Would Hitler have gassed autists?

What would Hitler have thought about Autism? Would he have gassed spergs like the mentally ill or would he have used their gift of hyper specialization and employed them in different aspects to better the Reich?

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Look up dr asperger, he studied autists for the reich. He said spergs could excel and be a great benifit to the reich if placed in the right positions.

Why would he gas the entire German population?

Theres a book on this it was on cspan. He never sent anyone to camps. The only reason that aspergers is nolonger called aspergers is purely political because of his connection to the reich.


Also NEETs “anti social”, non-workers were sent to labor camps

If they were unfit for military duty and unproductive then they would have been relocated to a work camp and deloused so the answer is yes

he would have gassed Einstein regardless of what could have been gained so yeah he would have camped the autism

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No way. Too useful. Look at some of what this place accomplishes without ever having met one another. Even the feds have admitted to standing in awe of its focused Autistic power.

A quote from dr hans asperger.
“We are convinced, then, that autistic people have their place in the organism of the social community. They fulfill their role well, perhaps better than anyone else could, and we are talking of people who as children had the greatest difficulties and caused untold worries to their care-givers. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases the positive aspects of autism do not outweigh the negative ones"

I like the guy and always liked him even when i was 14 and we were learning about ww2. Def in the top 3 of historical people id like to meet

>be leaf
>wanna meet hitler
>meet hitler
>mfw he pulls out a rake

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Who are the other two?

Seriously, hitler was probably a high functioning autist.

> solitary, kept to himself and his own thoughts
> no friends beside loyal followers
> orderly
> obsessive

Idk. I doubt it. Many autists are useful in the workforce.

Autism is caused by trauma. Like watching three buildings get brought down by two planes, or having a rabbi cut off your infant dick.

van Gogh and Jesus

Hard to gas anyone when the shower block doors weren't airtight


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Sort of. What you're talking about isn't autism, but PTSD. Image related.

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Asperger knew the distinction between autists (mentally retarded) and Aspies (usually not cognitively impaired).

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>getting rid of highly mathematical minds
>not using them correclty
there is a place for every wood in a temple

kikestein is a jewish fraud

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Asperger, the guy who named it, worked with the nazis.
He selected those he deemed fit to live.

And it should be mentioned that Hitler was likely autistic himself, the negative sides just wear off with time.

The 3rd Reich was literally a beta uprising orchestrated by a NEET virgin and a manlet, club-footed meme degree holder that felt things you people wouldn't believe.