Lou Dobbs BTFO

Explain this trumptards!

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What is local
Fuck that damn kike

Is this man retarded?

TIL we have no local government

borderline probably but he's so desperate for anything negative that he'll latch onto anything however small just to stay relevant

Its almost like Trump is claiming the government is full of trash, and the swamp needs to be drained.

because Puerto Rico has no local government
just like California or New York
They all depend on the federal government for everything

it's a bot


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Lou dobbs isn't even in the government.

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Why I feel krassenstein is a dumb jew

How can someone be this retarded. You would think retards would be embarrassed to show how retarded they are on a daily basis but I guess that’s what makes them retards.

Fuck off spic I hope your rat kind dies off

>we are their government
Not surprised at the corruption of the Puerto Rican government if the conartist Krassenstein bros. are part of it.

how does this dumb kike know now to breathe??

He is.

>what is local government
Holy fuck and we allow people like this with child-tier understanding of civics to vote and run our country

Found the NPC.

>literally an NPC

This kike has a middle schooler writing style

I want a Trump-schizos roundtable discussion with Brian Krassenstein, Noah Antwiler, and Bob Chipman.

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Ok, he could possibly have had a point if the quote didn’t specify “in our country”, but this just goes beyond reasonable levels of stupidity. People this brain dead need to be euthanized to preserve the intellect of the next generation.

state government, not federal

We actually are not their government

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OK I'll play along. The government is divided into several different levels and departments. PR do indeed have local and territorial governments that do answered to the federal government in some fashion. The President was clearly tweeting about the general local government of PR with their corruption or incompetence. Evidence: a metric shitton of water left in a stagging area when people were dieing from loss of utilities( water and electric).

Yes the federal government could have handled it better by declaring martial law and arresting the local government while mounting a full scale landing operation via the Navy and Marine Corps restoring order and moving supplies and refugees around the island. However there are many reasons to not do so. One reason is world level politics. Giving off the look of weakness and asking for help only attracts predators. It is times like these that Russia, China, Korea, Iran and even our so called allies will seek to gain dominance in some fashion. You may think this is being paranoid but it is not. These world leaders are people too. They have the same drives and ambitions that most people have such as power and money. They WILL try something. It's only a matter of when and where.

Another reason is that we rely entirely too much on government. It is thought that lots of people learn to rely more and more on the government and that the more some people get away with this then the more other people will want to do the same. This will eventually overwhelm the governments ability yo help them and then more people will suffer even more in the end. For this reason people must be encouraged to not depend on the government but on themselves as much as they are able.

Those beady little eyes and insect faces make me shudder. I would enjoy torturing them hopefully some good user gets that amazing opportunity.

Puerto Rico is not the 51st State. Stop shitposting on /pol Obama.

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I'll give you one more reason. Just as people can be emboldened by degenerates on the dole so can governments. Governments are made of people after all and so it stands to reason that those people would also like to benefit from such behavior. In government it takes the form of life long politicians and bureaucrats constantly using the government to further their own personal lifestyle. Go ahead and get Jow Forums to discuss this claim if you feel it is in error. I'm sure someone around here has a folder for of links and memes to give you help in that area. Here is my personal favorite...

I refuse to believe that they don't know that Trump was referring to the state government, which is widely know to be corrupt even among Puerto Rico locals.

Based island bean. Hope your lights come back on soon.

Yes the government is corrupt, reduce the size of government by getting rid of half the workers and cutting the DOD down to 450 billion.

Remember, Krassenstein had to plead to mental retardation in federal court to avoid jail time for financial fraud. He’s a literal retard.

They had to tell the judge that they were too mentally retarded to understand fraudsters were buying ads on their financial forums. They were under oath and under the threat of perjury had to declare they had the mental capacity of a 7 year old.

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kike has stein in his name and trashes trump but isn't a blue check yet. of course he's retarded

our left tards think the feds are jesus now, for some reason that escapes me

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The answers to that tweet gave me cancer. NPCs everywhere.

>local governments don't exist anymore
Globalists won
It's all over

>Doesn’t understand local governments exist
> doesn’t know that Puerto Rico CHOOSES to remain a terroritory specifically for the purpose of self governance.

also, as a former friend of the family, Marty his dad is having an affair with his son's wife.
This is Eddie's wife, Whitney. And they're manlets.

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press x to skip, bro

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stop posting this oven dodger you fucking kike lover.

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>3 shekels deposited into account

Why are so many Germans anti-Trump?

need to update infograph

Someone needs to gas kikenstein now, he’s gone full retard.

Krassen stein

>what are state and local governments?
Just because you leftist loonies don't have IQ doesn't mean regular people also don't, you fucking ape nigger.

>"in our country"
>haha gotcha drumpftards PR is actually ours


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In a sense this is true
The millions of tentacles of the Federal Government have choked local and state governments to the Federal will


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HOLY fucking shit colbert is on fire
RIP tucker


Holy shit that is catchy!

We should meme "Drain the swamp!" Into a thing.

Lol..who’s this? 1985 gym teacher dyke?

His middle name is literally Tyrone LMFAO what a cuck

no fucking way

What the fuck, how did they get away with that? Sure we joke about them being stupid, but they're just snakes who know what they're doing and saying, they're obviously not literally retarded and no goy judge would take that as true.

Snoozefest. Not one chuckle that wasn't canned.

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Governor Ricardo "Ricky" Rossello Nevares
Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez
President of the Senate Thomas Rivera Schatz
Speaker of the House of Representatives Carlos Johnny Méndez

I didn't know Urban Jewish liberals ran PR. Damn.

That’s it I’m ducking killing this guy I see him weekly

>(((we))) are their corrupt government

Local gov like mayor and sheeit

Who is this fag anyway? Is it Beth Kalb?

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Corruption is the fucking FOUNDATION. Of Latin American culture. They even call it “The Mordida”. Fucking moron. Anyone who has spent ANY amount of time in Latin America knows this. Hell, you can learn this walking to your connecting flight ffs.

>Krassenstein has an IQ of 85

You faggots lied to me. You said jews were supposed to be smart and clever.

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