The so-called party of """"family values""""

republicans and drumpfpanzees are disgusting vile and outrageous cowards. As a Canadian, I am ashamed to call them neighbours.

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Paid shills like OP are going to die in Guantanamo Bay

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Too many words

>Checks catalogue
>20 1 post by this ID Kavanaugh threads
I love the smell of desperation in the morning. It smells like...victory.

the ones you are referring to are the "Neo-Conservative" shill infiltrators. This is what they do to make "republicans" look bad so that you get tricked into siding with the "democrates" who are outright terrorists and murderer-thieves.

the REAL Question you should be asking is, what do the Neo-Conservatives and Establishment Democrates have in common?

Attached: whos_the_REAL_enemy_here.png (2000x2000, 159K)

Op is a

1.) faggot
2.) fucking leaf
3.) shareblue shill

answer: All of the above

holy shit its true the left can't meme hahahhahahahahahhhahahhaahhah

also saged

Your days are numbered filth

as a canadian, you should make the world better by kys

Kill sand niggers and hook nose duh

Fucking leaf moron. The man never did anything, it's an accusation. He had several federal background checks already and nothing came up and not one woman came forward and said he did anything. So now youre going after him when he was like, 16? You're a retard, OP. Keep your PM and his big black dildo collection, Im sure he's willing to share it with you.

Hey Anons, what happens when stupid dumb retarded incest bred leaf fucks like this get digits?

Attached: Trudeau_Grope.jpg (339x472, 116K)

I created this by the way, and Rebel Media stole it and put it on a shirt. But whatever.

It is amazing how innocent until proven guilty goes out the window when it's someone you don't like

No. We're the party of white people.

Fuck niggers.

And gooks since you're a leaf and most likely a fucking gook.

Attached: mm.jpg (790x900, 291K)

As a Canadian you should be ashamed of raping dogs, having a faggot and laughing stock as Prime Minister and being one of the most degenerate countries in the world.

I hope you don't come here to lecture others about """"family values"""" when your goverment threatens parents with losing their custody if they don't want gay/transgender kids. Also is sick how much faggotry your government and media push to the masses and campuses

and it begins,
ofc faceberg and twitter won't lift a finger to call this fake news, they'll probably push an artificial trending for it. same as they did for Roy Moore when libtards called him a convicted pedophile baby rapist.

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Rebel Media = Jews

but good job user and checked.

As a canadian fuck you pussyhat

As a guy from Quebec, I am ashamed to be a part of Canada.