
>Middle Eastern

Attached: 1536906940154.png (848x1426, 1.62M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>land of his ancestors

Attached: 1536907038458.jpg (2052x3066, 965K)

Totally from the Levant

Attached: Miss Israel.jpg (640x420, 174K)

Attached: Yitzhak Rabin.jpg (2052x3066, 602K)

The line of David

Attached: 1536907443164.jpg (980x1030, 1.28M)

>Not yet another European colony

Pure middle eastern blood

Attached: סופיה מצטנר.jpg (518x777, 36K)

Attached: PikiWiki_Israel_39160_People_of_Israel.jpg (2896x1944, 2.05M)

Nice try whitey

Attached: BHI-Israelites-Black-Hebrew.jpg (380x234, 37K)

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Serious question why do they enlist people with Down syndrome in the army? I don't think they can be useful even as paper-pushers.

Say what you want but these uniforms are /fa/ af

Why was this thread even made? Great job, OP.

They can probably still carry sandsacks or whatever

They have new uniforms
right : old
left: new

Attached: es6j3m3gaq611.jpg (2048x2048, 354K)

well yea we're in the middle east senpai

>le hot jew jidf PSYOP file number 826.jpg
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: image.jpg (3666x3284, 1.23M)

>w-we white now


You're in France but I can see your nose from here, Moshe.


no it isnt , the right side olive colored uniform is the standard idf 'bet'(field) uniform .

Attached: photo-11-640x400.jpg (640x400, 64K)

>Implying the black Jews are more middle eastern than the others


Congratulations, you have figured out what ashkenazi jewish means

>implying blacks are european

Attached: CW6uKbdWsAA5tHO.jpg (1200x600, 125K)

Israel is an european colony with a black minority

i love how Jow Forumsacks take articles from haaretz and jpost to prove us, who live here, wrong.
the old uniform is the standard uniform. fact.
only SF have different combat uniform, and its not the one you linked to either...

For the same reason the French are still allowed on this board.

Attached: 1474674271609.png (241x263, 13K)

>disgusting curly jew hair
Why is curly kike hair so ugly?

also they're trying new uniforms every fucking year , they tried to replace our blue IAF jumpsuits twice during my service and the beige IAF alef uniform once .

most israeli jews have no european blood (this wont be true for long because of all of the mixing but most of the ancestors of most individual wont be european)

Attached: 1513716844455.jpg (754x528, 80K)

He's Russian he will be balding at 25.

behead those who insult Jews

stop manlusting after our men finnbro , also it's not curly it's too short to tell. that hair is wayy longer then army regulation i bet he has fucked up hair or scars on his head or something to get this approved (or he's reserve).

according to Jow Forums jews arent white
A pale skinned caucasoid ethnic group that has been living and interbreeding in europe for thousands of years ..... not white

Attached: IMG_1978.jpg (818x784, 98K)

hes reserve

>insert comment

Attached: France-National-Team.jpg (958x640, 87K)

Why would your mind go there? Are you gay? Oh you're just jewish

Don't give the fuckers any ideas.

manlusting a Russian
You disgusting fingol

Who even said that? They are mostly slavs, with some semites here and there.

>literally never saw a russian man in his life
dude looks no more then 1/4 russian
calling us white would be an insult , whites are a lower race

Attached: ss+(2018-09-15+at+03.37.41).jpg (2125x1205, 421K)

Hes a jew you fucking faggot baquette

Best players are blacks because of genetics, we have 6-7% of blacks in France.

>Who even said that?
do you even lurk here ever nigger?

>according to Jow Forums jews arent white
Nice try, Moshe.

Attached: jews are a race.jpg (520x754, 78K)

go and take your gay shit to another thread you degenerate

i even even even nigger even.

>best players are black because they have superior genetics
t.french faggot cuckold

>implying for jews "white" is a race and not a label used to describe european christians

maybe in 1950,1960s before millions of arab jews

cuckstians aint white fuccboi

that's just tzanhanim shoes but then again i was airforce tech the fuck do i know .
no homo

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they have superior genetics for sport you uneducated child everybody knows that

>some rachel dolezal tier delusional kike wishes they were middle eastern so they could get opression points so they write this article
>some Jow Forumstard actually falls for it

no they dont you weak little manlet cuckboi

>denying science

t.weak little manlet witeboi

t. even weaker little manlet whiteboi

>Israel girls and women
obviously fake

they are my senpai , i train for a year i can run X km , literally the fattest lazyest ethiopian in the country can run 10X untrained twice as fast .
they have better genes for this shit because more of their ancestors hunted in the savannahs for a living where you run all day where's ours spent a lot of time not moving much to conserve energy because of snow\winter.

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Stop projecting little faggot

I dont give a fuck how far some little skinny nigger can run. White men are the strongest on this earth FACT

Nice filename Moshe.

Attached: Wojak jew.png (250x235, 60K)

>being this delisioned

you triggered little cuck? I recommend you take steroids since you clearly are an effeminate weakling

PR. Its why they put gay people in front of every camera. Because people, who allow gays to walk among them can't be a land stealing, children murdering group of people.

Don't make the JIDF see this. They will shitpost for weeks.

>dyel confirmed

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Why not move to Israel if you're so proud of being a jew?
You clearly have a vested interest in Israel yet you live in France.
Genuine question, why is that?

literally every jew in existance

Attached: 1536527454013.png (853x937, 511K)

There are prolly 200K real jews left on earth.

Its just done senpai....

I'm not Jewish I'm Armenian

Not the point of this thread. This thread protesting jews claiming they descended from israelites and god's chosen people when in reality most of them are just european converts stealing arab land

all infantry switched to bellevile shoes (nvmd the color) at least a decade ago... hes reserve. probably paratroopers, possibly kfir but i wouldnt count on it, he doesnt look the type.

you're a little short weak sandnigger


Your lies are further proof of your judaism.

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every image I used is from Google image

the fallacies arise from mismatches in the definition of who is a jew. this closes half the thread on pol lmao.

You're pushing against an open door here, dude

People with Down syndrome are not required to join the army, the ones in the photo requested to join, and are serving with easier terms for less time (although when they joined they can't go back)

Regardless it's understood that ashkenazi jews are ethnically european.
However a jew is a jew before he's anything else so trying to coax "white nationalists" into supporting zionism because israel's "white" is not a viable scheme to gain support for israel.

white nationalists are retard I don't care about them and I'm not trying to convince people to support Israel I'm pointing the hypocrisy of the national narrative in Israel

trust me, there is nothing european about this country.
The driving is indian tier and its full of mizrahim which make this place look like africa

>Bad driving isn't European
Learn about southern Europe

>Every time I read about a Jew somewhere identifying as a white person, I cringe. As an Israeli Jew, who like most other Israeli Jews, is completely foreign to the concept of Jews being “white” I would like to address this article to my Jewish brothers and sisters in America.

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National narrative?
I don't know what the narrative over there in Franch is but over here the only hypocrisy to be found is in it's supporters.


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all Mediterraneans are a little savage... greeks and italians kek
its the heat senpai. we lose patience.

Jews are most mutted ethnicity in the word of course they would have any different looking
(including white) people but gladly not for long, remember that every jew looking remotely human get it from other white people who was dumb enough to mud up his own genes breeding with them, true jew is very arab looking manlet brown skin creature with disgustingly huge nose who are desperately desire to become at least partially white to not feel like a subhuman to himself and then creating obvious bait threads like this everywhere they can in hope for acceptance from another whites.

It makes it worse shilled by other Europeans playing jew

100% levantine people aren't ugly (look at lebanese people)

This is considered cp by the fags mods, you know

fuckin Yiddiot

>Proud of being a mutt

Explains the amount of American foreign aid to Israel

American Jews have given more 1 trillion dollars to Israel in private charity since 1948. They have been lobbying congress for military aid very, very hard.