Hey Jow Forums, whaddya say about ancap?
Hey Jow Forums, whaddya say about ancap?
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meme teir ideology
>Domino's paves over potholes
>muh late stage capitalism
based and redpilled
Ancap only works with a layered network of polycentric legal system, private defense agencies, dispute resolution organizations, ostracization system/social credit score, market friendly means of not being overrun by shitskins or subverted by Jews, and a 24/7 hyperhyperaware populace. It's easier to just have a state in the first place perform the main functions of adjudication and border control.
Such a fucking Jewish response.
based and redpilled
Difficult to scale up. You could easily start a small community founded on ancap principles, only admitting new people if they agreed to abide by the NAP. But once you get populations in the millions spread across hundreds of miles it becomes difficult to enforce.
Pure anarchy and ancap are the same thing, you’re better off just calling yourselves anarchists. I desire anarchy because it’s true freedom, but I don’t think it will come to be in my lifetime.
We already live in a post-state world. Most people refuse to swallow this pill, just like they dream of another great war despite the existence of nukes precluding it. Humanity as a whole is woefully unprepared for the future of now.
You don't get millions of people. That's the point. That many people is unsustainable in a natural system, it's propped up by the state.
Capitalism, like Bolshevik style communism, requires bandaid fixes like government regulation to fix issues like: resorting to slave labor or hoarding money (excuse for taxes). And with a government there's a state.
If I were to pick a worst case for a successful hypothetical ancap society, it would have to be one where there's basically a bunch of monopolies or one oligopoly ruling everything, buying out or killing competitors so they stay on top.
In fact you dont get anyone, you get exactly what you want through voluntary association
And this is an issue how? That Monopoly is still confined by supply and demand. They will prove their products such that demand is equivalent to supply. Everyone wins.
If you knew how to make a profit; you wouldn't be an AnCap.
Ancap only works for whites. That's why most of Jow Forums is against it.
b...but they are only improving society because they want people to use their product! It's selfish!
*at least for now
Britain allows this? Based.
>drinking the sugary jew
I see what you did there
Retarded moralistic platitudes coupled with utopian visions for futuer societal arrangment + autism = ancap
What? It's just letting people do what they want.
slave mentality + gibs me dat = statist
that one will never get old
You just described every political ideology
It depends on how you reached the conclusion. I went through economics and if you do that it's just a logical end you reach that has no inconsistencies left.
Also, commiepope hates it and he likes pedophiles. You wouldn't want to side with the Pedo-loving commiepope would you?
Circumcision is a NAP violation, so Jews wouldn't be allowed in an ancap community.
the most jewish ideology of all
its less of a logical end but more of a logical outcome that statism can only end in either collapse or complete slavery
t. kike
It's far better than socialism, but still retarded, as laws (NOT SOCIAL PROGRAMS) are necessary for the NAP to actually function.
mans law is immoral
That's a moral statement you just made, man, and natural laws (such as the Constitution outlines) are not manmade laws.
holy digits
Yup that's more accurate
t. former turbo ancap
pure ideology
>violating the NAP is necessary for the NAP to actually function
So many memeballs. It's great
I want someone to write a novel set in an ancap world that isn't dystopian. It sounds fun and whacky.
First tell me how you feel about my loli harem.
>Anarcho capitalism is just letting people do what they want
No because we see world wide that people do not naturally arrange themselves into anarcho capatilist societies. The vast majority of people are statists through and through. Even wypepo.
Autistic nietchze reference aside for most statists yes that's probably true. But I don't believe in welfare at all.
Ironic since most libertarians are driven to that ideological extreme because their either
A extremely autistic
B pedophile
C furry
D some other varient of deranged
Sorry but id don't buy all the speudo scientific rational and ethical justifications. Take the nap for instance. It's total cuckholded bullshit.
t. typical subversive statist
good memes tho
Once knew a girl who was ancap irl. Didn't listen to what she said much whenever she talked about it but damn she had nice ass and tits. Good fuck too. Other than that I don't really care
i dont care what you believe in sheep suck my ass
t. subversive statist
Do they consent?
This is the one fundamental flaw in any form of anarchism. It's always one step away from tyranny or conquest.
so is anything
>If you aren't Ancap you must be a statist
Do you really think a law abiding, Bible holding, god fearing statist would just meet some random anarcho flavor?
Most other systems could at least put up a fight.
How is the NAP enforced?
Anarchists are actually anti-private property, because private property requires a state to enforce it. I'm a Misesian minarchist, I follow John Locke's social contract, which holds that we give up SOME rights to the authority in return for the protection of our remaining rights. This is the best recipe for capitalism: a small, minimalist government that is focused on protecting and defending private property rights.
that's not much of a harem, user. Just two? Pathetic
I just gave up on it, it's too gay.
I still would allow some tiny experimental ancap state next to my Nazi empire.
anarchy doesn't work. A government Of, By and For the people, does. regulation of corporations in terms of fair pay, hours and environmental protection, including animal welfare, is key.
When you violate it you are excommunicated from the market.
Ein Rand will visit you in your sleep
If a guy who sold the best heroin was "excommunicated" from the market, do you really think people would stop buying from him?
so can anything, you put everything in emotional and not reasonable terms
subversive faggot
nuclear ballistic missiles
I guess it depends on the community.If the junkies want to have a junkie community where they shoot dope and overdose all day. Then they can. Just stay out of our community.
>So you have the same general beliefs as me but you don't identify as a Ancap
Lmao @ ur fragile ass
Nuclear™ Ballistsic™ Missles™
only ideology that requires no cognitive dissonance
The NAP is a form of cognitive dissonance though.
How does corporatism different from capitalism at it's root?
>No government
>No borders
>Private Property?
both are true you fucking idiot
How so?
control of government and artificial monopoly by corporations, if coca cola made death squads coercing people to live by their rules and take their money that would still be government just under a different name
those don't contradict each other
>Iz tru u idiot
>Doesn't expand on argument
And you people wonder why nobody likes identifying as a Ankike
That's what ancap would turn into though. Institutions would form similar to the Government.
becuz without da powlees u wuld get kild n sheeeiiiitt
you defend your property yourself and with the help of your community, if they choose to
>Doesn't expand on argument
And you people wonder why nobody likes identifying as a commie
you could say that might happen from the power vacuum if we instantly tried it at this stage in time, but then the result wouldnt be ancap, its a very narrow definition yes
the funny thing is that even nignogs know the police are shit at keeping order, but everyone still uses that argument of "but who will enforce the NAP??!!"
>enforce it yourself
NAP doesn't mean everyone in society is going to follow it, but if everyone has the same chance to defend their property, at least they can try rather than letting the State violate the NAP left and right and have no recourse
With no government how do you decide who owns that property? There's no title system and no deeds. Do you just stake it out and shoot anybody who tries to step on your snek?
>Implying calling someone a throwaway name is a argument
>Reusing your opponents retort
>Duhhrhr anyone who isn't what I am is a gommunist xD
Why does everyone assume that libertarians and Ancaps advocate border-less societies? To have private property you must have borders.
Ancaps are the commies of the right wing.
They are full retard in the right spirit of things, but are living in a dreamland if they think it is possible.
Here's a guide for equivalents between the artificial binary political system:
Republican= Democrat
Libertarian = socialist
Ancap = Communist
Green party = gay man with AIDS
And nazism isn't?
national socialism*
>calls me a name
>hurrr dont call me a name back!
because the abolition of taxation and central banking is the most dangerous thing to kikes
>Ancaps are the commies of the right wing.
>(((National))) (((socialism)))
pretty much
Think about it. You don't have titles or deeds for most things you own but you still know that they are yours.
Also, people would not be incentivized to escalate to violence right away because they would be risking their lives as well, so more likely a third party organization would be hired if a dispute couldn't be resolved easily.