Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
How do you think it's affected your life? Personality wise, relationship wise, education wise. Any health problems at all?
Do you see yourself as "white"?
Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
How do you think it's affected your life? Personality wise, relationship wise, education wise. Any health problems at all?
Do you see yourself as "white"?
Other urls found in this thread:
(((Semitic "white"))) when I must
just kidding .. i'm not a pedo enabling fiend ...
There was a guy on the 23andme forums last year who thought the company'd mixed up his kit with someone else's, because his showed 0% Ashkenazi ancestry. Long story short, he came back to the thread two months later and said he'd confronted his mother after some of her familial accounts started to not add up, and she admitted they weren't Jewish in any sense of the word, she hadn't even converted, she just "didn't want to be a boring white Christian." This guy's entire life had been built on a lie, about his "ancestors' persecution" and such. He apparently lost his shit, disowned his mother and went a little "fuck the Jews, man," which struck me as a bit of unfair blame.
Not exactly what you were looking for in this thread, I think, but still funny.
Kek he’s probably reading this right now.
14/88 brother, white Christian ain’t boring.
Lmao that’s pretty fucked up
My mother is jewish. I dont think it has affected me at all yet except for the fact that people always want to talk about it extensively since there are nearly no jews left in germany. My father is egyptian so i wouldnt really call myself white. I have black hair and brown eyes but pale skin.
>jewish dna
>Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
Jewish DNA on my mum's side (her father is jewish, so she's not considered a jew). I was raised a catholic.
>How do you think it's affected your life? Personality wise, relationship wise, education wise. Any health problems at all?
I think I may be bipolar and it's definitely due to these genes. My mum is bipolar, she took meds as a teen but they didn't help. My pop will have bouts of what can only be described as mania. He started one of his first businesses during an episode, judging from what I heard of his account.
>Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
I'm half Jewish, both my grandfathers were more or less pure blooded Jews who married Slavic women.
>How do you think it's affected your life? Personality wise, relationship wise, education wise. Any health problems at all?
I have a huge amount of Jewish relatives, some of whom are essentially Jow Forums memes, but most are decent people. It's given me some huge relationship problems, since I refuse to race mix, and finding a girl who is both half Jew, half Slav and a Christian despite having Jew blood is rare. Personality wise, I have some personality traits that could be called Jewish, but I try to suppress them. Education wise it's been a help, Jews tend to be smart and value education a lot, so my parents made sure to educate me properly. No health problems, other than being a skinny skeleton.
>Do you see yourself as "white"?
I'm only half white, so I see myself as half white. I'm not like a larping Amerimutt who's convinced themselves that they're pure German because they're 1/12 Irish.
Jewish and whiter than white, i look like the bloody moon.
But as i'm also blue eyed, blonde haired and taller than almost everyone i meet i don't feel very out of place.
And yes i know my dad and have had a dna test and such, he's black haired and mediterranean skinned but otherwise quite alike.
The nose thing always seemed weird to me as mine's small and only like 1 in 10 jews have a big nose, but i figured that it is one of those things, like ears, that never stops growing... and since jews grow very old (100+ is not uncommon in my family) i figure it's the age that does it, not the genes directly.
Besides my family's history in these lands predates present-day nation states and even the Netherlands entirely, who are they to bother me about not fitting in?
And the last dudes who tried to remove us with a lot of fanfare got millions of their own killed and their country bombed, raped and torn apart so i'm not too worried about my own fate, just for the fate of the country should such things happen again.
Though i must admit that the aftermath of the war did provide an unexpected opportunity to identify and isolate the actual human garbage that plagued this land... maybe another war might enable another such purge of destructive fantasts like the nazis.
I have jews, arabs, berbers, and pawhatan wayyy back
>Christianity ain’t boring
(insert copyrighted laughing pepe meme here)
Whiter than most of you guys.
few percent ashkenazi here, blue eyes, 190cm, can grow a full beard since my late teens, ie. better that 90 percent of the slavshits here
>half jew half slav girls are rare
even been to eastern europe? Youd be surprised how many jewish mutts is here, Jow Forums was right about the holocaust not being real, they didnt all go to israel lol
based fellow white person
My German grandad was the result of an affair between a famous Jewish historian and a local slutty bakery worker. I only found this out recently. I am a historian working in the exact same field as him. Must be the autistic joy found in philology
being from a maternal jewish line is cancer, consider yourself lucky
>Do you see yourself as "white"?
that's like asking an aryan if he considers himself an african dindu
>Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
I am 1/16th Ashkenazi
>How do you think it's affected your life?
Was shitty when I was in prison for two years, everyone kept asking me what ethnicity I was, even the guards, people would go "Are you Italian? Are you Greek? Are you Lebanese?
>Do you see yourself as "white"?
Yes, I see myself as Anglo
People don't know that but a lot of the "whites" from Brazil are actually jews, they're descendents of the jewish people that ran away from europe, the so called "New Christians" changed their names so no one cound recognize them. So even tho Brazil doesn't have a jewish culture, we do have their blood.
Partial DNA, mostly Russian.
It has only turned me into anti Jewish if anything, mostly based on how Jews act and what they think. Some would argue that I'm self hating, but I don't hate myself or people like me, but Jews who have a strong Jewish identity and all the delusions that come with it.
I look white and grew up in euro culture and I consider myself white.
Don't know if Jewish or not but I do have the surnamename -stein down the family line. Could just be German. Either way I don't really have any issues with it.
And no, I do not consider myself of my nation "white."
why are you living in Israel then?
are you from beer sheva or something? only the brown jews act like shits
That's most of lat america.
Why do people keep asking this? I was born here, my parents didn't consult me beforehand, I'm not rich so I can't just buy a citizenship elsewhere.
Nah, it's not about mizrahim, it's about the Jewish religion and culture. The goy hatred and delusions of grandeur, the blaming everyone but never examining your own behavior, the endless whining and entitlement. I just think that the classic Jewish identity is legitimately bad, and that antisemitism is just a reaction to how Jews tend to act. Unfortunately both mizrahim and ashkenazis are inflicted by this state of mind.
just fake marry with some european for a passport, israeli passports are quite looked after, you could even land a swiss passport, its time to learn how to be a jew bro
I don't want a sham marriage and especially not in countries where the women have a right to destroy men during divorce. I'd rather just work and save until I can invest in some nation for citizenship or residency.
you sound like a goy
right so im goy mom jew dad, south american, so as far as rabbis go im goy. My family is 100% secular, and in the army ive been to nativ and gone through all the steps except the very last one, so i got to see and live with the religious ones as well (+ in army, beinishim).
every sub-culture in israel is guilty of some of these but thats no shocker... you just make it sound like its everyone. its not...
are israelis from the sharon proud with delusions of grandeur? hardly.
are seculars goy haters? lmao.
are settlers whiners and entitled? they literally build everything around them themselves...
generally, the biggest offender IS mizrahim traditional but not orthodox religious. they are the ones with aversion to goy mixing (and that's disappearing fast... russian+mizrahi very common), acting like entitled assholes (israeli mechoar), etc... its pretty much just them and only the subhuman IQ ones.
haredim are the next in line and we barely even consider them israeli.
we have a retard problem, not a jew problem
>it's about the Jewish religion and culture. The goy hatred and delusions of grandeur, the blaming everyone but never examining your own behavior, the endless whining and entitlement.
But it's the same in every Eastern European country. Just replace goy with jew/gypsy/slav/bozgor.
Of course it's not everyone, but the reason that different groups are inflicted by those behaviors is their Jewish identity, and the culture that they've inherited. You can't deny Jewish superiority and victimhood complexes, they are extremely visible. So I'm anti Jewish. It does not mean that I hate all those with Jewish blood universally, but recognize that the issue stems from what Jews have become in diaspora. And that's the reason why I quite like Israel, it makes Jews less jewy and more like normal nationalities.
here in israel, i don't see any victimhood complex. on a global scale (ie conventions and summits) yeah. because its true. but here internally? nah... superiority? only in academics and even then, spoken by politicians 90% of the time. the other 10% is like, university heads and such in "pride speeches" to keep the researchers from leaving... so its a lie to begin with, to people who don't believe in it. come on...
anyways id love to meet and talk but im not keen on giving away info on an indonesian handcrafting board so ill just keep it there.
>Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
Fully Hebrew.
>How do you think it's affected your life? Personality wise, relationship wise, education wise.
>Any health problems at all?
>Do you see yourself as "white"?
The jews you know of and see on television are impostors. No hebrew is white, or wants to be.
>Nah, it's not about mizrahim, it's about the Jewish religion and culture. The goy hatred and delusions of grandeur, the blaming everyone but never examining your own behavior, the endless whining and entitlement. I just think that the classic Jewish identity is legitimately bad, and that antisemitism is just a reaction to how Jews tend to act. Unfortunately both mizrahim and ashkenazis are inflicted by this state of mind.
110% based and redpilled.
Post nerdy Jewish chicks, the kind who are so lonely they let you give them the rough anal and steal cases of Kosher dogs from their uncles deli for you
Jewish from mother's side. Sepharadi blood. Most early brazilian settlers were all jews, they explored the whole country and made us what we are today (geographicaly).
Brazilian see jews as white, as most brazilians are mixed, jews are one of the only "pure" races here (asians being the other), so it sparks admiration and curiosity.
Ok well, Israel is in my view the cure for typical Jewish behavior, so those symptoms are less visible here.
But victimhood can be seen in the fact that the Holocaust, for example, is still extremely relevant. In fact, all past transgressions against Jews are mentioned once Jews are criticized for how they behave or behaved. The eternal suffering of the Jews is a part of their culture. It is true that Jews were victims, but they never seem to actually ask why were they victimized. It seems unfathomable for Jews to think that perhaps pogroms and the holocaust happened for a reason, and not due to some cartoon villain nazis who just scapegoated them out of jealousy. That maybe their continued behavior is what caused people to hate them. And thus they have almost no chance to change such behavior on their own accord.
They only do so now because of a healthy psychological effect from having an actual nation. I agree that it's seen less in Israel and will stress that I believe that Israelism or national Zionism will eradicate such behaviors.
(I'm the same user just moved from my phone)
One drop rule, she is a sand nigger if she has even one drop, not truly White.
welp i have both jew and Jow Forums filtered.
My x wife looked just like this and i googled her family name and it often comes up as a french Jewish name yet they were not religious at all. Could her grand parents have been passing Jews who forgot to tell their kids
I really like mashing my ball sack on her big nose
I'm about 5% khazar in the rest is mixed White. It helps with the neuroplasticity. I own a real estate brokerage and I'm a young guy. It's Definitely made me successful.
This, although they will never be truly Aryan.
Superiority can be seen from mostly religious Jews actually, but the majority of Jews also feel morally superior with no good reason to as far as I can see. I think that stems from the fact that they find it hard to self-examine as I said, so they always feel that they are with no fault whatsoever throughout the entirety of history. They act as if Jews are saints and geniuses and Europeans are brutes who killed them out of childish jealousy again and again, while the truth is that Europeans built most of the thing you and I love, they are far from just being violent thugs. But as you can understand in actuality I'm talking about a subset of the victimhood complex. If you are morally and practically supirior then any transgression against you is unfair or pathological.
>Jow Forums is unironicaly a safe forum for jewbros to discuss the plus and minuses of their jewnes
Kek....I’m not chosen and I despise Zionism but here’s a shoutout to all ye kosher sum’bitches
the problem being that pogroms and such were done also to those who you wouldn't know are jewish without checking ancestry. most german jews were secular, they didnt give two shits about judaism, but they still got assfucked. hence, they are victims for something they never did. a large part of them didnt even know themselves they were jewish due to secularization. its easy to forget that... obviously haredim-types deserve some discipline. what if then you get disciplined along with them? thats basically what happened.
so yeah its getting better but its not unjustified. in american diaspora its unjustified. they are powerful and rich, not prosecuted, well respected. and to top it all they are mostly reform lmao the rabbinate considers that goy. would you not be a victim if you get fucked over because some diaspora leftist fucks up the US?
>partial jewish DNA
Gets me out of trouble when I make jew jokes too loudly
Damn, that sucks for him. But 23andme does warn you about that kind of thing happening. People find out they're adopted and never knew about it, things like that. I'm waiting to see what my data shows, it has been processing for a few weeks.
why would that be noteworthy ?
say what you will about 4chin but pic related it's the most honest social media site of our time .
haredim and the other nigger-tier jews have superiority complexes... dati leumi not so much, depends on the area. ive lived with some in gush etzion (so pretty hardcore dati leumi) the most condescending thing they believe in is that they should be an example to goyim. how is that a bad thing? i mean, change dati leumi to finland and goyim to europe, is that bad? thats legit what every single person on earth should think with respect to the rest of the world...
they do hate the germans though. but thats nothing, 3-4 generations they will forget all about it. the brits hate the french, the chinese hate the japs, ecuador hates peru, etc... its not special.
the only transgression that is "illegal" so to speak is delegitimizing the state of israel, and that doesn't require reasoning (although it exists). survival instinct should be enough.
Its pretty devastating man because there are fuck all Jews in this country to begin with. I was expecting something shitty like Iberian but wasn't prepared for this.
It this why they are so obsessed with polarizing the word thanks?
>le daily let's normalize jews thread
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
Post Khazar milkers
How do you determine if you have partial Jewish DNA if it's been discovered that Jews have almost no Jewish DNA?
So are ya Chinese or Japanese?
>her father is jewish, so she's not considered a jew
>buying the ‘if your mother is a jew you’re a jew’ meme that jews use to prevent being destroyed as a culture when they are inevitably conquered as they have been time and time again and their women are BLEACHED
> I refuse to race mix, and finding a girl who is both half Jew, half Slav and a Christian despite having Jew blood is rare
based jew
>Are you jewish, or do you have partial jewish DNA?
yes, at least half of total my ethnicity is ashkenazi
>How do you think it's affected your life? Personality wise, relationship wise, education wise. Any health problems at all?
upper echelon IQ, but proclivities towards asthma and digestion problems. Some family members have observable mental disorders. Overall I have had a great life, albeit philosophical.
>Do you see yourself as "white"?
in as much as "whiteness" is derived from European origin, yes.
typical christians are the true evil
lie about everything because all they really want is loli chan gash and to give genital herpes to a boys ass pussy
on a scale of one to ten are you bangable?
But look, why are you going on to explain to me how the Jews truly were victims instead of answering me regarding the reason that they were victimized? I won't even go into the fact that there were mischling citizens in the reich and even the German army, but even if it was all that bad, do you think that it was uncalled for? As far as you know secular Jews were just as shitty as current American diaspora. That is truly in control of the media and finances, degenerating the nation morally to the point that the Weimar Republic got to, and talking shit about German culture and tradition. They still had a publicly expressed Jewish identity even if they were secular, and they still didn't look German a lot of the times.
I pity the truly faultless victims, but collective punishment is the only way to deal with a problem stemming from the collective, and I hope you understand that Germans simply have the right to get rid of any undesirables, just as we have the right to get rid of the "Israeli" Arabs here.
Yup, supiriority isn't that bad and healthy peoples should have some desire to be an example to others. It's absolutely legitimate in Israel, but absolutely illegitimate while in diaspora and under a host nation. It should also be healthy as in stemming from nationalism and not ethnoreligious doctrine in my view.
I've got 1% Jewish DNA. Yes, I see myself as white.
but who is "they"? some jews were victimized for being annoying like hardeim. thats true. but everyone perceived jewish (even the not annoying ones) got the stick. if they were to differentiate by behavior rather than family ledgers (nurenberg laws) then it would be justified as far as im concerned. the problem is that they didn't. and that's faulty both practically (didn't work, + gave us more power) and harder to execute (a normal law system is easy to justify). they fucked up morally and practically in that regard... we have a right to get rid of arabs here because they are an immediate hazard. jews were annoying, ugly, you name it. they didnt stab or blow up by the numbers. and even so, we were merciful. we should have forced them out (most fled, instructed by their leaders with the promise that they will retake the land first). those who stayed could easily have had a better life in egypt or jordan, and we would have better security. they decided to fight and we decided to let them and now we're all stuck together.
as for superiority under diaspora, even more legitimate. guests should behave themselves (i don't really see how religion being the reason is a problem, as its generally accepted by all major religions in the first place)... the problem is that they either try too hard (flaunt it) or don't do it altogether (hypocrites), and they should be punished for that, on a case by case basis...
-1/4 Ashkenazi through my dad
-132 IQ
-Finance wise I wish it helped, but the Jew side are working middle class types.
-Personality wise I'm better off. They're all laid back with good senses of humor as opposed to the
uptight nutty anglo saxon sides. They're also pretty alpha as opposed to whatever weak neurotic jew stereotype I see constantly.
-Healthy as a horse
Blond hair, blue eyes, in a room full of "white" people I'm usually by far the whitest. DNA is 100% European, Paternal haplogroup is I, yeah I'm white.
You have a very liberal view of groups. But truth is that groups are groups, there is no reason to treat them on a case to case basis. I also disagree that the Jews were not an immediate hazard. The false notion that Jews were hated for no real reason is typical Jewish self-deception, no offence intended. Destroying the culture of a nation is not being annoying, it is a crime against the nation. The Germans sure thought that the Jews were an immediate threat, and at the end of the day, they had the right to decide who are the undesirables of their nation. And we have the right to be as cruel as they were because our survival should be our first concern.
Do you know the Nurenberg laws? Do you know that even half-Jews had the chance to escape persecution and that a German identity and Christianity in fact were taken into account? They aren't unfair by a longshot, they're even benevolent compared to what we learned about Nazis. If they were followed or not is a different question.
In diaspora the one legitimate path is assimilation, and assimilation has no place for ideas of supiriority. Act otherwise and you deserve to be shunned - you are actively hurting national unity.