Hate speech is not free speech. When will you fascist understand this?

Hate speech is not free speech. When will you fascist understand this?

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That was very judgmental of you comrade. Who are you to judge, are you a bigot?

Hate speech isn't real

James Bond: The Adventures of young Jaws

But I'm doing it so freely.

only BAME actors need apply

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It is until we can ALL agree UNANIMOUSLY declare what is and isn't hate speech. What you consider hate speech is my personal opinion, and some deserve to be hated.

Hate speech does not exist you of all people should know that.

More of us today than there were yesterday. More of us, fewer of you. More of us tomorrow, too.

>Hate speech is not free speech.
Yes, in the USA it is Mr. Shekelberg.

source: The Supreme Court of the USA.


>Hate speech is not free speech.

yes, it is.

Actually, all speech is free speech, hence the term, free speech.

actually it is nigger faggot

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How to determine what is the hate speech?

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they are trying to get around the first amendment.


i agree OP, it's okay to be white.

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Hey fuck you, you Mongoloid sewer rat faggot, I hate your stupid ass face!

Hmm, that was free.

Anti-fascism is hatespeech

When we can take you commie shitstains for a helicopter ride.

Who said you make the rules faggot?

never, impaling of head has been scheduled