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T-Series Based > JewDiePie Soon
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Fuck off poo, based pewds will win
>be talentless swedecuck dropout
>record yourself screaming at video games because you're desperate for attention
>land on a youtube algorithm and then ride 9-year-olds to the top
>severely damage their fragile young minds and earn millions of subscriptions/money whilst doing it
>several years later
>reach over 60 million dollars yet still haven't donated two-tenths of fuck all of your millions to anybody because you're an extremely selfish literal money hoarding kike
>try to be edgy and make racist jokes because your sex jokes are beyond stale t
>millions of autists from Jow Forums and plebbit become brofags overnight because they believe having a swedecuck retard as their voice is a good idea
>the right becomes a complete joke with kekistani and brofag autists humiliating it on all fronts
>anyone with an IQ above 85 are propelled from the right because it has become nothing but a brain damaging shit feast of severely autistic manchildren who worship a meme frog and the biggest retard in existence
>the right continues to deteriorate under the weight of its colossal stupidity so much so that it allows liberals and feminists to develop actual criticisms towards the right wing's logic
>your autistic army has no idea how to address any criticism made towards you without resorting to "u just jelly", "fuck you", "reported" "but my forced memes!!" which keeps humiliating you even more
>no popular youtuber wants to call you out on how degenerate you are because they are scared of an autistic brofag avalanche raining down on their channel and getting them removed
to the "im le epic edgy for hating E celebs" garbage bin with this one. Most of us were cucked before we started coming to Jow Forums and got redpilled retard
t. Jealous YouTube faggot
>Are you sure, Ivan?
T Series is the indian version of Vimeo, so who gives a shit?
Eros Now
13,956,456 subscribers
I can't watch the video rn, someone pls give me a tl;dr