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Water hoarding should be illegal
Josiah Gomez
Carson Allen
arrest that lake
Chase Bailey
mmm gimme all that gringo water
Jordan Mitchell
why not convert ocean water to drinking water?
Luis Diaz
>move to where there is no water
>hey there is no water here its not fair
also this would make tacos grow faster
Cooper Perez
It's extremely expensive. Anyway, the Great Lakes are huge. They will never run out of water.
Julian Cooper
>It's extremely expensive
you've gotta love capitalism
Ryder Hughes
Fuck off. You have to pay for this water with blizzards and dealing with leafs
Josiah Foster
>Build in a desert
>Farm fucking avocados and other water inhaling crops
Who the fuck farms in a desert? Fuck you and your affront to the will of God. If He wanted you to farm there, he would have put water there
Liam Jackson
>Live in the desert like retards
>Invite 30 million Mexicans into the country like retards so someone can cut your fake grass
>Complain there's no water
Die die die die die
Owen Thomas
Instead of building a fucking pipeline for WATER, what about you stop living in a fucking desert.
Mutts is so nigger-tier.
William Martinez
no pest in the desert
Ryder Martin
John Sanders
Oregon has a ton of water and it's far closer.
Maybe don't live in a desert? Maybe the wetbacks need some abortions and family planning?
How would the people in California like it if their ocean-front property became 300 ft from the ocean and was no longer ocean front? They'd have a fit. So too would it be for the shores of Lake Michigan.
Carter Taylor
I'm not giving my water to fucking Mexico! Get your own water pendejo
Carter Lewis
do you even know what it takes to desalinate water? the hell does that have to do with capitalism?
Josiah Lewis
>never run out of water
The Great Lakes water levels have already dropped to record lows in recent years. They are drying up and piping water to the desert will only accelerate this.
Julian Green
because there are no plants for them to eat. why are there no plants?
Aaron Adams
That big aquifer in the Midwest is drying up
USA is done within the century if they dont get rid of the non-white population
Jason Harris
You are a moron. Let me just check are you piping you water over or under the Mississippi River?
IF you want an actual plan to get water here is one:
Brayden Powell
>thinking californians care about anyone elses feelings
If California wants Michigan water they better be ready to pay big bucks
Connor King
>mother nature should be illegal.
>lakes should be illegal
Being a fucking subhuman should be illegal.
Jack Murphy
water in the lakes is water wasted
Hunter Powell
South america and africa are like dingleberries hanging off the modern worlds ass.
Robert Evans
Nicholas Jones
Holy shit please have a severe enough drought to wipe out these subhumans from the south.
Levi Gomez
And don't even think about stealing it.
Aiden Edwards
California has plenty of money.
Cameron Wood
Printing machines
Luke Morgan
Life in Mexifornians is wasted
Isaac Hernandez
Money is a tool to suppress innovation (((they))) don't like since they have all the money they need. The word "money" is equal to the word "freedom" in this society.
Connor Cox
gee its almost like its a bad idea to live in the middle of a desert
Blake Hughes
What is the the Aral Sea you fucking commie faggot.
David Howard
Sending Water for commies and sjw is an even bigger waste.
They can drink their own tears in the midterms.
Nicholas Russell
Californian here, I still have water from the tap. You fags can't stop shit.
Nathaniel Wilson
tick tock America
Robert Diaz
>do you even know what it takes to desalinate water? the hell does that have to do with capitalism?
Capitalism now seems to include a central private bank that only allows governments to borrow money at interest from private banks or investors.
Take something like the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, it has 2.2GW of nameplate capacity. It made power last year for about 2 cents per kilowatt hour. It will be shut down due to how corporations have had the CA government rig the system so they can only earn profit on new construction. That 2.2GW plant can provide a good chunk of the CA electrical demand, OR it could be take off line and used to make water.
However because capitalism is retarded and has no actual planning or organization just a magic hand it's going to be closed. A slightly less capitalistic society would see a 2.2GW nuclear reactor as a resource, not as something that stops them from making profit because they have screwed with the market so badly it's unprofitable to run an efficient producer.
William Scott
Yeah and it's really simple, it's called nuclear power plants.
Liam Torres
All conservatives should move out of california. Only return to drop matches.
Austin Foster
>What is the the Aral Sea you fucking commie faggot.
What happens when you intentionally divert the input away from a body of water, not take it's outflow. The commies didn't give a shit about the Aral Sea because it's vastly more economically important to grow crops than it is to have a salty silty lake with nasty fish no one actually likes.
Xavier King
California must be dried up again
Joshua Taylor
Alexander Reyes
There's a cliff face near my house where perfectly clear, naturally filtered, delicious, cold, drinkable water just shoots out of the rock every minute of every day all year long. I fill up giant containers and bring it back to my home to drink so the government can't poison me with chemicals from the city water. How jelly are you desertfags?
Henry Taylor
Trust me, if you've ever been to any of those desert states like Arizona, Nevada, etc you'll quickly see that none of these people would ever be missed if we shut off their water supply. Most of them are rejects from other states that decided to check out and go there.
Joshua Martinez
it's all fun and games until we get another communist president with a brown majority
Jeremiah Jenkins
Alaska glock user?
Robert Hall
I can't wait until we line up spics like you and shoot you.
Adrian Lewis
>a-any day n-now
Liam Taylor
>desalinationation is energy intensive so expensive
>use solar power
Get to it California, you get 300+ days of sunshine
Logan Parker
>drinks dinosaur piss
Justin Powell
Get the fuck away from my Great Lakes. Midwest is the best.
Isaiah Nelson
Yeah. It was hot that day.
Charles Powell
>do you even know what it takes to desalinate water?
Evaporate water using the sun and that's pretty much it.
William Wilson
Water in the ocean can be piped into the desert.
Angel Ortiz
>Water hoarding should be illegal
It is.
It's just that the US intelligence services are the world's biggest crime syndicate.
Jason Johnson
>That big aquifer in the Midwest is drying up
That's the crisis that will actually get the Great Lakes Pipeline built. When the Ogallala Aquifer is finally drained enough, the Midwest will demand a replacement and the the first water pipeline segment into the Great Lakes will get built. After that, the precedent will be set and it will be trivial to build extensions to Texas, Mexico, and California.
Liam Butler
The United States has more navigable waterways than the rest of the world put together and you choose to live in a desert?
Jonathan Richardson
>calicucks rope arizona into their quest to waste even more water again
>great lakes bros fall for it
phoenix actually knows how to manage water consumption, california is a corrupt shithole
Colton Long
>filthy dirt states want my precious water
Oliver Phillips
Another retard who doesnt know how economics work. Kys.
Colton Turner
I see a slight flaw in this plan. I went ahead and fixed it for you.
Justin Ross
Fuck california and fuck beaners
Sebastian Rivera
Is money not a tool for just a handful of people to have about freedom?
Liam Torres
To all American's who live near the lakes, we will provide you ropes and ammunition, if you protect our glorious lakes