Tfw no Russian gf with feet

>Tfw no Russian gf with feet

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I hate when I order a gf from Russia and they come without feet

lots of old minefields. feeted ones can walk to a divorce attorney

>tfw no girl at all with feet to sniff

If they have no feet they can't leave you

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I just want a preteen Russian wife, is that too much to ask? ;_;


I imagine Remilia's feet, after a long day of being a vampire, must be absolutely disgusting from marinating in sweat, grease and bacteria. When she removes her shoes at the end of the day, she probably gets flustered at just how smelly and toxic her bare feet are; her own body betraying all standards of decency by producing an unbelievably lewd and slimy, biohazardous zone of filth within her own footwear. Shoes designed to look pretty and appealing, now soiled and turned into unusable, smelly, ruined trash by her own festering feet. It's almost amazing how an odor so potent and foul can come from a girl so cute. What a contrast!

The contrast would be captivating. On one side, you've got her beautiful, pale, shapely, happy feet. They're works of art, and can arouse anyone with their perfection. On the other hand, you've got endless of amounts of potent stink to contend with! Imagine seeing the Remi dip her toes in the ocean and turning it into a bubbling, stinky green mess with her odor and killing all the fish!

Remilia's big, pale, smelly vampire feet!

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the worst feel

Fuck all of you, you don't deserve russian waifus, those are reserved for russian men REEEEEE

I talk to this russian girl some days who I went to high school with. She threatens to rub her smelly, pale slav feet on me and bully me for being a stinky italian and she even says they have a nice vodka smell. She also has slightly squinty eyes so she is probably a mongol rape baby.

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Russian women who marry non russian whites are basically racemixing. It triggers the fuck out of me. Fuck you and your shitty italian genes.

why are you so bully. Russian girls are destined to have their cute, pale, mongolian feet rubbed by italian boys.

I will make pasta for her too and she can dip her toes in the cooking water.

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I’ve been waiting for a feetz thread all day about fucking time

italian women have the smelliest feet

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Why are footpuccis so sensual? Why is this such a common fetish? Has (((Freud))) written about this?

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girls are so mean anyway. They just want to bully me with their smelly feet.
(especially slav ones)

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ALL foot posts are non-Americans.

All American foot-posters are non-white.


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If you don't like feet you're not white and also an idiot nigger.

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, the thread

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footfags eternally BTFO!

Oh fucking hell Jow Forums is on fire today

kill youself by inhaling stinky italian feet odor

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GF is Italian, can confirm.

I suck it up tho. you have one with no feet?

do you let her soak her used socks in your pasta?

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lmao computer is pentium 4 level with pci slot modem
>not gay checked for pussy hair 1st

Your brain associates feet with genitals

I suck up that stanky footpuss like I suck up her fettuccine ragu.

>She threatens to rub her smelly, pale slav feet on me and bully me for being a stinky italian and she even says they have a nice vodka smell.
ah... it seems we're making progress on understanding the foot fetish -- 1st of all it appears to be a rejection method - so if you get to the feet at the very least you know she hates you ... on the other hand she is touching you

another clue yet one that is not understandable

She does not hate me! I like when girls bully me with their cute feet so I told her to make comments about my heritage and bully me about it!

If she did hate me she wouldn't let me rub her feet.

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ok not so sure though it seems queens and princesses had designated feet rubbers

>though it seems queens and princesses had designated feet rubbers

She already marked me with her foot odor! I have to rub her pale, mongol slavic feet forever now as she bullies me for being a stinky italian. Maybe also throw out my clothes since her smell ruined them.

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Are you that user from SI? Nice to smell- I mean see you again.

>Are you that user from SI?
y-yes. Don't bully pls. And I only stink because that naughty russian rubbed her feet on me!

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I'd rather smell Patche's comfy feet.

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Lucky, my Russian GF lost her feet to krokodil :(

Don't worry, I won't. Although I can't promise I won't do other things to you. :3

If remi finds this out, she will cut your throat open with her sharp toenails (or gas you with her toxic foot stench)


pls no feet

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What kind of state is Russia in these days if having feet must be stipulated?

Girls genetically have smellier feet. They are too dangerous to be around. (im actually ghost right now because my cousin took off her socks in my room and i died)

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Where do I find socks like these.

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Yeah, I don't marry them. I fuck them, but no, no marrying.

I would upvote, but there seems to be no button for it. What a shame. I like cucky fetish threads where unsatisfied beta incels divert their lusts into odd body parts before wholly crumbling into BBC cuckery.

all italians love feet. Italy is a feet. Russian women need to soak their stinky toes into the bowls of pasta of every cutie italian boy.

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just put baking soda in your shoes fucking nigger moron

this is now a sexy amputee appreciation thread

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