He cross his legs like some faggot

>he cross his legs like some faggot

Attached: 502786663-612x612.jpg (612x408, 37K)

Gook male genitals are so small that crossing their legs in this fashion is perfectly comfortable.

It's comfy.show me a picture of how not to sit like a faggot?


Attached: legs crossed.jpg (900x738, 68K)

that seating position is literally called "The Ball crusher"
If you had an once of scrote you would already know.

Attached: 3547654576867.png (1448x1892, 635K)

Put your junk above the cross and it's fine. Oh... does yours not reach up that far? :-(

it's okay in office since I can't squat on chair or sit on my left feet

Only an effeminate girly man crosses his legs when he sits.

Attached: FocusedDetailedFrog-poster.jpg (450x360, 24K)

You're supposed to cross your leg over your knee, not your thigh, giving your sack ample breathing room.