Reminder that we must stand together

Reminder that we must stand together.

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based Italibro deport all gyppos to Africa

Romanians aren't gypsies.
I wish. It makes me mad that they are giving you a bad name.

>thogher with french faggots,romanian thieves and iberian feminazi
no thanks,fuck them all

First of all you are a jew and you should not exist. Second of all the Albanians scum that used to infest Romania are gypsies not Romanians.

Tbh I would really love being invaded by a new right wing SPQR, instead of our communist government

Make it happen

Why do romanians think they can associate with some of the 4 greatest countries on earth ?

Like what have you done in history ?

do you really think you're on the same level as us ?

They speak a Romance language is the connection here I guess.

Ubi pluma petasum tuum!?

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>Reminder that we must stand together.
Reminder that jews work 24/7 to try to prevent that from happening: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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See this thread for examples.

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Reminder also, that all europeans should stand together, we are facing the same treat (non european invasion into our lands).

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A new right wing SPQR you say?

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Yes my fellow Latin brethren


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Shut up you fucking faggot, no one means this when we talk about brotherhood and unity. You're a fucking agitator bringing in this retarded idea that is counter to all our fucking aims and promoted by no one of merit. You literally only bring it up to create bickering and confusion about what is meant when we speak about european nationalist cooperation.

Don't any of you fall for this shit, recognize this tactic.
Pro-unity doesn't mean pro-union.

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Chutzpah at its finest

fuck France, remove them

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fucking globalists

Yeah no thanks we are good.

enemy of every european

Educate yourself faggot

back to the oven, jew

Can i repatriate to Spain, Spainbro?
>argentine parents
>4 galician, 2 asturian, 2 friulian (north italian) great grandparents
The amerimutts think im mystery meat because im hispanic and the spics hate me calling me a colonizer.

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>Cooperation between european nationalists to protect our borders

nice try d&c shill

other nations like french and germany are my number one enemies


yes we know that mohamed

(((France))) and (((Germany)))

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if you knew european history you would know that it's only a big battlefield

Literal subhuman Gypsies. Kys OP.

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I really have to wonder why it is that it's always some Portuguese licking the boots of Germany and France and whining about D&C.


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if you knew european history you would know that we have no time for more european brother wars, while we are being outbreed and replaced in our own countries. You should try to use common sense ince in a while,but i'm talking with a shill or probably a non white immigrant in italy

>no more brother wars
the greatest meme to ever exists

Please remove the French from that picture.

so you will go to africa then gypsy?

>european cooperation
>licking the boots of someone.

fuck off colonial.

you have to go back nog

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cancer has to be removed at the root
post revolutionary France is not a "brother" entity
I don't agree with him on Germany though, Germans are extremely demoralized post denazification and were our allies against internationalism

fuck off mutt

I support this idea despite having nothing to do with any of those

The anti european shill still trying. That's too much seen pal, we will not fall again.


it's historical,every time we are allied with them it never goes well

It is licking the boots. Any time someone rightly points out that this or that nation has a track record of being a danger to others we can almost be certain that some Portuguese will fly in to cry about D&C or shilling.

They destroyed the Roman Empire and even had the nerve to claim themselves as the successors. They always looked down upon us.

europeans are destinated to fight,there is no meme that can stop that

Fuck (((SPQR))) civcucks

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>I don't agree with him on Germany though, Germans are extremely demoralized post denazification and were our allies against internationalism
Then perhaps you might want to see how Germany connects to Masonic France, because there most certainly is a connection.

now you are the civcucks,negro

All conquered by Rome.

I agree why would you willingly join an alliance of failures?

>stand together
yes, the non whites of europe, dirty brown meds should stand together against whites.. hmmm.

based pic but you forgot russia. best european alliance would be Russia-Italy-Germany-Spain IMHO

"Thanks" to you mutt ideology, moor

Worth mentioning that the Gauls started it. It wasn't the Romans who crossed the Alps first.

That's beautiful and all that but you do something about it and help the cause beyond larping in the political section of an anime discussion imageboard?

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you are thirsty for (you)s

>spanish shitmonkey wants to ally with slav subhumans

imagine my shock

I mean come on, Romania is a fake country with a fake history made up in 19. century

good,fuck you

the empire largely destroyed itself by overexpanding, abandoning its roots and becoming a cosmopolitan american-tier melting pot, putting it out of its misery and allowing Europe to reorganize is probably the best deed Germanics ever did, even without knowing it

We aren't the ones becoming an African colony, Mbape.

We will fight no longer, because in 150 years if nothing changes, and we don´t act together against the NWO to protect our countries there will be no more french, italians, dutch, portuguese or any european in our countries

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Rome needed to rise up from the ashes, not be destroyed for good and have it's corpse paraded around by the germanic subhumans wanting LARP as Romans.

Romania is culturally slavic not Latin you stupid fucking clueless retard

we will,it doesn't matter how you feel

Gauls invaded Italy at the same time than the Italics did. See Golasecca Culture.

Was it worth it, user?

>Caelia you give yourself to Parthians,
>you give yourself to Germans,
>you give yourself to Dacians.
>You do not reject the beds of Cilicians and Cappadocians.
>From the Pharian city the Egyptian stud comes for you as does the black Indian from the Red Sea.
>You don't even draw the line at the circumcised members of the Jewish race
>and the Alan with his Sarmatian mount does not pass you by.
>What is your reason that although you are a Roman girl
>you do not find pleasure in the members of the Roman race?
From Epigrams of Marcus Valerius Martialis

No we are becoming gypsy and asians instead.

You will not, nogs and muslims and all sorts of mongrels from out of europe will run our countries, we may thank to scum like you.

Albania, are you still fucking goats in Kosovo?

I'm not worried about pre-history. I'm talking about Brennos.

i will fight those sub-humans just like any other europeans,enemies on every side

What are you trying to say? thots always existed.

Contributions of Spain and Portugal to science and economy aren't way more greater than that of Romania desu. The only countries which contributed to these areas are usual Western Europe and Italy

the Germanics to a large degree did that, because they were mesmerized by the idea of Rome and respected it so much they asked the Pope for the authority to call themselves heirs of Rome, despite having the military edge/superiority and technically not needing to do so
Ostrogoths and even Lombards were quite respectful of Latin culture, the latter almost immediately abandoned their culture in favor of the Romanic one

ironically, the Gothic wars provoked by Byzantines are probably the biggest damage the peninsula ever withstood, largely for nothing since it was left in ashes

That is nonsense. Gyppos are nomads, they will just move to Eufrica when given a shove.

You will be outnumberd 1000 to 1, just open a demog chart, you brainlet shill. Do you think 1 single european country will change anything on the scnario we are facing.

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>You will be outnumberd 1000 to 1
wrong,stupid globalist


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Sure they will thats why they grow by 100+k every decade.

They didn't, they just destroyed an Empire and found out that our culture was way superior to their primitive and tribal ways. Also read about the Ostrogothic rule in Italy, they were assholess that bullied Roman citizens. There's a reason why the citizens helped the Eastern Romans invading Italy.

Fuck french faggots

Yes.... if one European country makes a stand it will empower the rest of us.

>only the oppressed people of Europe can transcend the idea of their national borders to put aside all forms of difference to form up, conduct war, and in doing so completely annihilate the EU so that the stage can be set to grow from out the ashes the Phoenix of a mega state that is Europa

We are not here to conquer Europe or save it, we are here to defend our country.


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sure anti-european shill, sure

It's a shame Hungarians are incapable of getting along with Romania... but you chose to fight for no reason.

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european people don't exist
prove me wrong,all-loving globalist

exactly, cooperation between europeans. not fighting each other, like in the wwi and wwii and so on

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Who the fuck needs frenchcucks when you have Hungary