionally his dog spreads the little presents all around the house

I fucking hate my cousin

i would probably kill him desu

I used to hop up on the toilet and squat poop because squat poopoing just healthier and less strainfull in general but I was traumatized by a post I saw on the internet where someone's toilet broke while they were squatting on it and the lacerations it did fucked them up horrendously and I'm renting an apartment so I can't really modify the toilet to a squat pooper so I just shittin in their showers now

I've legitimately thought about getting one of those Squatty Potty things that kind of converts normal toilets into a squat shitter I've gotten so comfortable shiting in the shower now though that why bother it's nice and warm and comfortable and it takes 10 seconds to power it down the drain with my nozzle

Nah hes fat, he's already killing himself

Two words: colon showering
you will rejuvenated af

>Toilets can take 600 pound Americans but it cannot support someone squatting on it.

Is this why Germans have shit fetishes? From spending all day looking at their own? Germans are fucking animals.

They should teach this in schools.

>Toilets can take 600 pound Americans but it cannot support someone squatting on it.

I am 180 but the story I read about the guy was only 220 and I guess your simple Canadian brain doesn't understand that ceramic can get stress fractures over time. I don't know the full history of this toilet with the people that lived here before me but after seeing the pictures I saw I just don't feel comfortable climbing up on top of it and exposing my bare ass and genitals to something that might turn into what amounts to be razor sharp Blades of glass at any moment

You're a fucking idiot. I avoided mocking you because I thought you were stupid but nice enough, now I see you're a literal autist who doesn't understand basic physics.

Ceramic doesn't get stress fracture. The danger of squatting on the toilet is slipping off, not that it would suddenly crack while you're sitting on it. That's fucking retarded and you should feel bad for taking some meme as fact.

>put paper in before you shit you idiots
How economic, idiot

cigan pls, the 1st worlders are talking about shitting. You wouldn;t understand