Black friend here why do you hate me?

>inb4 inferior race ect...
even if i was inferior dogs are inferiors to humans and you still love them right ? so its not an excuse

tell me the real reasons

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh boy here comes the statistics


I don't hate you. I hate having to deal with millions of Africans flooding my continent. Stay in your shitholes. Europe is for Europeans, we don't gain anything by having your kind in our countries.

90% of violence is made by men
that means we should put all men into jail?

black people are usually hostile, rude, and they usually harbor a barely-concealed enmity toward whites. it's just more pleasant to not be around them.

also, they rob, murder, and rape white people a lot.

>Black friend
Friend of who? Not mine for sure, nigger.

>niggers have no morals

dogs have evolved more in less time

Nobody here inherently hates you, we just don't like the invasion of our countries by people from other countries. That simple.

>reads post.
>sees flag
>adds up.



They dont really hate us. They hate niggers.

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Saw a photograph of a 'ghetto' black woman crying and saluting the Endeavor in transit earlier. Nice black white pill moment.

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I always wondered what it must be like to wake up, look at your monkey face in the mirror, then look through the window and see the white civilization all around you.

Don't niggers know the feeling of not belonging ?

I'm not even talking about high level thinking where maybe they would realize that if they want to help other black people, they would instantly go back to africa, and help build shit there.


They just look at their monkey face in the mirror, then go outside in a white mans world like they belong, and then chimpout naturally

but then whipipo is racist

Hmm nice picture OP


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I don't hate blacks. But I dislike niggers.

cause Jow Forums is full of sad little boys who got mentally cucked into believing that despite achieving nothing in their lives they could feel "pride" for an abstract and ever-changing concept of "whiteness" but only if they hated everything that wasn't.

don't feel bad that pol hates you, it's like asking why a dog barks, they just react without thinking

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They hate you because of the D, that's just the primordial human nature, you're too much of a competition for them so they want to get rid of you...

There's definitely such a thing as a "black person", just as there are "white niggers".

Ay that'll show them Nazi blokes a thing or two! Keep up the good fight mate!

Dogs are superior to blacks. I wouldn't have a problem with you in your own country chucking spears at each other and eating mosquito burgers, but now your time is coming.

Sh-shut up! You darn Jew!
>Heh, gottem

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No it means woman are even bad at violence. Useless people

Black people do not taking responsibility for their actions, are highly aggressive and lack empathy.

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because you exist

As if prison violence isn't a thing.

doggos bark due to domestication from wolves, wolves don't bark
the bark is a trait that is a byproduct of breeding for elite genes in dog population another byproduct is lower melanin, dogs bark because they were bred to bark, so you hit the nail on the head without even realizing it, broken clock meet hammer that hits home once a day
Jow Forums is racist because they were bred to be

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Definitely pit all violent men in prison.

One in every five adult black men is a felon...A FELON...I never even gotten a speeding ticket.

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and OP asking why whites hate niggers
like why do dogs hate coyotes and wolves and foxes, they are the same right? No and you're nothing like a dog, you're a wolf in sheeps clothing "friend" and this little pig will not let you in { o}

I don't hate you. I respect anyone and judge individually. But I want my grandchildren to resemble me. I feel alien in a diverse environment. And some more dark skin individuals have something of an ape to their skulls and it reminds me of my own possivle animalistic heritage if evolution is true...

>Black people

There's a difference.
So long as you're not a nigger, I got no problem. Work on getting the black community to stray away from niggerish behavior that Hollywood and the left have glorified and we'll all be better off.
>Jow Forums isn't one person

You're not showing your flag, so I don't know if I hate you.

If you're in Africa, I don't hate you. You have every right to exist in your homeland. Just like I have a right to exist in mine.

2 posts

>dogs are inferiors to humans and you still love them right
American men the last century hunted wolves to eradication in the lower 48 states. Modern dogs are a full part of our families.
Wolves = Dangerous animals
Dogs = Beloved members of our families

>dogs act inferior and are treated like dogs

You might wanna find a better analogy.

>Consistently votes socialist

I could go on all day, Africanization is horrible, living around ghouls is horrible and anyone who has, knows. I honestly wouldn't wish you upon my worst enemy.

>that means we should put all men into jail?
The vast majority of men aren't violent criminals, even Black men. Violent men are already put in jail. The % of the White male population that are violent criminals is very small. Same with Asian men. Black men commit violent crime at much higher rates than other racial/ethnic groups.

Black women commit violent crime at astronomically higher rates than White, Asian and Hispanic women. The best way to cut the most amount of crime while imprisoning the least amount of people would be to imprison or genocide all Blacks.

It would cut 100s of billions from the welfare budget. It would cut 100s of billion from our legal, law enforcement and penal systems. While only eliminating a few billion from tax revenue. It would be a huge net benefit to our economy and to American tax payers.

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No, you're right, those are our only logical choices. Either kick you out, or put all men in jail. You've convinced me.

Digits confirm, dogs > niggers

close enough

>You hate work
>you suck on the Gov. Tit
>Sorry,the WORLD'S TIT
>You invented nothing
>You perfected nothing
>You are bad workers when you work
>You are egotistical
>You smell like dried shit
>You try to do good,expect something in return straight away,get violent
>You were good at entertainment you even fucked that up.

>>You perfected nothing
Stealing bikes?

>why do you hate me?
I don't hate you or care if you are inferior. I just don't want you in my country.

Checked. A lot of people here don't hate black people but:
Resent the fact anti white rhetoric is accepted in popular media while anti black gets you shunned
Resent the fact that posting statistics like how there's not an epidemic of black men being shot, there's an epidemic of all people being shot and the proportion of black men being shot is relative to the amount of violent crime they commit, and posting this gets you called racist
Resent the fact the leaders in SA say things like "we are not calling for the killing of white people...yet", but when you point this out, "peace loving"liberals call you racist

hahahahah stupid French nigger
your filename gives you away

it's not so much hate as it's me being tired of giving you guys chances. i keep telling myself that you'll get your shit together and stop hindering society, but i'm beginning to realize that day will never come. as long as you can bitch and whine for gibs about slavery that you never experienced while slavery is still practiced in your home continent, and treat the first race to actively end slavery and segregation so shittily blows my mind. we try and pull you up to our level and you throw it back in our faces. you know what would be easier and more cost effective? to ship you all to africa. do you have any idea how good that would be for the country? yet we still try and try and i honestly don't know why anymore

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jesus fucking christ


Racecars btfo!!!

i hate only muslims, black and white ones. i don't hate black people but i don't won't them in Italy for free money.. stay in Africa, fight for your land!

I don't hate black people as individuals, I just can't get away from the fact that due to reduced brain matter in the pre-frontal cortex black people aren't able to evaluate the consequences of their actions or keep their emotions in check.

Honestly I wish there was no difference between races "beneath the skin", however there is a real economic cost to bringing black people into a society and their crimes have real victims.

The only blacks I've ever got along with are ones I've met at work who didn't get fired or quit before a year.

Yeah that's right. In general if you aren't really bothering whites, then there's no problem.

jesus fucking christ, fucking niggers

Sub saharan BBQ

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im born here
it is more MY COUNTRY than yours faggot

Anchor babies are born here too. Everyone knows birthright citizenship is trash.

>even if i was inferior dogs are inferiors to humans and you still love them right ? so its not an excuse
This is literally the best argument I've ever heard for not hating nigs.

You're going to make us extinct by fucking our women who don't know any better because women are dumb as bricks. This is why we hate you.

Holy shit are things really that bad in bongland? It's only the lowest of the low white chicks in the states doing that.

I tried to find this on bestgore but I can't, any link?
They usually have a news story with it, prob some south american

black parenting at it's best

fucking hell go see your psychiatrist immediately edgelord

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got it from /b/

Literally 1% of American infants so it can’t be more in the U.K

It’s all you niggers and you can’t deny that. Go back to Africa. It was a big Jewish mistake that you’re even here in the first place. You ruin everything besides maybe blues music. Or stay but shut the fuck up for fucks sake and stop hating whites because the Jewish media tells you to. If you people just woke up to the manipulation and told media clowns to fuck off then there wouldn’t be any problems. You are like dogs. The dems can steal all of your money behind your back but then the preach buzzwords to you and pretend to love you so that you do whatever they say. Speak up or gtfo.

Ok look my nigga. Dont take Jow Forums too serious. All this Hate against Black/Asian/Italian/Turk etc etc etc etc all they do is shill hate threads on this board 24/7. Chances are you will think Jow Forums hates everyone but infact our charming Fren Simulator is infested/infiltrated since atleast early 2016. Also know that being a nigger is mostly defined by your behaviour and not your skincolour bruh. If you want to be respected read books, never identify with niggermusic what they call "HipHop" nowadays and learn to properly articulate ofc. Trust me no matter what you think, i saw Jow Forums that night when that nigger cunt went on a rampage because of his wife or w/e and started killing people randomly at thanksgivingday. There was this video of him running up to this army vet senior black guy who went to buy groceries for thanksgiving and was on his way home his family waiting for him. Ofc this dumb nigger cunt had to go up to him and murder him cold blood "For his wife" or w/e. Anyway i saw 95% of Jow Forumsacks cry out of sympathy for this guy that night.. Thats when i realized the real people on this board actually care for each other no matter what colour you have. Niggers just have no empathy at all, just like animals.
t.kebab achmed

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You are an inferior sub-species lacking empathy, intelligence, and impulse control. No matter how domesticated you appear, you are never more than a perceived slight away from violence.

news story? i hope the piece of shit got caught. nothing more pathetic and weak then hurting babies lol

in other words,
>just make sure you gibsmedem resources when we come knocking nigg...I mean...proud african kang....

Can you be my dog? I'll give you pets and treats.

i will go back to africa when all white people from america go back to europe

Why? You have no claims to America. That is not yours either. We had to kill all of those Indians to win this land. It’s ours. The world doesn’t respect your feelings sir. It’s kill or be killed. I actually want the white South Africans to leave if they have to. Ever read Malcolm X? You seem to be infected with some moral liberal brainwashing.

Admit it, your greatest fear is white people leaving your people to your own devices.

I want you to have a long and happy life in your own country


I don't hate you, I just want to live in an all white country without you.

>Newfags cant triforce



Dogs can be trained to be loyal and obedient, niggers not so much

I'm guessing Jow Forums learned every unicode character for whitespace and autodeletes it.

Kill yourself nigger waste of bananas and oxygen

100% this.

Dogs are superior to humans.

Thanks for making my scar 17

Because they know the BBC is supreme so they are insecure all their women will leave them.

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most Jow Forumstards would gladly offer their wives to you if they had one

>white people are usually hostile, rude, and they usually harbor a barely-concealed enmity toward blacks. it's just more pleasant to not be around them.

>90% of violence is made by men
>that means we should put all men into jail?
No, but it does mean you definitely should be more wary of being assaulted when you're around men. Same reason people are wary of blacks, it's just logical.

Dogs have souls


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One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is true!

Maybe if you invent or work or do something useful people will see you in a different light.