Looks like we have a worthy Challenger for rotten USA.
Vostok-2018: Russia launches biggest post-Soviet war games – in pictures
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>Looks like we have a worthy Challenger for rotten USA.
Should have rolled out some of that hardware in Syria. That would cool down warmonger heads.
glhf no re
w-we're saving it for a special occasion
I'm ok with Russia training
I'm not ok with Russia actually invading Poland
Only a mongoloid would inhale that burning plastic along with a cig haha. You look like a gook/arab
my money is on the Chinese team
>Russia flexes muscle
Your government wholefully agrees with your sentiment
Mongolia has conquered both of those countries but now is the weakest of the three.
I didn't know Canada participated in the Vostok 2018.
I hope so
it might get us some cheep Chinese jet fighters when the F35s the yanks sold us fall apart after two flights
Do you feel it?
Day of the grill soon my friends
Except much of that hardware has been used in Syria. Why would the Russians miss the perfect opportunity to not utilize any experimental weaponry in the perfect setting. We did so in the Iraq War.
Based Finns
I live in Vladivostok and this town is currently probably of the most peaceful places in Russia. We have a population of 90% + slavs living here, the rest are mostly Chinese and Koreans, but most of them are very nice. This is quickly changing though, every year tons of immigrants from Uzbekistan are arriving, very rude and ugly, and there is nothing I can do.
based and redpilled. I hope Russi get & gas these Western cucks.
Just wait until they clone Chinghis Khan using DNA from his tomb
This is also a mafia run place traditionally. Not sure if anything changed in recent years, but it was for whole time since soviet union.
this picture alone tells me the entire thing is a farce for the media. the russian military is over.
I-is that a dildo gun?
He unironically is
Russia as a white ethnostate has been dubunked long ago
the Pantsirs seem to be good, but their truck mount is too high, they can topple
Indeed, it even has two dildos for good measure
Antidrone EW gun actually
>didn't start marching when the Music dropped Who edited this shit?
the USA is literally invincible
They picked up my plan. I bet Putin and Trump love having those tested on them assasination style from behind.
No, its a sexual assault rifle
it's meh, a single 57-mm gun is much better
Why can't the USA, Russia and China just rule the world together. If we were united nothing could stand in our path, we could dominate every other nation on earth.
Most of Poland has moved to the UK anyway
We don't like each other and we despise chinks.
t. Russian
What he holds is Kalashnikov Anti-Drone gun. Its used to intercept civilian drones. For military grade, there are proper jamming/electronic warfare vechicles - but for private/bodyguard/guard purposes this thing is useful as lets ground the commercial drones easily.
Russian cuck conscripts are not impressive. They wouldn't stand a chance against a proper military.
Please no bully Great Khan.
trigger discipline. this man is an actor and not a real soldier.
off-topic but I like this one a lot
I hate to disappoint you, but to destroy finland we don't need to send a single person there. We can do it entirely with rocket artillery from sankt petersbourgh. Same applies to poland - every its base can be destroyed from Kaliningrad.
Fuck off pathetic destroyer.
Implying they will ever find his simple unmarked grave.
it's true, but you don't have to feed the trolls
You do realize thats some autistic so-cal airsoft fag right?
Why don't you immigrate to a country more supporting of your cuckoldry fetish
they already did that:
Behold, the current ruling pesident of Mongolia Khaltmaagiin Battulga. Sambo world champion 1983.
>''Appeal weaku when you are strongu, and strongu when weaku'' - Sunni Tsunen (Finnish General)
Don't underestimate your enemy, Dmitry.
Glad to know that Putin is a major Zionist. The Third Temple will soon be built - all thanks to Putin. God bless Putin for criminalizing holocaust denial. Putin is making Israel Great Again!
Finland scary as fuck
Where would you strike from St. Petersburg? Our forests? What makes you think we can't reach Moscow or St. Petersburg?
It's just one giant military parade in the middle of nowhere.
Wow they've got some equipment issues. Even in a propaganda video theres still bulk outdated shit
> outdated shit
FYI F-15 Eagle is 42 years old, B-52 was introduced in 1955, so it's not that uncommon for military equipment.
Mongolia will destroy them both
Good to know you're having a roid raging tard runnung your country.
> you're having
> your country
Yeh true, and alot of older stuff works well. The pount i was trying to get across is that cunts seems to like Russia has a sick modernized military but t the contrary most their shit is out dated and falling out of service
Such an improvement since 2014 when there were no such technologies to capture that Boeing in Ukraine.
You 1) obviously have no idea what you are talking about and 2) contradict yourself in a single post.
As if anyone cares wether or not the bomb that tears you apart is old or new, or dropped from an old plane or a new one.
even better, Digital Globe is an American private company operating civilian remote sensing spacecraft. Imagine their military-grade stuff then.
Good for russia now they have to fix their economy, build up their country and heal their people from the 1990-2000
You can't fix the economy when there's top 1 country and it's lapdogs who constantly fucks you up.
how much did this pointless little spectacle cost in fuel alone?
Except literally every Mongolian male is a wrestler at some point in their life.
The rest are females.
the answer is "Who gives a crap?" It's fun, and fun is a concept that may be unknown for you, old fart.
russian people are corrupt (yeah civilians too), greedy and lazy.
t. kazakh
>t. boomer
your wasteful existence is the reason for all of our problems
we wouldn't win a war against russia and china.
I got $10 on the Yanks.. who's gunna cover it?
God, some NZ posters are literally the worst. Is it sun radiation or what?
That is a Chechen, of course they look Arab.
0.1 rubles have been deposited in your account
Not with the shit that we enlist. We'd have to use artillery as a shield like in 'Nam. I think that is a pussy way to fight a war 2bh
God you fucking boomers are scum. Can't wait for nature to kill y'all off.
Nigger stfu and give Siberia to us.
t. Chinese
Nope. We won't, and you can't do shit about that, friendo. Ally, my ass.
if china stopped exports to the US, and Russia made good with their hyper sonic rockets and took out our AC, the only force projection would be nuclear, we don't have the balls to ruin the planet over getting check mated. Our country would be looking to allies all of which have taken in millions of worthless fucks, and our cheap garbage that americans gobble up would have to be made here or cease to purchase. It would be a fuck, try leaning on the canucks and japs for support, and they will stay neutral, realizing it would be a very nasty nasty situation, with the potential for nuke. Nobody would risk bailing us out just to show russia and china we're 2020 boss.
and throw in the fucking pakis and iranians as for hire terrorists groups, they'll finger fuck the jews in the middle east because we'll be tied up with our own problems.
Cmon man, just buy some more, promise they won't break this time
Hmm cold war proxy wars all over again. We are definitely heading for a multipolar world. The US just can't keep up anymore like 20+ years ago.
Yeah our coming middle east skirmish, South American economic issues with possible revolution in Venezuela, EU falling apart, EU "refugees", China moving in Africa, US social civil war etc......fun times are coming.
and the chinese don't need us, they have been stealing our tech for decades with no consequences, they contract out the russians for basedbeans and grazing tundra to feed their horde, and we're sitting here with our SJW thumbs up our asses trying to figure out how it all went wrong.
Yeah I would like to have them as allies, they are wild bois
cute little bug
> swinepost
Damn right the Chinese don't need us. All those "exchange" students are here solely to copy what we have. Why do you think you can buy fake goods on the street there.