How can we ruin golf for boomers in the same way that the boomers ruined the West for us?

How can we ruin golf for boomers in the same way that the boomers ruined the West for us?

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Turn every golf camp in refugee settlements

So the next thing you jews are trying to fuck up in your 2 year temper tantrum is golf? YOU JEWS ARE FUCKED! Every time you destroy more bread and circuses its gonna bring peoples focus on the jews.

this way

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Send millennials to the golf courses to play a round. Nothing annoys a boomer like not being able to play through

There are some faggots here who break into farms and demand land for them
"Movimento sem terra" if you want to google
But they usually get mauled to death by dog, "accidentally burned" and die in general like a true communist

The richest and most powerful people in every community uses them. They like golf more than they like you. KYS

anyone that isn't a broke shut in faggot thinks going out and golfing is cool. even young people so maybe you are the problem

>Every time you destroy more bread and circuses its gonna bring peoples focus on the jews.
all part of the plan

Basketball = funner than golf

playing golf is expensive, dont bother yourself. you have the Bourgeoisie to disrupt dont you?

a requirement for liking nigger ball is that you have to dislike golf?

is that the way you live your life? You create a team mentality with all your choices? I like this sport therefor I dislike that sport? I like this music therefor I dislike that music?

golf is too white sorry

I have every intention of ruining it for you and all the rich boomers who imported the third world

>muh boomer bogeyman

fuck off, idiot

meme it so everyone knows how much water they waste to maintain the course and how it's so environmentally unfriendly. Demand really strict regulations for it and a lot of courses will shut down because of it.

brilliant, thank you

you fuck off

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>nice used clubs are everywhere
>9 bucks walking
fucking pewdipie fat losers, golf is godly

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yes goyim, we'll destroy the whitest sport there is and pave over the courses for nigger ball hoops

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no thank you but i enjoy walking a well manicured course

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Learn how to play and beat them.

We're already getting blamed for killing golf, just keep doin what youre doin

too bad at golf to play it. Feels bad man.

get niggers to love it

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get good at golf and take their money, more gambling on golf courses then vegas

Top Golf

I just think golf is boring unless it's mini golf with all kinds of obstacles or giant elephants

clubs are the instrument with which one plays the game, you literal woman

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Checked pleese

only when people lose their comfort will they decide to enact change to fix this problem. absolutely nothing will wake up the white boomers better than ruining golf for them with "diversity"

minority subsidies because golf is privileged.
boomers have never really had to pay the price for flooding our schools, hospitals, streets, and jobs with imports because they were always a generation ahead of them

fuck off, golf is fun

>he thinks the equipment is the expensive part

>not getting custom clubs fitted to your height/swing

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or maybe, just maybe, they'll let you die in the streets while they enjoy their freshly manicured courses away from your kind, like they do now and will continue to do and you'll literally never win and should probably get a hobby and stop

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you ever played real golf? its fuckin hard.

"Diversity" quotas on every course, every day, every hour with supplies subsidized by paying members

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custom clubs is a meme for people who suck

getting nervous, boomer?

this, we could have after school programs for inner city schools and donation runs for golf equipment

thats completely false.

doesn't the constitution explictly state that only white men that own property are allowed to vote though?

Shit on everything, shit in the holes, shove the clubs up your ass, shit on their wives, shit in the wine, shit in the carpet, shit in the grass, fuck the shit out of their alligators then shit on them too
Also get their gardeners'll understand once you see them.

lmao, you got me

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We will do a switch so we get the better sport. Whites get basketball and blacks get golf

>golf camp

Brazil pls

I'm taking everyone's ideas ITT and composing an email to Vox, HuffPost, Buzzfeed, VICE, and a few others

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Salt harms most plants. Buy some rock salt and throw handfuls of it onto the green for dead patches.

As much of a meme as this sounds it actually could work. If you ruin the older generations comfort they will respond to it. It would probably be a cucked response, but opens the door to other possibilities.

Fuck off poor fag, I'll continue getting heavy buzzed with my buddies on the golf course until the day I die and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Go ruin some lame shit like Twitch.

Nie your gonna die wearing that stupid little hat

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If you and your friends aren't nigger tier golf is actually a very enjoyable sport/activity


Nigger Detected

By the time Bob gets sucker punched by DeQuan for asking him and his homies to turn down the rap music and kindly reminding them there is no smoking marijuana on the course - you can expect more than a few meetings at city council and personal phone calls to his buddies in congress and the like

There is absolutely nothing you can do. The Left is going to eat this shit up.

>Racist old white men playing racist sport is an environmental disaster. Golf is too white


Holy shit am i Q now?

I've never seen a more nigger post before.

Start an "Occupy White Privilege" movement. Have all the degenerates pitch their tents on the eighteenth green of Pebble Beach.

" the same way that the boomers ruined the West for us?"

Your answer is in your question.

Make it more popular with minorities.

Meme the left into realising that golf courses could house fuck loads of refugees in commie blocks.

Make sure we get a diverse remake of Happy Gilmore.

>old people
>knowing which way is up

>How to ruin a boomer
Inform them the "summer of love" was not their personal choice but literally their complete and total submission to the "elites" of the time introducing the NPCs which completely altered the timeline resulting in the leftist hate because of their arrogance, self importance and degeneracy.

Thank fuck for autism.

OP is a kike

>How can we further drive a wedge between white age groups whilst further deconstructing white culture and society?

Kek. OP is not a faggot

Two words: Canadian Geese. Make them a protected species and have them shit and graze like rats.

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No, no one thought it was cool, just a somewhat entertaining way to fill in a few hours. I always thought the game was for faggots, and most of the old guys that played it were faggots.

It's just a game used for rich cuckservatives to go into a bubble and not care about anything. Like NEETs with vidya.

Hey I have 5 of those

A half hour of basketball gives an amazing amount of exercise. Nigs would be better at all sports if they had access to them and an interest in them.

"One man's golf course is another man's firing range."

Spread that very notion around and eventually it will come to be a thing. Golf revenues drop and the whole sport loses cachet after the first few incidents of sniper fire or active shooter events.

Ruined. You're welcome.


a lot of zoomers in this thread