Hey Orthobros I just found out about this badass 120m cathedral being built in Romania, can't wait to fucking visit once it's built.
Orthodoxy or Death
Hey Orthobros I just found out about this badass 120m cathedral being built in Romania, can't wait to fucking visit once it's built.
Orthodoxy or Death
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deus vult
Beautiful! Imagine what gym of palace of culture could be done with it
Looks pretty.
it will be a gym for the soul
it will be palace of orthodox culture
>the libshits whinned about this being built
Oh wow sure, because Jesus Christ said that salvation comes from building tall and extravagant buildings.
>Not by faith, but by spending through tons of money on extravagant lifestyles and imperialist building is one saved to enter an eternal life...
Looks like a fuckin Mormon Temple. Absolute dogshit 0/10 may as well be an evangelical megachurch jesus fucking christ.
this. would still visit though
looks good
we have a plan too but the catholic church doesnt want it to get built because it's "pagan"
Disgusting idolatry.
>God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.
James 4:6
Looks like it'll be a decent cathedral from the architecture, but I suspect all the paintings on the inside will be some flamboyant dogshit, like in many modern churches.
Is that from Spain?
Well the Catholic center like to spend money rapefugees,than Europeans.
Stay Strong
I hope it gets burned to the ground.
gay, looks like muslim/hindu crap.
orthodoxy is literally the gayest religion. eastern europoors are trash. Traditional Catholicism (SSPX) is the one true religion
Wash your mouth out you son of a bitch. Deus Vult is a CATHOLIC phrase only! Got it? You little faggot orthodox never helped in the crusades you hid while us Catholics did the dirty work and saved your bitch asses
Yet most of you have erections about getting back Hagia Sophia,if it can't be done,will just be build a new one.
You can have your "church" in the toilet of a burger shop.
Orthodoxy does have the best music. Really makes you wana deus to the vult
That's why you guys pray in burger joints?
2 prayers get one free?Elvis comes with the package?
56% Church right here.
No it doesn't. Orthodox never joined the crusades, they hid like little faggots. Catholics were the ones who went on the Crusades by themselves. Catholics have the best music you pleb:
Catholic priests fuck your sons,Orthodox priests fuck your wife.
Like the AustrioHungarians hid from the Ottomans?
And betrayed Romania/Bulgaria.
Real Crusaders:)))
The Catholic way son,Crusaders through and through.
Orthodoxy is way more masculine and traditional than Catholcuckianity, think we can all agree on that
Voia Domnului!
>Orthodoxy or Death
Says the Turkish rape baby
True Slavs follow the Slavic Native Faith
> jesus christ
You mean rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef?
I prefer how China handles Muslims thank you
calm down rabbi
Not only Muslims but also christcucks! Based China fighting Abrahamistic religions!
found the shitskin rapebaby swedish cuck
>>if you don't worship the king of the jews and don't want a jew to be the lord of your fellow white people you're a kike
>t christnigger
Looks sterile and infertile
Pagans cannot into art
>Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece
Orthodoxy, Mormonism and protestantanism = Same Abrahamic desert jew cult different denominations.
Christianity was made by non-white shitskin sand nigger israelites who were ethnically jewish. Jews created Christianity for goys to follow, and Judaism was for the jewish race which they saw as elite
Judaism teaches Jews to fuck over goys and use them, and Christianity teaches goys to get fucked over and be tools.
>nigger loving jew cock sucker calls Pagans infertile
As far as art is concerned:
>The baptism of Cornelius is an important event in the history of the early Christian church, along with the conversion and baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. The Christian church was first formed around the original disciples and followers of Jesus, all of whom were Jewish. All males in that community were circumcised and observed the Law of Moses. The reception of Cornelius sparked a conversation among the Jewish leaders of the new Christian church, culminating in the decision to allow Gentiles to become Christians without conforming to Jewish requirements for circumcision, as recounted in Acts 15(Acts 15).
What's with the Roma shills, why they keep flooding Jow Forums, what do they want?!
Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews. The first Christians were all Jews. The Christian god is Yahweh. Abraham was a Jew. The only name jewier than Abraham is Yahweh.
All types of Christianity are inherently multi racial unlike Paganism which has racial element to it.
This is the Orthodox Church's statement on Matthew Heimbach
Statement Regarding Matthew Heimbach I received Matthew Heimbach into the Orthodox communion through the sacrament of Chrismation. I did not understand at that time that he held nationalistic, segregationist views. Immediately upon learning of the scope and development of Matthew's views, I responded to his decisions quickly and decisively, meeting with him in person and by phone on multiple occasions, and conferring with our bishop.
Typically pastoral issues are best handled confidentially between priest and penitent in order to protect the privacy of those coming for counsel.
"If, however, a person makes inflammatory public statements in the name of the Orthodox Faith, as in the present case of Matthew Heinbach, a public statement is most certainly warranted."
Though Matthew has made progress in coming to understand the teachings of Christ, he has not formally renounced his views promoting a separationist ideology.
"Orthodoxy rejects the teaching that churches or countries should be divided along racial lines. For, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus' (Gal. 3:28). And again, ‘They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one Shepherd" (Jn. 10:16)."
Matthew must cease and desist all activities, both online, in print, and in person, promoting racist and seperationist ideologies, effective immediately. He must formally reject violence, hate speech, and the heresy of Phyletism. Finally, he must submit to period of formal penance in order to be received back into the Orthodox communion.
how long until muslims take it over?
They want special status for being christian but Pagans know that they are subhuman, Jew worshiping subhumans perhaps?
lots of tender brights and atheist+ posters the last couple of hours. little queer shills. sucking up the postmodern godless poison that destroyed the west
Orthodox christcucks and other jew worshipers united with Jews to destroy White America. For what you ask? For equality bullshit and civil rights which gave christniggers the right to legally marry White women. These losers were motivated by jews and their christianity:
>Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef.
Our Pagan ancestors killed homosexuals and deserters. Jews and their Christian slaves made homosexuals priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children.
kys kike rat
Probably built by beggars and thiefs.
what??? fellate varg someplace else memeflag. you know canon law held acts against nature as heinous and required severe punishment.
>Hail Varg, hail Odin!
A reminder that salvation is of the Lord and that absolutely nowhere in the Bible does Jesus command us to built enormous, gilded palaces filled with graven images. You go to heaven by believing God, not joining a church or going through some nebulous 12 step program that no one can even point you to in the Bible to begin with.
>Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
>Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
>But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments
>Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
>Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
>Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
>Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
>And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
>Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
>But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
>separation of church and state
MODS bin this one
>can't afford to build roads
>build giant church instead
Romanians are as retarded as Poles it seems
kys orthodox 56% shitskin
embarrassing kitsch
>pagans can’t do art
>posts building based on thousands of years of pagan architecture
>Picture of a fat white male = insult
Ok christnigger. I don't see any major problem with that guy, he is fat, he needs to work out and get in shape and stay healthy
romanians have the best orthodox architecture, prove me wrong
> opinion of a ch*istian shitskin
> prove me wrong
>be poor country
>have shit hospitals, schools, orphanages
>have areas where people don't know what electricity is
>774 kilometers of highway
>rich as fuck corrupt church takes money from the people to build a monument to Romanian stupidity near another monument to Romanian stupidity
It's like having an 8 inch cock, but not enough blood to get it hard.
fuck off you autistic retard
The Orthodox Church is building churches, while the Catholics bulldoze them or convert them into mosques.
Synagogues, churches and mosques they are all not European. It's in our best interests to destroy synagogues mosques and turn churches into Pagan temples because many churches were built on Pagan holy sites after cutting down the holy trees.
>Alex Jones' mass censorship
>Article 11 and Article 13 implemented in the EU
>Lots of shadowbanning on the biggest social media platforms out there
>Sites being purged of shitposters and others that are deamed "politically incorrect", such as the case with Reddit and YouTube
>Tech companies caught trying to influence the election through any means necessary while Mark Zuckerberg has been very shady and silent about it
>Hardly any politician is speaking out about this publicly and anyone who is talking about these issues are censored to high hell and nobody knows about it
>Before you know it, /b/ and Jow Forums are next on the chopping block and we might be eliminated. Maybe all of Jow Forums will be shut down if this gets out of hand
Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
>this is the 21st century Iconoclasm
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
>THEY want to surpass you
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy
You are way more important than you think you are
>you have free thought, inner voice and an abstract mind
You are a direct threat to the A.I
>good job!!!
"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody... which do you choose"
Defeat THEM by never backing down
Enjoy and redpill
"NEVER give up ground, always have a strong will, and never let them censor you".. .....