Why are Zoomer all the fucking same

There's a complete lack of individuality from people in the 15-19 age bracket. It's like they've all homogenized into one shitty subculture. If you actually think zoomers will surpass millenials in any metric you will be sorely mistaken.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Zoomer traps will be the saviors of the white race.
Remember this post.

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All the talk about nationalism mixed with controlled opposition leading the way.

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>that guy who has no faith in zoomers
Zoomers rebel against their parents by becoming right wing, i am just one of plenty examples.

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zoomers get all their info/propoganda from internet so memes spread very quickly between them, creating consolidates groups constantly flicking between ephemeral hype-cycles

>It's like they've all homogenized into one shitty subculture

What do you THINK the point of globalism and socialism is? Multiculturalism and globalism and socialism is literally all about homogeneity. They've been calling it a "melting pot" since the 60s.

Newfag here what is a zoomer ?

>there will one day unironically be a US president with that dreadful camel hairstyle

Zoomers have the highest rates of autism. That makes them superior.

Just a bunch of fags disguised as children.

No that is not true, this is propaganda.

Jesus christ what the fuck

>surpass millenials in any metric
you need to accomplish something first

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New gen.

Portmanteau of Gen. Z and (Baby) Boomer.

the saviors of white america

You guys think this is bad? Wait until we get
>born before vs born after 9/11

Wait you mean gen zyklon are now zoomers ? The fuck happened ?!?

tell me more nice bedtime stories user, I want to forget how things really are.

it's because they were literally raised by their phone

This makes them superior. Intelligent children raised by the internet and games.

Millennials did the same shit with the macarena.

I'm 32, can I be a zoomer?

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it doesn't make them more intelligent, it makes them amoral

trust me i seen it

No, you're a millenial boomer.

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Because you are such an individual
You were so clever and different when you were 15 that's why you are on this site now
Fuck off new fag I seriously hate fuckers who came here 3-4 years ago. You are all the same with boring and cliche ideals that you got entirely online with zero introspection.
Jow Forums ruined Jow Forums
At least those kids have fun while you are a bitter shit

literally just watch people like Jake Paul act like niggers all day.

Better than screeching about how everything is evil. I'm tired of that.

..............why does God allow this to happen?

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Look up the Fourth Turning, generation theory says sometime soon society will be so at odds that the only way to reunite is for the bottom to fall out. Around ~2024 is the apex of the turning where the predicted "triggering" event happens.

it makes them socially retarded, indoctrinated, homogenized, zombies

you can be a zoomer mentally

Man fuck the west is DEAD

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This is le based generation "Zyklon", the most le right wing generation ever, the le saviors of the white race.

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right and you watching spongebob all day made you a socially retarded, indoctrinated, homogenized, zombie

My town has a store called Zoomers... just sayin


what about limbo


That's basically already a thing. There's already legal adults who have no recollection of 9/11 or what the world was like before it.

They're completely and absolutely brainwashed. Every gen z kid I see is a wigger.

I'm a millennial and when I went to school there were all different types. The jocks, the nerds, the rednecks, the metal heads/punk kids, goths, emos, and probably a few I'm forgetting.

Gen z has their minds completely melded by Jewish media and jewtube. There is no hope for them. All of them listen to nigger rap


Maybe not in Norway but we did in the US.

It’s been like that for all generations.
Kids are just trying to fit in, in an already complex society. Once we grow up and become our own person we think back to how stupid we were when we were young.

I don't remember limbo being a thing. I remember being 10 and my Gen X gym teacher forced us all to do the Macarena.

Millennials are supposed to be the savior generation though

Will 90s kids fix the world?


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the world is becoming normified
no one will have any none mainstream opinions, political beliefs, or tastes by the end of 2050.

>At least those kids have fun
obviously you don't know any
Almost all of them claim to be suffering from depression
starting in elementary school
it's as if having no human interaction - oh I don't know - makes them feel isolated

Fuck this is gold


Millenials will be outclassed by the roaming bands of Zoomer tribesmen who have years of survival training in Minecraft and fortnite post-collapse

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Gen zoomklon did nothing wrong

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Your either a boomer or a zoomer, millennial doesnt exist anymore


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90s kids went through 9/11 and go around talking about how lovely and diverse Islam is.

Well I know which I'd rather prefer to be

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Now when you say 90s kids do you mean kids born in the 80s or kids born in the 90s

I'm Waaaaay older than that
I had 3 television channels growing up
my phone was on the wall - at all times
videos were only in the arcade - I wasn't allowed in there because that's were the pot smokers hung out

You do realize that the generation X said the same thing on the internet about millennials just ten years ago.
I've been on this website for too long.

I mean at least they aren't fat

so sick of seeing abominations waddling around stealing oxygen

people who would have been old young but old enough to understand the importance of the attack

Can confirm. Only we remember the Cramp Twins, Yvonne of the Yukon and Woody the Woodpecker.
t. 20 year old boomer.

what makes you think they arent' fat

I was 10 so I didn't understand the importance of the attack.

They weren't wrong. It will only get worse and worse over time.
T. Millenial

actually yea im currently 18 but while i was at school it was almost as if people had right wing ideologies because of it being a counter culture

>the millennials who aren't soibois or preps are wiggers

So everything returns to dust

the goal is to create definitive marketing targets

Not on here they didn't. I've literally been on Jow Forums for 10 years

local University is a swine-fest

Mazda brand loyalty...duh

It's the new way of self-preservation. I am friendly and cool why do you have such spastic backwards beliefs.
The typical Zoomer disregards facts and is as sollipsistic as a woman.
Here's a made up convo with a male Zoomer.

Me: I hate my life
Z: have you tried to fix it?
Me: took some ssri but they only made me fat and impotent along additional side effects
Z: ssri helped me lose weight?
Me: when you pull out the paper from the box it enlists weight gain, impotence, arrhythmia, nightmares, obsession, skin rashes as potential side effects and that you should call the medic immediately
Z: but that is just your opinion man
Me: I took those pills personally, did you?
Z: why are you so? Here's this documentary on YouTube I found for you it will open up your perspective. Bye.

*meanwhile on social media*
Z: don't talk to X (Me) because he's a Nazi and said he wants to beat up homos and rape underage women.

You can find similarities in any group including age groups. I have boomer parents and every one their age I know drive oversized suv's and pickup trucks even though they only commute to work and restaurants.

>Hillary was hot

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The truth is millennials tend to be hard workers and dont have way to many diverse opinions to be a collective

zoomers are much more idealistic similar to hitlers generation, idealistic generations tend to be more violent and see martyr as being a virtue. this is why as zoomers are coming to age in the next 6 years we're going to see a massive change in how america views itself. Zoomers are VERY idealistic often reminicing about past times and tend to blame others for their misfortunes

Link this video please

Exactly. Zoomers will either blame Mexicans or the Capitalist Class for their problems.
Instead of realizing that it's their own uncreative laziness which keeps them down.

Okay Boomer. Just get up dem bootstraps

the macarena isn't a sperg out ADHD induced dance

>zoomers will be the footsoldiers
>millennials the officers
>millennials will get the credit


Hans is right! I declare Fortnite dangerous and therefore Jewish. Also I love the Macarena, back when women were still hot.

>watch YouTube all day and night, only site they ever use
>YouTube can specifically target demographics with particular content and block other content
>everyone thinks because YouTube creators are nearly all independent that it will result in diversity of thought but really YouTube is working on ways to funnel everyone into having the same opinions
>the next generation is just as if not more degenerate than the last

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Ben Shapiro Jordan b peterstein shi t will not save us

Man I noticed this shit a few years ago. I remember old YouTube. You would be watching one vid, look in the related section and get spun off onto whole other subjects and good channels. Now when I'm on my main account it's like my shit is bottlenecked. I only get suggestions for shit that is "in the box" for what I was already watching, and I rarely find new channels with fresh perspectives

Shit is real out heauh my man

Zoomers are easy to get into Socially engineered conditions, because they use our mediums, instead of initiating social networking themselves. Which means that we will shape and direct them. It's over.

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me too, I only ever get recommended videos for channels I'm subbed to and if not that it's just some trending clickbait fluff video. otherwise you need to be specifically linked to a channel to find anything interesting.

I think the boomer/zoomer meme is less about the specific generations and more about aging in general.
We were all dumb zoomers once, and we will all be dumb boomers eventually.

I loved watching girls do the limbo

no fucking way that's a trap and if it is, it's the greatest of all time.

What's her name?

Mfw i never remember so many single mothers with autistic children

Theyre always infront of iPads and the mothers have fake eyebrows and watch reality tv over a glass of wine every night or some shit

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[Intro: Backpack Kid & DJ Suede]
Aye, aye, aye
Yeah, you know what dance I'm talking about
Aye, yuh, yuh, yuh
The floss
You know I floss
The coolest dance in the world
DJ Suede be flossin'
Here's how you do it

[Chorus: Backpack Kid & DJ Suede]
I be flossin' (yeah)
I be flossin' (just like this)
I be flossin' (aye watch me floss)
I be flossin' (you know I be flossin', Remix God, let's go)
I be flossin' (yeah)
I be flossin' (just like this)
I be flossin' (aye watch me floss)
I be flossin' (you know I be flossin', let's go)

[Verse 1: Backpack Kid & DJ Suede]
E-E-Every where you go, you will see the flossin' dance
It be international you will see it in France (bonjour)
Flossin' with my homies, I be flossin' with the cops (mhm)
Flossin' on the block, mix it with that milly rock (woo)
I be flossin' with Suede (woo), while I be drinking lemonade (woo)
Flossin' when I'm about to get paid (aye), I be flossin' everyday (aye)
If you can't do it I'm about to show you how (yeah)
First you spread your legs, then you put your arms out (then you go)
And go left (left), to right (right)
Left (left), to right (right)
Left (left), to right (right)
Left (left), to right
Left right, left right
Left right, left right
Left right, left right
Turn it up

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>1993 club scene
That was Gen X m8

Zoomer here.
I can say that there is a big issue among my generation when it comes to things like "hive minds", they never expand themselves, they only play games (only shitty ones mind you) and laugh at anything new.
If you don't like nigger music, you're retarded.
Don't like fortnite, you're gay.
etc etc
That being said there is some truth to Zoomers being redpilled, I've heard people my age and younger to spout Jow Forums tier memes but never even heard of Jow Forums.

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>autistic children
180 vaccines all on meds for ADHD

Because they all got the same 200 vaccines lawl