Is this really the future of humanity?

They're pretty much everywhere in the media right now. It looks like the movie makers go out of their way to squeeze some mixed race/mutts as lead characters. The muttier, the better, to the point of leading roles being literal mutt memes - pic related.

Every time I see those, I die a little inside. Seeing this is the course set by current power elites, it drains all of the motivation. Because if THIS is the planned future, then why even bother?

Somehow I feel like a wolf, looking into the future where they eventually become bred into a pug. How do we stop this?

Attached: mutt.jpg (994x986, 427K)

Attached: mutt2.jpg (600x499, 231K)

you dont know what it means to be a belter

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Thats just a nigger

>Is this really the future of humanity?
No. Fuck no. Stop consuming american Hollywood bullshit. You, as a Jow Forumsack, should know that the mainstream media in the 21st ceuntry doesn't really represent reality, it only represents what those holding major power in society want you to think.

Yeah I know but it seems that the current power elites are really keen on making this reality, especially in Europe.

Yeah, just like the leaders in the Soviet Union always promised that there would be transition from socialism to communism in ten years and people actually believed it.

for america probably

Why is it always a mulatto? Is there no other mix combination?

>irrelevant yuropoor still spamming the mutt meme
Jesus fucking Christ, weren't yuroshits banned from the internet or something? STOP POSTING THE MUTT MEME

Well, it's certainly not you.


Shill. Europe is far worse off than we are. Thanks to Trump we will stay white for a very long time


Where did this meme begin?

I like space shit but the expanse had such an ugly cast I could not watch it after like the fifth episode

You picked a character from a sci fi show about human refuse used to colonize the asteroid belt. It makes sense to cast mutts for this particular character.

99% of the "black" celebs you see are ALREADY mixed race. They look nothing like african blacks....

This is just the latest, whitest generation.

Attached: Kenyans-vs-Obama-2-1024x536.jpg (1024x536, 119K)

because they're all le 27% faces.

Ahahahah you’re delusional

Attached: ancestry_.png (1249x699, 277K)

>yuropoors are about to be banned from the internet
>say they're cucked

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hey mutt

Attached: Muh ancestry...png (411x427, 13K)

Yeah look I don't have anything against people who are mixed race, certainly not going to judge any individual based on that. But vision of entire population being like that is another topic. Same as vision of entire population being trans or entire population being midgets. Nothing wrong with small numbers, got a problem if it's the majority.