Smoke a plant

>smoke a plant
>get sent to prison

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>wanting to smoke a plant

What's it like being a spiritual nigger?

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>Break the law
>Go to jail

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>smoke dubz
>get thread saged
many such cases

>smoke something i made
>go to prison
Wtf america

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>plants are against the law

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>let fluid out of your mouth drip on policeman
>get sent to prison

>Cocaine is a plant and therefore should be legal

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>look at picture
>go to jail

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>post rude comments online
>go to prison

what's this big guy thinking?

Most methheads are faggots

poppies make opium and morphine (heroin in refined form)
coca plants make cocaine
things that cause erratic behavior i could understand being limited
i do not agree with how iron fisted they are controlled.
i believe they have their uses and that people should be free to use them.

I think he was implying that it shouldn't be illegal

all drugs should be legal to stop the black markets surrounding them prove me wrong

I know. I was just making fun of the OP

>stoner culture is annoying
>therefore we must spend tax money on chasing anyone who smokes weed

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Well stop being a subhuman.

>hits bong

>Kids go on down to the store and get pappy some speedballs

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People who say all drugs should be legalized are fucking retarded.

>people can restrain themselves from doing things bad for them
>people doing bad things to themselves has no effect on society

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>gaywis will never know that freedom

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>smoke a plant
>perfectly legal
OP's a faggot

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Smoke a plant.

No one cares

Smoke a plant after someone wrote on a piece of paper that they disapprove of it.

Life is over.

Freedom to tip toe through needles and bloody piles of shit to get to work. Freedom to walk through a maze of your zombified countrymen. You get a fucking rope.

>knows smoking plant can land him in prison
>lights up anyway.
>t. nigger

>no you can't revolt against the british guys it's against the law ok respect your king

as if that isn't already the case now when drugs are illegal lol. if heroin was legal and sold by the government we wouldn't need to worry about fentanyl etc

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Yeah. And you get a fucking rope.

Is that real? Do they jail you just for consuming? Weed is also illegal here, but only its possessing and distribution (also possessing very small amount generally wont land you in jail), you wont be prosecuted for smoking alone.

they'll break into your house thinking it was their own and shoot you and then try to say you had illegal plant in there so it was okay

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>Use mind altering / addivtive substance
>Be surprised when a organization literally made to control and restrict you to be sociable doesn't want you to take drugs which can make you antisocial


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>some psychedelic drugs bring you a sense of contentedness to the world and can fix mental illness are illegal
making me think

We agree to disagree. Youre a fucking drugie or a drug lord or some shit. Youre fucking retarded and need your brains BTFO

America should just invade mexico and exterminate all the fucking drug lords.

And kill all the fucking dealers in america

Drop bombs on their shit

Stalk them with drones and kill them whenever.

Theyre fucking devils

>abuse substance
>be a retard

I have never smoked drugs in my life however I know government overreach when I see it

Meme flag talk heap big circle.

You know rretardation

Just because it's "a plant" doesn't mean it is innocent. There are deadly plants like hemlock. There are addictive plants like tobacco. There are narcotic plants like poppies. The "just a plant" argument is bullshit. If I fed your kid the plant opium and he died, would that be OK?

Which cartels paying you?

>don't pay taxes for services you don't use or benefit from
>get sent to jail

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which nursing home are you breaking curfew in, boomer

>kang of de Nile
> nigger rader off da hook.

Fuck off with this reference. Obviously it's a nigger thing to smoke up a kid like this. Hey, it would also be a nigger thing to give the kid a beer or a shoy of Jack. But fuck right off with the idea that people shouldn't be able to smoke cannabis without the cops breaking down your door and hauling you off to jail. Fuck off with that. That's not liberty, retard.

I don't think the government should regulate it either, but they should warn people. People can drink gasoline if they want, but they ought to know the possible consequences.

How many kilos you sitting on pablo?

>be black
>not immediately executed

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>drink alcohol
>Everything checks out, sir!
Alcohol is way more dangerous than weed and it's legal. Why government allow this?!

How big of a percentage of your income are you willing to give up to go after drugs, you nosy, busybody, faggot retards?

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Memes aside, I can't help but laugh at faggots who think they are tricking someone when they come up with excuses like:
>I smoke weed for medicinal purposes, it alleviates my """"pain"""" / stress.

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>shows picture of corrupt government
>asks if im gonna do anything
>like i even can.
Sure. Give me the fucking drone controller and let me blow some motherfuckers up.

Dont even give me a fucking paycheck.

>Gets asked a direct question, ignores and answers a completely different question
>Really hates drugs

Every time you pro-law government faggot retards post it makes me want to do drugs

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Cultural tradition. Most people who drink alcohol do it in moderation. I mean, I agree with you, but very few alcohol drinkers become alcoholics. Just like very few gamblers become gambling addicts. It isn't a good thing, and people should be careful, but it's not like narcotics. And neither is marijuana, even though a small percentage of people will become psychologically dependant.

>(((the law)))

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Not an argument

>what is natural selection

>have cancer
>smoke a plant
>cure cancer
>get sent to prison
goyim is not supposed to know

Everytime you pro drug faggots open your mouths it makes me want to gun down some drug dealers.

Legalize weed. If you get caught with anything else you get the duterte treatment.

>own a wrong combination of 0 and 1s
>go to prison
wow wtf???

Which is worse?

A) A pro-rec-drug person who minds his own business
B) A conceded, busybody, retarded man who wants to but into everyone else's business, willing to give up his entire paycheck to drone strike drug/alcohol users: (Willing to be poor to interfere with other people's lives)

Keep eating shit you retarded faggot shit-for-brains, gov-loving nigger

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You advocate the legalization of drugs that turn people into addicts and im the over bearing one?

Im the one interfering with peoples lives? When you think about it a drug dealers no different that the government.

You advocate spending all of your income (100%) to attack someone smoking weed in their own home... You need to go to the doctor to get checked for retard, you dumb gov-loving commie nigger

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I said legalize weedYou dumb drug loving commie nigger

>Derr better lock up Budweiser execs because they are like the government - I'm willing to give all my money to this cause

You're a fucking retard, kid

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Please tell us the difference between weed, alcohol, cocaine, opium

I'll wait, professor shit-eating retard

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Im not against alcohol. Once again. Only drugs that are made to be addicting.

Anyone with two brain cells knows the difference shit for brains

>Derr alcohol is not addicting

Oh God, please kill this gov-loving commie nigger shit-for-brains now please

You seem angry

Was it something i said? Im sorry. Maybe you should kill yourself

>assemble molecules in a particular fashion
>tfw I have a nuke now
>get sent to prison

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I'm not angry- I enjoyed kicking your busybody, nosy, eavesdropping, paranoid ass. You retarded faggot shit-for-brains gov worshipper

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Lol. Im gonna keep my gun close just in case. And the drone circling my office.

>he forgot marijuana is legal in some form in half the US

You have guns? Need to sell those so you can have the nosy government pursue crack heads

You dumb gov-worshipping nigger

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>Forget to get your medical card
>Smoke outside
>Go to jail
>Go to prison

Fucking mahi-mahi face thinks he knows US law

the reason its illegal is because it creates rich people out of nowhere

the system doesn't care about health

>be drug addict
>deserve to get shot on spot
>gets sent to prison instead

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Cocaine is an artificially refined, HEAVILY processed derivative of the coca plant you fucking idiot.

>Oy vey! You goys can't be smoking reefer
>Dead goys, jews win

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Honestly, in a country where savages, retards and the mentally ill can easily get guns and put holes in others before they can be stopped, well... it's not the illegal plants i'd worry about.

You can tell this one gets his daily fill of Jew Semen™

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Deteriorate society damaging productivity - get jail. Sounds fair.

It also causes a rise in hunger, anger and negative emotiond as well. Don't be dishonest.

Fuck off, assimilated cuck, go suck your Maori cock. I bet you already have a Maori tattoo and green stones.

>the opposite of any modern society

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How does it feel to have a slave brain?

>smokes the green jew

>need compressed fossils
>bomb sandniggers

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>I need the gov’t to regulate what I can and can’t consume because I’m literally a big fucking baby
>surely the gov’t will only allow me to do things beneficial to my health because they care about me so much and are so concerned with my well being
>historically high heart disease
>tobacco industry
>pharmaceutical industry
>die for isra- freedom!
>CIA: largest drug smuggling operation in human history
>ruby ridge
>FBI: worst weapon trafficking scandal in history
>every single mass shooter
>mass immigration pushes
>tax hikes
>dpt of education: pushes feminism on children and gives them holocaust classes

If you want to sit there with a straight face and imply that the gov’t made marijuana illegal because it has it’s citizens best interests at heart I can’t stop you, but I can tell you that you’re a well trained slave.

not in my state, count your blessings self entitled cunt faggot. also if you never been to jail because of it you are scene kid fuckin poser. stoners know the struggle for jus trying to enjoy individual liberties. and pussies like you make us look bad.