NPC meme

Where does it even come from? It appeared a few days ago and now everyone and their mom is using it. Was it manufactured?

Attached: 28584058_1656672714414811_1630789233_o.png (416x435, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

JIDF niggers, same as pic related.

Attached: 1536973638311.jpg (1277x1166, 580K)

Attached: 1.png (821x647, 185K)

It's not a meme. There are people who do not think.

It arose during Kanuvaugh's court hearings because the paid protestors recited the same lines and performed the same actions. Just like NPCs.


It's a meme based on the notion that there is a not insignificant portion of the population which rarely, if ever, actually "think", in the sense that they intentionally and internally consider concepts before speaking or acting on them. As such, these people are "NPC"s, and the image is supposed to be a representation of such people.

I've been calling everyone NPCs since runescape. Just never publicly announced, scared it would cause imbalance in their programming and they would crash.

Keep this shit on the down low man, let the NPCs run their program

Aydin Paladin made a video on NPCs, if you guys are interested:

This song about solipsism that came out in 2015 contains the line "talk to your non-player family".

It's from /v/

sage goes in every field

>brainlet meme used by literal brainlets
>npc meme used by literal npcs
I’m starting to see a pattern here.

it’s not a meme here , for sure. I for one have just spent the last hour , I think , talking to robots. I didn’t get one reply remotely relevant to my comments, and almost every thread right now is shilled to the max - posters are mostly bots designed to provoke you into a response. Human dialogue is hard , and getting harder everywhere on the internet , but here included. If you want to test or the theory for yourself , stick around for night shift. This place gets a lot more comfy and you’ll see what happens . NPC is shills and AI. the meme part where it’s called NPC instead of other stuff (like where it relates to lack of soul and etc) — that’s a much older meme and comes from /x/ — that’s why it’s ready to go and why Jow Forums anons can jump on it and relate it to bigger theories right away. but imo it’s popular right now because of the massive amounts of shilling and AI developments — and the very real fact that many of us have been spending a lot of time and effort talking to shills and robots lately.
btw, The “fren” meme is the antidote. ;)
go in peace and love , fren!

/x/ or /v/ (but I’ve not spent time on /v/ so can’t confirm) — but /x/ definitely. Remember, /x/ and /v/ are frens

*presses x repeatedly*

Attached: halebopp.jpg (600x377, 33K)

if ever there's a meme that is of no serious political consequence, the shills will latch onto it and promote it so as to distract people
they do this because they are creatively bankrupt and cannot come up with their own memes

bots != "NPCs" though
this is unironically just a meme to try to justify devaluing the life of another human
And I'm sure we're all well familar with the people that push that sort of thing

lol mods cracking down on these threads now

NPCs fucking up

Before this 404s I have a question. I have always talked to myself out loud every time I think I'm alone and have always felt like others were weird for not doing so.
What does it mean when you talk to yourself all the time? Am I insane? Because most people would ridicule my irl

I have the same experience but something I used to do in high school is that when people had their head down doing their work id be the only one with my head up thinking. It's like I was looking at robots. You'd think even the lazy niggers would have their head up because they did nothing but no they just stood there looking at their paper.

Yes, it was a forced kike meme, I watched it appear from nowhere and suddenly be posted a shitload. Made a kike version calling them out and it died down. Not on PC to post kike version.

if you've contemplated being one, then you aren't...
so, yeah it makes no sense how it came into existence but it is highly relatale because sometimes we feel no one understands our individuality and how we view the world so we dehumanize people into simply them being an npc. it's easier then regulating your over-socialization.

Hey fren want to talk with me :) I am real

That was great thanks

What do you think of a blockchain hard fork from this place?
