Gender Role Test

Feminity/Masculinity test, post the results.

You can tell your gender/sexual orientation/race with the results for a clearer picture. If you think im le ebin FBI info gatherer then just don't post that

Male/White/Hetero here

Attached: 5325328.png (734x740, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That doesn't look straight to me mate

roastie detected

I'm a jaded NPC

Attached: 2018-09-15.png (952x1488, 120K)

cum at me bro

Attached: cum.jpg (770x733, 53K)

Fuck this queer test and fuck you FBI

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fuck off phone nigger

Wow, this is fucking bullshit.
Only 72%?!

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You are gay OP

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Not an NPC

Attached: Screenshot_20180915-112458_Edge.jpg (1080x1920, 242K)

I'm shy

Attached: 43.png (318x510, 17K)

I'd give myself more tbqh.

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72 m vs 36 f

You all gay

Attached: Capture.png (794x694, 23K)

Fair assessment.

Attached: test.jpg (829x720, 69K)

try me niggers

Attached: Capture3.png (384x659, 32K)

Big bucket of bullshit. It's just a subversive tool to convince you to believe that you can be male and female at the same time.


Attached: vertical-chart.png (293x390, 12K)

>58% man
>61% woman
i dont get having neutral or disagree for all the emotional questions makes me feminine...

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you are A MAN
100% man
0% woman

Polen stronk

You transcended the game. I'm proud of you fellow Ivan.

look into who came up with that term and what he did. as soon as you use the term gender you've fallen for the subversion. biological sex is all that matters.

Attached: niggggggg.png (297x265, 4K)

If you’re below 70% unlike these guys, you’re a fag

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>not being deeply in tune with a wide arrange of sentiments as a modern man

loads of over compensating and low caste faggot incels ITT

Attached: vertical-chart.png (293x390, 13K)

retaking it showed me 2 things
>speeding through it without sliding left/right reveals 33%m / 33%f
>neutral on all moods and feelings and agree/strongly agree on all personalites makes you 75%m

so being a nice guy or decent human being makes u a woman. lol

Man do I love data collection threads

You are a fag for believing this fake tool written by gender protagonists. See This tool is based on a theory by (((Sandra Ruth Lipsitz Bem))). It is propaganda for gender studies.
It's data mining, you imbeciles.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-15 11-39-07.png (673x437, 60K)

stupid test
japanese hetero

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OP confirmed faggot

Attached: a9e9c24cb6e33fbea414fbd34c3b4d3f.png (314x501, 19K)

Next screenshot.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-15 11-39-41.png (669x399, 65K)

Attached: gender role.png (688x888, 56K)

lol and I thought mine was broken because of the 0%

Attached: lol.png (363x695, 22K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180915-022723.png (1080x1920, 120K)

You could just do the test and enjoy yourself but no you had to be a faggot

Stop posting your results and giving attention to this. Why? See

Well, that was a subversive experience.

Attached: Screenshot_20180915-054017_Brave.jpg (720x1480, 132K)

Enjoy your subversive bullshit tool blue hair kike dyke

trips of truth

bunch of homos in this thread

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Who /singlemom/ here?

Attached: Screenshot_20180915-054420.jpg (1080x2160, 284K)

Congratulations for helping gender studies data miners.

Not related, but I'm unable to express any warm emotion making me unable to connect with people. I feel that I am unable to socialize

G-Guess it's time to mske myself a sissy :(

Who wants first stab at boipuccy?

Attached: vertical-chart.png (293x390, 13K)

who cares lol

I'll take first stab at your Aorta, bitch

Yep. So many /newfagz/ here and they larp as "I'm based guys", and then fall for a data mining thread.

The absolute state of /nu-pol/

would explain why women chase after me even if i treat them like trash

Attached: FUCKING KENSHIRO.jpg (846x677, 41K)

Do you see my flag?
Wherever I am, I must also be retarded

If they use my info to destroy the world then I matter

lol what's the problem? I'm 0% feminine and agree
you should also stop posting here, cause every captcha you solve is also data mining and helps the big G

69% msculine, 56% feminine. And I’m a woman. But it’s based on self-assessment, so it’s basically bullshit.

This, only 90+ Chads allowed in this thread

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tits or gtfo
no gold for you whore


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its not % male/female as the biological sex retard. it's testing how close/far you are from your typical feminine/masculine personalities and traits

> inb4 faggot
I am a female

you fucking pussy

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Too many neutral answers.

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> "no gold for you whore"
> merchant
projection checks out

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That's some pretty autistic answers you got there... kek

T or G

lmao look at this whiteknight
fuck off before i sell your ass to some arab sheikh

You wish, faggot.

cum guzzlers
True bloke

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Why is it always about selling and buying for you people? Even your attempts to diss people are somehow related to money... What an empty life that must be.

>after fapping

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starts making sense why I like futanari so much, not only as a fetish

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help help help help
People just ignore me and avoid me in real life
It's like whenever I sit somewhere, people run away from me, woman try to get rid of me whenever I start talking to them and people exclude me of any group activities, just for no reason, it's like they pretend I don't exist

It’s not gay if the male fucks them

that's me while fapping

live without money

Do you use deodorant?

44 questions to get an autistic tag online that has no meaning irl.


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Flag checks out



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all irish men are actually women in disguise
it is known

You are France.

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I see I need to up my whiskey intake

Op is a fag

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work on self love, probably you dont love yourself enough, and people sense that and run away from you.

Pls no bully.

Attached: vertical-chart.png (293x390, 12K)

I dunno mate, personally people have a hard time looking me in the eye. Maybe you’re just intimidating. Or my brother, he always goes on about politics and real life deep shit when people just wanna chill, perhaps you’re a bit like that

psychologists are known hacks and faggots and most of them are women and unironically not jewish
not a science degree and if a psychologist is reading this consider anhero you subhuman little cockroach
waste of money on an imaginary department instead of actual research

This too, people especially women can sense that sort of thing

For a bunch of the feminine questions I was thinking, "nope, oh wait... I can be like that with my kids"

That’s your ‘which toilets am i qualified to cleanse’ chart
Polan, and equal opportunity janitor

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This is what you get if you vote for Trump

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Male/non-aryan White/Hetero

Casually masculine Machiavellian crypto-fascist